3 week of pregnancy from conception
At the 3rd week of pregnancy from conception, most women are already aware that they are in a position. It is at this time that a note is a delay in menstruation and most of the signs of pregnancy

What happens to the baby at 3 weeks

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, a lot of important changes take place with the baby. The main thing is that at this time most of the internal systems of the embryo are formed: the respiratory system, nervous, hematopoietic. At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the future internal organs of the baby, tissues, even the skeletal system are already being laid.

During this period, it is necessary to minimize the influence of harmful factors, – explains obstetrician-gynecologist Dina Absalyamova. – Avoid junk food and negative physical influences, for example, do not overcool, do not overwork, do not visit the X-ray room. Naturally, you need to forget about bad habits – smoking, alcohol. All this can negatively affect the development of the baby.

The 3rd week of pregnancy is very important, since during this period there is a serious threat of miscarriage. Therefore, it is better for a woman to give up outdoor activities and serious loads.

Fetal ultrasound

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan of the fetus is already indicative. The expectant mother will be able to consider the so-called fertilized egg, which is fixed in the uterus, or maybe there will be more than one. An ultrasound examination will immediately exclude an ectopic pregnancy, so it is recommended to do it at this time.

What ultrasound will not show is pathologies in the development of the fetus (it is too small) and the sex of the unborn child. But by the end of the 3rd week of pregnancy, with the help of a sensitive ultrasound machine, the mother can hear the baby’s little heart beating. If you wish, you can print a photo for memory.

Photo life

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, there are no noticeable changes in the woman’s body. In appearance, it will not be possible to suspect that she is in an interesting position.

Some especially attentive girls may notice that the tummy is slightly swollen and the jeans are not so easily fastened at the waist.

At this time, the cells of the fetus are actively dividing. The baby is still tiny, about 1,5-2 mm long and weighs about a gram. In the photo of the abdomen, 2 weeks of pregnancy and the 3rd child looks like a tiny dot, resembling a sesame seed in size.

What happens to mom at 3 weeks

A woman at 3 weeks pregnant, as a rule, already knows for sure that she is expecting a baby. The main sign of pregnancy during this period is the absence of menstruation. Provided that a woman has a regular cycle.

The fetus in the uterus is actively developing, and the mother’s body spends a lot of energy on this process. Hence the fatigue and weakness that some women complain about in the early stages.

It is observed at 3 weeks and a decrease in immunity. It happens due to the fact that the amount of hCG in the body of the expectant mother increases, preventing her body from rejecting the fetus. Sometimes because of this, the temperature rises slightly – up to 37,5 degrees.

Other serious changes occur with the mother at the 3rd week of pregnancy, in particular, the hormonal background of the woman changes. Under the influence of estrogen, the mammary glands increase, but because of it, headaches and dizziness can also occur.

Another hormone, progesterone, calms the muscles of the uterus, but at the same time relaxes other organs, such as the intestines. Due to the effects of progesterone, the expectant mother may experience heartburn and constipation.

What sensations can you experience in 3 week

It is at the 3rd week of pregnancy that most of the signs of an “interesting situation” make themselves felt. At this time, in many women, the breasts swell and become painful, and the nipples darken. At 3 weeks from conception, the first signs of toxicosis appear. Some dishes suddenly become damn attractive, while others literally turn back. The same goes for smells. Nausea can haunt the expectant mother not only in the morning, but throughout the day.

In addition, at the 3rd week of pregnancy, the following signs are observed.

  • Fatigue and drowsiness, which are due to hormonal changes and the fact that the body spends energy resources on the development of the baby.
  • Pain or cramps in the lower abdomen. They appear when the fetus attaches to the uterus, or when it stretches. If the pain is barely noticeable, then you should not worry. If discomfort is felt, consult a doctor, this may be a symptom of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Minor vaginal discharge. Usually these are brownish smears that a woman finds on her underwear. Sometimes such discharge is confused with the onset of menstruation, but they most often indicate that the embryo is safely fixed in the uterus.
  • Bloating. It is caused by hormonal changes and changes in the diet of the expectant mother.
  • Sensitivity and even soreness of the breasts.
  • Mood swings influenced by hormones. I want to cry, then laugh, some girls admit.
  • Frequent urination. This is due to the fact that a pregnant woman drinks more fluids, and the kidneys work more actively.


Menstruation is the main indicator of pregnancy at 3 weeks from conception, or rather, not menstruation itself, but their absence. It is this week that they should start if you have a regular 28-day cycle. Didn’t start? Do you have strange sensations in the lower abdomen and chest pains? Then it’s time to buy a pregnancy test. At week 3, almost any test strip will show whether you are in position or not.

Be careful – at this time, some girls find smearing brownish discharge on linen. They do not necessarily indicate the beginning of menstruation, sometimes just the opposite – they are a sign of successful conception.

Stomach ache

Some women in the early stages of pregnancy experience discomfort in the lower abdomen. The pain is similar to what some people experience before menstruation. If the pain is moderate and does not cause you discomfort, you should not be afraid. Sometimes it is provoked by a visit to the gynecologist or sexual intercourse, or maybe it is associated with intestinal obstruction, which was caused by hormonal changes.

However, if the pain does not give you rest, it is better to report them to the gynecologist. Sometimes sharp, sharp spasms can be a signal of serious problems: cervical erosion, frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

In these cases, there is a high risk that the woman will need hospitalization.

