3 reasons to replace bearings in Ardo. Self repair

How to understand that the bearing of the washing machine Ardo out of order? Perhaps you have noticed that lately the laundry has not been wrung out well or the equipment is noisy? These could be signs of a breakdown. To change a damaged part, you have to work hard. Nevertheless, repairs can be carried out independently by following the instructions in the article.

How to change the bearing in SMA “Ardo”?

To replace the bearing, you will have to completely disassemble the washer. Some users are scared off by such a volume of work, but if everything is done in stages, the repair will end successfully.

Overloading the drum with laundry contributes to rapid wear of the inner part. Deformation of the seal, which protects the bearing from moisture, is also the cause of wear and destruction of the element. Here are some signs that accompany a breakdown:

  • Strong noises during washing and spinning: creaking, knocking, clanging.
  • Low spin speed, as a result – wet laundry at the exit.
  • Frequent imbalance. When rotating, the drum dangles, which leads to imbalance.

You can also open the hatch and shake the drum with your hand. If a large gap is visible between the tank and the drum, the bearing is damaged. To change a part, start by disassembling the SMA.

How to disassemble Ardo machine?

Start by preparing for the repair. Take these tools:

  • slotted and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • a set of open-end and socket wrenches;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • rubber hammer;
  • chisel;
  • spare parts;
  • grease “Litol-24”.

Start by turning off the water inlet valve and unplug the washer from the outlet. Further:

  • Prepare a container and disconnect communications from the case. Direct the hoses directly into the container, as water will flow out of them.
  • Turn the machine with the back wall towards you.
  • After unscrewing the two bolts at the back, remove the top cover.
  • Remove the rear panel by unscrewing the screws around the perimeter.

So the panels have been removed. Now proceed to the dismantling of the internal elements. Follow instructions:

  • Carefully remove the drive belt from the engine and tank.
  • Disconnect all sensors and wires (may be fastened with plastic clamps) from the tank.
  • Grounding is also attached to the base of the shaft. It must be removed by unscrewing the nut.

Behind the tank is released. Go to TEN. Disconnect the heater wiring, twist the central nut (not completely) and push the bolt inward. Remove the element from the slot.

Now inspect the top of the SMA body. A counterweight is hidden under the cover, which is fixed with a metal plate. Take a socket wrench, unscrew the mounting bolts and remove the counterweight.

Returning to the back of the machine, fix the metal flywheel (the wheel that the belt is attached to) with a screwdriver or a wooden plank. This is necessary so that the flywheel mounted on the flange does not rotate. Using a 13 mm socket, unscrew the fixing bolt and remove the wheel from its place.

Then use a little trick. Twist the bolts around the perimeter of the tank that hold the two halves together. Now you can get one part of it with a drum through the rear wall without affecting the engine and shock absorbers. Be careful as the sharp edges of the housing can injure your hands. Therefore, alternately push one side or the other.

At this point, disassembly is complete. Next, you will learn how to install a new drum bearing.

How to remove and replace the bearing in SMA “Ardo”?

In order not to damage the elements during dismantling, place half of the tank on an old tire or brick support. To make the replacement as easy as possible, lubricate the center of the tank with WD-40, which eats away rust. Subsequently, it will be easier to remove the parts from the seat.

Then proceed like this:

  • Tapping with a rubber mallet, knock out the drum shaft until it comes out of the tank opening.
  • In the tank opening you will see the old bearing and oil seal (seal). Remove the rubber seal and knock out the ring from the socket. To do this, install a chisel on the outer ring and, tapping with a hammer, knock out the inner and outer bearings.
  • Clean the nest from scale and dirt with a rag and sandpaper. Treat the inside of the tank in the same way.

Now it’s up to the little things. Replacing bearings in the Ardo washing machine is carried out in the reverse order. Immediately install the inner ring into the seat (also tapping the edges with a chisel), then the lubricated oil seal. Turn half of the tank over and install the outer ring. Then clean the drum shaft, lubricate with grease and assemble the structure together.

The video shows how parts are replaced in a workshop:

What bearings are needed for the Ardo washing machine?

The bearing, as well as the oil seal, should be chosen based on the model of the machine. For example, “Ardo” a400, a600x, a800, a1000x require parts of different sizes. It is impossible to give exact uniform standards for suitable elements, because the manufacturer can change the characteristics of spare parts.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, take the old item and go to the store with it. Each spare part has a serial number, according to which you can buy a new part. This applies to all Ardo washers.

We hope our recommendations will help to replace broken elements and restore the operation of equipment. To prolong the life of the bearings, do not load more laundry into the drum than indicated in the instructions. Run preventive programs with anti-calc products to protect internal parts from damage.

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