Summer is not a reason to stop fighting overweight, especially since there are much more ways to get rid of extra pounds during this period. One of them is eating a lot of vegetables that are rich in fiber and moisture.
Due to the high starchiness of potatoes, those who are in the process of losing weight are afraid to use it. But in fact, you should be afraid of potatoes only if you intend to eat them often, fried or combining them with animal proteins. If you give preference to boiled or baked potatoes, then the starch contained in it is quickly broken down into simple sugars and is easily digested. All vitamins and minerals are preserved in potatoes baked in a peel, and the calorie content of the dishes is only 80 calories per 100 grams.
On a potato diet, you can lose 2 kilograms in 3 days. Combine the main product with fermented milk products, stewed vegetables, herbs and lettuce.
Cucumbers normalize metabolism, remove toxins from the body, and also improve the appearance. They are low in calories, while giving a tangible feeling of satiety. Fasting days on cucumbers will improve your well-being and get rid of a few extra pounds.
To do this, you should consume one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers and 1 boiled egg per day – all food should be broken into 4-5 meals. You can also drink cucumber juice with honey.
Zucchini contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. This vegetable lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes water-salt balance and removes toxins. The duration of the squash diet is 2-4 days, which will take up to 3 kilograms of excess weight. The norm of zucchini per day is 500 grams.
You can cook zucchini in any way other than frying. In this case, it is better to leave the peel of the vegetable, since it contains valuable nutrients. At this time, include in the menu lean meat, fish and plant components – leaves and vegetables. You can drink any unsweetened drinks and clean non-carbonated water.