3 types of people who find it difficult to find a job

You have education, and desire, and experience, but you are chronically unlucky with work. Psychologists believe that three types of candidates have the hardest time. What are these types?

It’s hard to find a good job. Some job seekers spend months and even years monitoring vacancies, sending resumes and interviewing. Financial reserves are dwindling, self-esteem is declining, and there is still no work. Who is in the “risk group”?

1. Flyers or people who change jobs frequently

Hiring mistakes are costly, which is why HR professionals are wary of candidates who don’t stay long in one place. They seem unreliable. At the same time, in the modern world, people change jobs more often than 20-30 years ago. This trend will intensify in the coming years. Millennials love variety in everything, including work. 91% of respondents are not going to work in one place for more than 3 years.

Illustrate the value you brought in your previous jobs with facts and figures

Employers should pay attention to the advantages of candidates who often change jobs, namely flexibility and a variety of knowledge and skills. Applicants, in turn, can focus on their strengths if they not only list, but also describe in detail their achievements and skills in a CV.

Illustrate the value you brought in your previous jobs with facts and figures. You could write: “During N months of work at company A, I attracted X large customers, which led to an increase in annual income by Y%.” Your future boss won’t mind attracting big customers and increasing revenue in his company.

2. Chronically unemployed

Among the total number of unemployed, a significant percentage are those who cannot find a job for more than a year. They do not seem to be very successful candidates, firstly, because previous employers did not hire them, and secondly, because they could lose some of their work skills and the ability to work in a team.

Recruiting specialists recommend that those who cannot find a job for more than 6 months should do something useful. You can become a freelancer or volunteer. In addition, you should think about changing your job search strategy to a more aggressive one.

Don’t wait for recruiters to find your resume online. Call the HR managers of the companies you are interested in directly, engage in networking, including in social networks. Your chances will increase if an employee of the company brings your resume to the HR department.

3. Too skilled workers

It’s not uncommon for job seekers with a brilliant resume to be told, “You’re too good for us,” and denied a job. A potential employer wonders why such a candidate agrees to a modest salary and an ordinary position. The thought occurs to him: he will leave us as soon as he finds a better place, or he will ask for an increase in salary for his merits.

Don’t send the same resume to different companies

If you are an educated and experienced worker, explain why you want to work for him. A cover letter is a suitable format for explaining the reasons for your choice. Tell us about how your values ​​relate to the mission of the company and what prospects you see for yourself in this position. You may be tired of being in charge 24/7 and dreaming of a better work-life balance.

Whatever type of applicant you are, do not send the same resume to different companies, but try to edit the information depending on the vacancy.

About the author: Natalie Severt is a business expert, CV writing consultant at Uptowork Service Center, psychologist, columnist for The Guardian.

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