3 inspirational quotes that will make you more productive

Everyone has days when they give up, lack motivation and strength to move forward. When we stop believing that what we want is achievable. Wise words of great and successful people can help and inspire.

“Smart people learn from everything and everyone, ordinary people learn from their own experience, and fools have ready-made answers for everything” (Socrates)

What is this phrase about? That you don’t have all the answers you need, and no one else does. The only question is how you deal with this ignorance, what steps you take. This is what determines whether you ultimately succeed or fail.

Let’s say you want to start a blog that should become popular over time. That is your plan. To implement it, you can act on a hunch, or you can read educational articles, watch YouTube videos, listen to everyone from whom you can learn something, and as a result, build a more thoughtful strategy.

There is nothing wrong with not knowing something, and there is no shame in learning from others. Never hesitate to ask for help from others and try to learn at least something new every day. This will help you become more productive at work and in life.

“Do something every day that scares you” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Living in a familiar, familiar, cozy “bubble” is calm and comfortable, and it’s always scary to go somewhere along unknown paths. But doing only what is familiar will not get you far. There comes a time when you need to step forward decisively and never look back.

Let’s continue with the blog example. You can work for years at an unloved job, or you can give your strength to writing, step into uncertainty and every day break through fears to a happy future.

In addition, doing what you like, you will become many times more productive. So believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to take unfamiliar paths. No matter how conflicting opinions may be about the comfort zone, leaving it, you can begin to live a full life.

“Whoever you are, be better” (Abraham Lincoln)

The original statement in English: “Whatever you are, be a good one.” It can also be translated as “Whatever you do, do it well.” Many tend to be torn between several hobbies, not achieving any significant result in any of them, because we do not devote ourselves to them without a trace.

It is important to concentrate, if not on one, then on a maximum of three topics, putting them at the forefront. As a result, you will be able to devote enough time to each of them – which means you will move forward. Whatever you do, try to take it as a rule and do it well, and the result will not be long in coming.

Finally. