3 types of stress and how to deal with them

Every day we face a variety of sources of stress. On the eve of the holidays, there are more reasons for concern. We worry that there is not enough money for gifts, we get upset because of conflicts with relatives. Globally, there are only three types of stress. Having figured out what type of problem the problem belongs to, we will understand how to deal with it.

For many of us, stress gnaws constantly, both during the day and at night, making it difficult to fall asleep. The increased irritability caused by it can eventually lead to illness, anxiety disorders and depression. Constant stress and dealing with it can become so habitual that you have no idea how you can change the established pattern. Perhaps you grew up in an unhealthy family atmosphere and because of this, you experienced constant pressure as a child. Perhaps they have not learned effective ways to deal with feelings.

Every thought triggers a physiological reaction in the body.

When faced with a stressful problem, the first step is to break it down into its component parts. So it will be easier to cope with it and find a reasonable approach. This will help you understand how much the solution to the problem depends on you (completely, partially or not at all). 3 main types of problems that cause stress.

1. A problematic situation in which you can change something

Such situations are under our control, it remains to be creative and find a solution. It depends only on you whether you can get rid of the constantly gnawing stress. This may involve getting the other person to change behavior, set personal boundaries, make a plan to get out of a difficult situation (for example, financial) or change the environment. For example, you may decide to quit if the job causes constant stress. In any case, you need to remember that improvement will not come until you stop being a victim and start actively solving the problem.

2. Problems to take for granted

These are sources of stress that you have no control over. For example, terminal illnesses, accidents, housing conditions, or economic circumstances that you cannot change right now.

To more easily endure this type of stress, you need to learn to look at it differently. Strengthen all your resources – social, physical, spiritual. It is necessary to constantly repeat that you are currently accepting the situation as it is, and not trying to change it. When we spend energy fighting what we cannot change, we become restless and angry. This makes it difficult to think creatively, look for alternative approaches and enjoy life.

3. Problems to Avoid

For example, if you do not like crowds of people, go shopping during quiet hours. If you don’t have enough time, give up extra responsibilities. In case of financial difficulties, meet friends less often in restaurants and bars. Consciously avoid situations that add unnecessary stress to your life.

When choosing what to do, start from what kind of stress you are facing. By making a decision, you will regain a sense of control over your life – this will reduce stress and bring relief. Each thought causes a physiological reaction of the body, trying to think consciously, you will reduce the load on the stress-exhausted nervous system.

Managing stress is an important life skill that needs to be developed. Temperament partly affects the response to stress, but the skill still needs to be learned. In the future, everyone will encounter new sources of stress, and for emotional well-being it is better to deal with them as early as possible. To do this, it may be necessary to change the established ineffective patterns of thinking that prevent you from realizing your full potential. These patterns are usually formed due to an unhealthy upbringing or a dysfunctional atmosphere in the parental family, and they can be eliminated. Managing stress is an important tool for emotional well-being!

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