3 mistakes everyone makes when treating a cold

3 mistakes everyone makes when treating a cold

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Are you used to treating viral diseases with folk remedies (without pills)? Do you believe in the power of a life-saving sauna visit, tea with ginger and lemon, or huge doses of vitamin C? We will tell you how things really are!

What’s wrong with folk recipes?

First of all, you need to understand that “proven” methods have not actually been scientifically tested or tested by anyone. They do not represent competent systemic assistance to the body, but simply attempts to somehow alleviate their condition. Let’s take a closer look at this.

The idea: at the onset of the disease as follows warm up the body in a bath, sauna or, at worst, in a hot shower.

Popular justification: so we will immediately raise the body temperature and start an active process of fighting viruses. This idea is based on the belief that heat kills viruses.

Reality: unfortunately, in this way we only raise the temperature of the body surface. No hot shower or even a sauna can seriously affect the temperature of internal organs, and even more so start a large-scale production of a special protein – interferon, which is necessary for a real fight against viruses.

Idea: as often as possible drink hot tea with ginger, honey, lemon or raspberries.

The people’s rationale: These drinks, again, warm the body from the inside, and also contain a lot of vitamin C and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Reality: This is only partially true. During ARVI, it is really recommended to drink a lot for the active “flushing” of viruses and toxins (decay products of viruses). However, we are talking about clean water or warm fruit drinks without sugar.

Tea also contains caffeine and tannins – substances that, on the contrary, contribute to fluid retention in the body. As for the presence of vitamins in such drinks, unfortunately, their content is too small to seriously talk about their effect on the course of the disease.

Idea: taking huge doses of vitamin Cusually in a soluble form.

The people’s rationale: It is believed that high doses of vitamin C, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, can extinguish or shorten the duration of the common cold.

Reality: As a rule, it is around this recommendation that the most heated debates unfold. On the one hand, vitamin C is indeed a powerful antioxidant and helps protect cells from the effects of the decay products of viruses. On the other hand, taking monopreparations of vitamin C in excessive doses can have undesirable consequences for the body and, of course, in any case, should not be recommended (by friends or family) without consulting a specialist.

What can be suggested as an alternative?

Experts can advise other, more scientific and modern, ways to help the body fight the disease: for example, immunostimulating drugs with complex effects, in particular, “Citovir-3”. It belongs to the group of interferon inducers, that is, it helps the body maintain the required level of its own interferon and repel viral attacks.

The composition Cytovira-3 includes three active components:

  • bendazole, stimulates the body’s production of endogenous (own) interferon and has an immunomodulatory effect (normalizes the body’s immune response to various infectious agents);

  • thymogen (alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan), supplements the action of bendazole by binding to the T-cell link of the immune system;

  • ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant and protects cells from the harmful effects of viruses and their decay products.

As a result of the complex action of these components “Cytovir-3” optimal for the complex treatment of influenza and various respiratory viral diseases. It helps the body to produce its own interferon to fight disease, helps to increase its resistance and protect cells.

“Tsitovir-3” has passed all the necessary tests and is approved for use in adults and children over 1 year old (syrup and powder) and over 6 years old (capsules). He has a very simple and convenient scheme of application: 3 times a day for 4 days in a row. One package contains 12 capsules, which are enough for one course of treatment or prevention.

“Cytovir-3” can be an excellent alternative to traditional and outdated methods of treating ARVI and influenza for the whole family!



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