3 simple methods for memorizing large amounts of text

Hello! Today we will talk about how to learn a large text quickly. After all, there are situations when in a limited time it is necessary to prepare for an important presentation, conference or just a meeting. And the memory treacherously fails at the right moment.

Yes, and banal memorization does not give results. Since the understanding of the meaning is lost, and a stumble at some point can be confusing. As a result, all the material that needed to be presented will be lost. And to remember without a prompt, so as not to create a big pause, is almost unrealistic.



I want to propose an algorithm of actions that is quite effective if you need to learn a large text by heart. So, it is necessary:

  • Read it several times first. The first is to get acquainted, and the second is to delve into the details, understand the meaning, the message that it carries.
  • Try to memorize the pictures of the association that arise in your head at the time of reading. If possible, try to invent them yourself, devote time to them. You can even try to put together all the necessary text into one picture. Even if it does not turn out to be very logical, it will remain in your head for a long time.
  • Now divide all the material into several parts and write words for each of them that you can rely on. That is, with the help of which you will understand and remember what the text is about.
  • It’s time for a retelling. First, in parts, peeping, then connect them all together. Try to train in front of a mirror, using facial expressions and gestures. This will allow you to feel less tension at the moment of broadcasting. Because it often happens that a person is distracted by thinking about where to put his hand, when to smile and how to put his feet. Because of what, he loses the thread of his thoughts, begins to worry and completely forgets what he wanted to say.

3 simple methods for memorizing large amounts of text

smart card

This method allows you to quickly reproduce any amount of text. And it consists in replacing words with pictures, diagrams, symbols. Which must be understandable and close to their author, creator.

It becomes the most popular among speakers, business coaches and even students. It takes a little getting used to it and you will understand how effective mind mapping is.

In general, stock up on colored pencils and try to make an intellectual map of your speech, presentation.


Copy the key phrases that will help you remember the whole paragraph on pieces of paper or stickers and hang them around the house. Preferably colored bright felt-tip pens or pencils, they will surely attract attention.

And then, while you brush your teeth, you will scroll through the necessary passages in your head, or while you wash the dishes, have breakfast, dry your hair, and so on.

Tricks and tricks

  • Record the material you need to study on the recorder and listen to it on the way home, to work, to the store, in general, at any time convenient for you. In addition to repeating what you have learned, some of the information will be deposited in your memory subconsciously, without requiring special efforts for this.
  • Remember how at school teachers in educational measures were forced to rewrite the same phrase? To ensure that the student acquires the necessary knowledge. Here is something like this you will have to do. Only not as a punishment, but to connect the visual form of memory. Rewrite each paragraph of your text several times. After that, for self-testing, try to complete this task, only without peeking anywhere, relying only on your own capabilities. So you make the brain work more actively, it will look for options, which means it will store the necessary information in the bowels of the subconscious.
  • Organize your own puzzle. Color with a felt-tip pen or proofreader at least one word in a sentence. At your choice. And then try to reproduce them from memory.

3 simple methods for memorizing large amounts of text


  • I think it is not worth reminding that at the time of the exercise there should be complete silence in the room. The phone is turned off, as is the TV, radio, and so on. No external stimuli that can distract attention. Otherwise, you will just be wasting your time.
  • Try using the tomato method. It improves work efficiency and saves time. Yes, and strength, too, because in this system there are well-deserved breaks.
  • To make it easier to deal with such tasks in the future, consistently perform various exercises to train your memory. This, as with physical exertion, the more there are, the easier it is to withstand them, as the muscles get stronger and endurance increases. Find the most interesting and useful ways in this article.
  • Sleep for the prescribed number of hours, then it will be easier for you to absorb any information, process it, and reproduce it after a certain period of time. A full-fledged quality rest is a guarantee not only of good health, but also of productive work.
  • Eat foods that are very necessary for your body and brain as a whole. Nuts, red fish, fruits, vegetables and various grains should be constantly in your diet. Otherwise, you will work, solve problems, and in general, think slowly, making a lot of effort. Why complicate your life when you can make it easier? For a more detailed list, click here.
  • Playing sports and walking in the fresh air fill the brain with oxygen, respectively, it copes with its work better. Do not neglect at least charging, then your energy will increase and you will complete the task faster.
  • Constantly train your brain to make it easier to memorize texts.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! And remember, it’s not always easy to cope with life’s difficulties, but if you don’t try, then surely nothing will work out. Be patient and persevere, then nothing can stop you on the way to achieve your goals.

Good luck in your self-development process!

We also recommend reading an article on how easy it is to learn to remember people’s names.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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