3 reasons why our income is not growing

To think that the level of income depends only on external factors — for example, the average salaries in the region and inflation rates — is a big mistake. In fact, our actions play a major role in this matter. What are we doing wrong? Why does someone’s salary increase, but we don’t? The financial adviser speaks.

Refusal of self-development

One of the main reasons why income levels not only do not rise, but sometimes fall, is our unwillingness to learn. And it’s not so much about getting higher education at the university.

Studying at a university and getting a profession in demand is only half the battle. The second half is to “pump” your abilities and become a narrowly focused specialist, which is not so much in the labor market. To do this, you need to regularly improve your skills, acquire new knowledge and skills.

For example, an ordinary therapist is unlikely to be able to claim a regular increase in income — a huge number of doctors work in the medical field with typical approaches to treating diseases. But a family doctor who specializes in disease prevention measures without antibiotics will be more in demand in the market.

This applies to any field of activity — healthcare, construction, trade or IT. In each of them, approaches to work change over time, advanced technologies are introduced, work processes are optimized. And only those who are not too lazy to learn everything new achieve success (as well as an increase in income).

Lack of goals

Many people do not have a clear idea of ​​​​what to do with life: they do not have plans even for a year ahead, not to mention a five-year or ten-year period. They do not understand what to strive for, and therefore they are thrown from side to side — from buying a ticket to the sea to acquiring a house in the village, in which not even all households are ready to live.

Meanwhile, income growth is a systematic strategy and long-term hard work. Financial well-being will not improve by itself while we sit on the couch and watch TV. Here you need to set clear goals, determine ways to achieve them and implement them.

Of course, laziness is not always to blame for such an attitude to life. Uncertainty can be associated with fears and wrong attitudes: for example, if we are afraid of change or think that earning big money is too difficult, that this is not about us, but in fact we have all the necessary qualities and skills.

The main thing in such a situation is to realize the existence of a problem, and then it will be possible to start solving it. And let it take a lot of time to work out, but it will help get rid of unfounded fears and take steps towards success.

Unsuitable environment

Look around and look at the people who are close to you. Who are they? People who are afraid to take risks? Who can’t stand their job but still go there? Or do they think that everyone owes them, and life in general is unfair?

An environment that lives with wrong attitudes pulls us down — it prevents us from developing and changing our lives for the better. Conversely, people who are not afraid of change and work instead of complaining are able to get us out of the most difficult situation. What can we say about situations related to self-development and career.

Income is growing, but there is no money

And if everything is wrong? If we do everything to increase income, it grows, but … it seems that there is no more money? Most likely, the matter is in financial illiteracy.

Raising the level of income, we, without noticing it, often increase the level of expenses. We buy unnecessary goods, abuse entertainment, do not save money … In general, we use funds irrationally. Because of this, we have no chance to raise capital and create a financial safety cushion for the family.

What does this lead to? Feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Life turns into a «rat race»: received money — gave money. And so in a circle. Being financially illiterate, we cannot make long-term plans, evaluate potential benefits and simply save. And then what difference does it make whether our income increases or not?

We must remember that only we ourselves are responsible for our lives and financial well-being. If you are not satisfied with the current level of income, you should not expect a miracle or hope for outside help. Engage in self-development, study financial literacy, change your social circle, get rid of fears, set yourself life goals and put them into practice. And the result will not be long in coming.

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