Their condition worsens with age and sometimes as a result of improper practicing of sports. People who ride a bike, runners or obese people complain about joint pain and other ailments. Fortunately, there are simple ways to improve the condition of your joints.
We can strengthen the knee joints in three ways:
Contrary to appearances, what we eat has a huge impact on how our joints function. Firstly, diet we can regulate the degree of hydration and efficiency of the joints. For this purpose, it is good that we often reach for Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. We can find them in fatty sea fish (salmon, eel, herring), nuts and seeds as well as oils such as olive oil. However, it is also worth taking care of the right amount of protein, which is the building block of our joints. Therefore, the diet must not lack dairy products, cheese, fish, meat or legumes. Substances from which synovial fluid is built (it is responsible for efficiency) can be found in legumes, groats, pasta and wholegrain bread. It is also worth reaching for them because they are a valuable source of vitamin B. Without this ingredient, we are more exposed to stress, which in turn may lead to faster wear of the synovial fluid.
There are quite a few supplements available in pharmacies that can help improve joint function. They include substances such as fish oil, hyaluronic acid, omega-3 acid, omega-6 acid and collagen, which moisturize the joints, improve their range of motion and eliminate pain. Usually you should take 1-2 capsules a day. There are also many preparations that have anti-inflammatory effects on the joints. They usually include herbs such as tulsi, ashwagandha, ginger, ginseng and turmeric. Remember, however, that you will have to wait at least two months for the effects of the supplements.
In the case of exercise as important as what we do is what we don’t do. If we are prone to problems with knee joints, it is important that we give up sports that put the most strain on these parts of the body. These include mainly running and cycling. However, such disciplines as swimming, Nordic walking (thanks to the sticks the weight of the body is transferred from the legs to the hands), yoga or mild aerobics will work well. We can do useful exercises even at home. It is worth betting on gentle stretching of these parts of the legs: twisting the knees in figure eights, bending and straightening, pulling the legs to the body while lying down, touching the hands to the ground while standing. Each physical effort must be preceded by a few-minute warm-up, i.e. stretching the joints, and end each exercise session with the same training.