3 top steak cooking secrets

Steak is a brutal food, known since primitive times and, probably, that is why it is so attractive. 

The first recipe for meat steak, officially published in a cookbook, was born in Great Britain in the XNUMXth century, and soon all of Europe was grilling steaks in different ways, depending on the culinary traditions of different countries.

It would seem, what is difficult – just to fry a piece of meat? However, there are a few secrets to keep your steak from turning into a stale sole, to be both fried and juicy at the same time. 


The first secret – preparing the meat

You cannot immediately cook a steak that was in the refrigerator a minute ago. Before frying, the meat should be removed at least 1-1,5 hours before you start doing anything with it. This will warm it up and cook evenly, making the steak perfect.

Second secret – no moisture

To get a nice crust, be sure to dry the meat thoroughly before frying with a paper towel and place it only in a well-heated skillet.

The third secret is the right oils

It is best to fry the steak in a mixture of vegetable oil and butter, sprinkling the piece with fat from a skillet from time to time.

If you are confused by the abundant amount of fat, there is a way to fry the steak without oil. This method was discovered and widely practiced by one of the most famous chefs in the world – Alain Ducasse. He advises that when frying, the piece should be placed in the pan with the side where the layer of fat passes. And this way, the melted fat will make the meat juicy and tasty and will save you the need to use oil or cooking oil. 

Delicious steaks for you!

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