At first glance, milk and vodka are two completely incompatible products, the simultaneous use of which is fraught with digestive problems. But in practice, everything is different. I will tell you whether it is possible to drink vodka with milk, and why in some cases it is even useful. We will also consider several delicious recipes for milk alcoholic cocktails and the method of preparing a folk remedy for cough or bronchitis.
1. Why drink vodka with milk
It is believed that milk after vodka causes indigestion, diarrhea and even severe poisoning. In fact, unpleasant consequences appear only in two cases: with individual intolerance to this combination, and if you drink stale (sour or sour) milk with vodka.
It is possible to drink vodka with fresh milk, and in some cases it is even useful, since it reduces the load on the liver. Milk molecules bind part of the harmful impurities contained in poorly purified vodka (moonshine), dangerous toxins do not enter the bloodstream, but are immediately excreted through the intestines.
As a result, a person sobers up faster, in the morning he feels noticeably better than those who washed down vodka with juice or sparkling water. The hangover is not so acute and soon passes. It is not for nothing that many distilleries practice additional purification of vodka with milk. If you like the taste, feel free to drink it.
Even folk craftsmen advise drinking milk before vodka in order to get less drunk. Milk envelops the walls of the stomach with a film and alcohol is not so quickly absorbed into the blood. But the problem is that this method works only partially with very high fat milk, which has sufficient enveloping properties.
2. Cocktails
For example, White Russian, which perfectly combines vodka, coffee and milk. No less tasty is another option – a milkshake with vodka.
- sugar – 1 tablespoon;
- chicken egg – 1 piece;
- low fat milk – 150 ml;
- vodka – 50 ml;
- coconut flakes – 5-10 grams.
1. Separate the protein from the yolk in any way (through an egg separator or using two deep bowls).
2. Gently transfer the protein into a plastic container, beat for 3-4 minutes, gradually adding sugar. You should get a smooth dense mass.
3. Stir the yolk in a bowl and add to the sugar protein, beat for 2-3 minutes.
4. Boil milk, then cool to room temperature.
5. Pour the milk into the whipped mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
6. Add vodka and mix again for 1-2 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
7. Pour the cocktail into a glass, sprinkle with coconut flakes on top. The drink is ready, if desired, you can decorate the top with slices of banana, pineapple, orange or red currant berries.

Vodka with condensed milk
- vodka – 300 ml;
- cream (fat content 35%) – 200 ml;
- condensed milk (preferably with cocoa) – 100 grams.
1. Mix vodka, cream and milk.
2. Beat the mixture in a blender, pour into a bottle, close the cork tightly.
3. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
4. Pour into cocktail glasses and serve.

Mad cow milk (MBC)
The cocktail is popular among tourists. It is difficult to make something exquisite in camping conditions, so travelers use a limited set of products.
- vodka – 0,5 liters;
- condensed milk – 2 cans;
- instant coffee – 2 tablespoons (2 disposable bags);
- water – 750 ml.
1. Mix vodka, condensed milk and coffee well in a 1,5 liter container.
2. Add water, mix again.
3. Close the lid, leave alone for 15-20 minutes.
4. Pour into glasses. Drink in small sips.

3. Cough treatment
When properly prepared, vodka with milk and honey is an excellent folk remedy for coughs and bronchitis. It helps in the early stages of the disease.
1. Mix in equal proportions (50 ml each) milk, lime (preferably) honey and vodka.
2. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath without boiling.
3. Allow to cool slightly.
Drink at one time before bed. Take once a day for 3-4 days in a row.

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