3 Reasons to Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Bed with You

3 Reasons to Allow Your Dog to Sleep in Bed with You

And three more – to prohibit the pet such pranks once and for all.

Is man a friend to a dog? Sure. And so close that sometimes the four-legged are sure that it was they who got themselves a man, and not vice versa. Many dog ​​owners even cuddle with their pets. But is this a good idea?

“To understand this, you need to answer yourself a few questions. Does your pet snore? Do several pets sleep with you? If so, do they all get along? Is there enough space on your bed? Does your pet suffer from incontinence? Are you suffering from sleep disorders? How clean is your dog? Do you have allergies or immune problems, even temporary? ” – Lists Gabby Pagana, Doctor of Veterinary Science.

3 reasons to let your dog go to bed

At firstSleeping in the company of a dog can have a beneficial effect on the psychological background. It turns out that closeness with a pet helps to lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of stress and depression. This is because sleeping with your dog in your arms triggers the release of oxytocin, the hormone of love, into the brain. Accordingly, levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, are reduced. Hence the positive effect.

SecondlyThis close proximity strengthens your emotional bond with your pet. Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Amanda Nascimento believes that such a connection has a positive effect on the relationship between a person and a dog: the dog will listen better, understand the owner perfectly, and he, in turn, will be able to quickly understand that the pet is unwell. In addition, a dog next to him maintains a sense of security in a person, without which it is impossible to relax and rest; and also relieves loneliness. This is especially useful when the pet owner needs emotional support.

Thirdly, dogs help fight insomnia and even nightmares. Having a fluffy baby nearby improves sleep quality.

3 reasons to get your dog out of bed

first – various small surprises that you may encounter. For example, you may feel uncomfortable sleeping because the dog takes up a lot of space. Or, on the contrary, the pet is so tiny that it is scary to crush it in a dream. Getting enough sleep in such conditions will definitely not work. Bed linen will get dirty much faster due to dog saliva, fur and paws. And if a dog has a habit of sleeping on a pillow, then it can also result in acne – in humans, of course.

Second – parasites and diseases that the dog can drag into bed. Ticks, fleas, fungus, lichen, many infections can become your bedmates, and you are unlikely to be happy with them. In addition, experts say allergies, even asthma, can worsen. There is also the opposite effect – a person can also infect an animal. The same coronavirus, as it turned out, pets pick up from people.

Finally, third… Actually, this is where we started. Sometimes it happens that the dog gets so used to sleeping in the owner’s bed that he refuses to sleep anywhere else. The dog sincerely considers the human bed to be his property, and this affects the pet’s behavior – it is quite possible that the dog will consider you superfluous in your own bed.  

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