L’expert : Franck Mathevet, physiotherapist in Saint-Etienne, trainer for physiotherapists in baby massages, and also for parents during parent-baby workshops.
We know that massages, babies love it! Beyond the well-being they bring to our child, massages can help soothe their little ailments. Teeth, infant colic, or difficulty falling asleep… Franck Mathevet, physiotherapist in Saint-Etienne, tells us 3 professional massages to improve baby’s comfort.
Massages adapted to treat baby’s little ailments
The massages provide the baby with relaxation and well-being. To help him fall asleep, relieve the discomfort of his teething, or simply share a moment of complicity with him, do not hesitate to massage your child! We choose a suitable time, when baby is calm and ready to receive a massage, and we follow the advice of the pro.
Massage 1. To relieve dental pain. From 3-4 months, when the first teeth start to work the baby, which he “gobbles”, massages of the jaw do him good. From the chin, we make strokes with the thumbs in the direction of the ears, only on the lower jaw. It is the only facial massage that is accepted.
Massage 2. To relieve digestive pain. Colic and constipation are common in babies. To relieve it, we massage the stomach always in a clockwise direction, that of transit. And we press in the round, a fairly wide circle, not just around the navel, from the pelvis and across the width of the belly. This massage will gently stimulate the transit. It is interesting, for example, when the baby changes food and the transit is difficult to follow.
Massage 3. To promote sleep, rest. When baby has trouble falling asleep or has little nightmares, massages are a godsend. In this case, we simply favor the areas he likes! Often the feet, rich in sensitive sensors. Foot massages are very reassuring for babies. Try it, you will see!
Lauren’s testimony: “A beautiful moment of complicity”
“I started massages with my first child, Naël, when he was 3 months old, during a spa break in Saint-Malo. I then massaged it for colic, constipation, and especially to promote a nice moment between us. Today, at the age of 3, he asks for back and foot massages. For Norah, it was my friends who offered me a massage workshop (performed a few days ago). There I learned the meaning of massage, from top to bottom, the appropriate speed, how to touch – with the palm and not the fingers – it’s very interesting. Since the workshop, we have started again twice at home, I showed dad how to do it. I like to take this time with Norah, because she is often overstimulated by her big brother, very active and overflowing with love for her! The massage usually lasts 3 minutes, often just before the bath. It’s a good moment of complicity. “
Lauren, 28 years old, mother of Norah, 8 months old, and Naël, 3 years old.