“At the 3rd week, serious changes occur with the baby, during this period there are risks of abortion, so pain should be taken carefully,” explains gynecologist Dina Absalyamova. — Our life now consists of constant stress. Expectant mothers cannot lock themselves in an apartment and avoid society, and it is he who provokes experiences. Try to take care of yourself to the maximum during this period of bearing a baby, avoid worries and unpleasant emotions.

For a period of 3-4 weeks, an ectopic pregnancy also makes itself felt. At this time, the embryo, if it grows outside the uterus, begins to cause discomfort. It stretches the tissues, most often on the right or left lower abdomen, where the fallopian tubes are located. This is partly why pain during an ectopic pregnancy is often confused with appendicitis. With such pain, be sure to consult a gynecologist or go for an ultrasound. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous and should be terminated as soon as possible.

Brown discharge

With mom at 3 weeks pregnant, a whole range of changes occur, including brownish discharge. If they are insignificant, this may indicate that the embryo has attached to the uterus. But in some cases, the discharge should alert the expectant mother.

– Brownish or bright red discharge, along with abdominal pain, may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, – clarifies obstetrician-gynecologist Dina Absalyamova. – You need to take especially seriously the bright scarlet discharge, they speak of fresh bleeding. It can happen when a fertilized egg, for example, is rejected from the uterine cavity. In such a situation, you need to call an ambulance and contact the gynecological hospital.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to determine pregnancy at 3 weeks using tests?
Certainly yes. It is at 3 weeks of pregnancy that the level of the hCG hormone is already indicative, and a pharmacy test strip will give a positive result. Similarly, your position will be confirmed by blood tests for hCG. An ultrasound of the fetus at the 2nd week of pregnancy is not yet very revealing, but at the 3rd week it will already allow you to determine that a new life has arisen in the woman’s body. True, while the child will be only a small dot on the screen.
Photo of the abdomen at 3 weeks pregnant, is it worth it?
At this time, you can already go for an ultrasound scan and ask the doctor to print out the first frames from the life of your unborn baby. While the child is very small, only a couple of millimeters in length, however, the main internal systems have already begun to form in him. If we talk about the photo of the abdomen at the 2nd week of pregnancy and at the 3rd, then outwardly it is still the same as before conception. Unless many women note a slight swelling.
What is early toxicosis?
At the 3rd week of pregnancy, some women experience toxicosis. It develops due to the restructuring of the hormonal system and changes in the functioning of the nervous system. Toxicosis usually manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting (more often in the morning), as well as weakness, fatigue and drowsiness. There are other forms of toxicosis, for example, dermatosis, when a woman’s skin begins to itch. Sometimes pregnant women feel cramps in the muscles or pain in the limbs.
What can not be done at 3 weeks pregnant?
In general, during pregnancy, you need to give up bad habits, especially alcohol and cigarettes. It is also important to change the diet, choosing more healthy foods, and leaving spicy, fried and salty in the past. Because of the risk of miscarriage at 3 weeks, expectant mothers are advised to avoid physical activity, such as not lifting heavy things, and not to worry or worry.
Is it possible to have sex?
Sex during pregnancy is generally not contraindicated. Another thing is that under the influence of hormones in the early stages, there is no particular desire to engage in pleasures. Many women experience discomfort, complain of fatigue and drowsiness, chest pain, toxicosis – with such symptoms, there is no time for sex.

However, if the desire is not lost, then the body has a need for sex. You should not deny yourself pleasures, you just need to give preference to more relaxed sex, which does not require serious physical exertion. Your joys will not harm the embryo in any way, the mother’s womb reliably protects it from any influences.

What to do if the temperature rises?
A slight increase in temperature at the 3rd week of pregnancy may be due to hormonal changes. But if the thermometer shows a real fever, you need to inform the doctor about it.

– An increase in body temperature in a future mother up to 38 degrees can be explained by a pathology of the thyroid gland, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to be examined by an endocrinologist. Now a visit to him is included in the routine examination of all pregnant women. Sometimes an increase in temperature is associated with an infection, alas, we are all not immune from the common cold. If this happens, you need to contact a therapist or Laura. You don’t have to be prescribed antibiotics or antiviral drugs, usually for expectant mothers they choose general strengthening therapy, prescribe vitamins, wash the nose and throat with solutions that are not absorbed into the blood, explains gynecologist Dina Absalyamova.

How to eat right?
Women who already have children often hint to expectant mothers that they need to eat more. Of course, you can eat for two, but this is a direct road to excess weight, swelling and metabolic problems.

“You need to eat right, according to the regimen and varied,” clarifies obstetrician-gynecologist Dina Absalyamova. – Food should be of high quality, contain a minimum of preservatives, stabilizers, flavors and other chemicals, but be rich in vitamins and trace elements. It is recommended to eat every 3-4 hours. At night – a light dinner two hours before bedtime. In the morning with toxicosis, without getting out of bed, have something to eat.

If your taste preferences have suddenly changed radically, try not to be led by them, consult your doctor. If meat is disgusting to you, a specialist will be able to recommend other sources of protein, such as dry balanced mixes.

“Pregnant women are advised to eat fruits, meat dishes, curd products, fish, turkey, rice, vegetables, drink fruit drinks and homemade juices,” explains gynecologist Dina Absalyamova.

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