No, this is not external attractiveness, and even more so it does not meet the standards of the fashion industry. And not limitless opportunities – including financial ones. Happy people may not have all this, and yet they can always be distinguished from everyone else by the feeling that we have around them. We just want to continue to be in their company. What makes them so attractive?
Humanity has been trying for centuries to find the answer to the question of what makes us happy. There is a lot of research on this topic, and most scientists agree that optimism, kindness, the ability to feel gratitude, maintain hope, and use your strengths are important for happiness.
All this is really important, but if you ask others what makes them happy, the answers will be astonishingly simple. Such a survey was conducted among her clients by clinical psychologist Karen Nimmo.
The results were as follows: a walk in the woods, a cup of coffee drunk on the balcony on a fine day, playing with children, dancing, laughter, a motorcycle ride, a day at the beach, a delicious dinner, meeting old friends, a barbecue trip, the end of a big work project …
Nimmo talked to clients about this topic and identified three traits that unite truly happy people.
1. They don’t get into “if only…” fantasies
Many of us think: “If I had (more money, a fit body, more free time, normal bosses, a loving husband), I would …”.
External circumstances can really change the feeling of life, but the problem is that everything cannot always be smooth: there will be just bad days, and really serious problems.
The happiest people know that their past made them who they are now, but they don’t look back at it all the time or try to look far into the future. Their ability to stay in their “here and now” can only be envied. They enjoy the moment – and if the moment turned out to be unpleasant, they try to fix everything as soon as possible.
2. They have a meaningful reason to get up in the morning.
Happiness is to see the meaning in your actions, work, whatever it is: a startup or working in the field, making craft beer or raising children. The question is not to burn with your business every day, but to understand why you are doing it. It helps happy people get out of bed even on the toughest days.
3. They have people they love and can trust.
And the circle of these people is wider than a single partner, because in relations with him something can go wrong and in general life is unpredictable. Happy people have those with whom they feel free and relaxed, who they can always turn to for support and just have fun. And they value this circle.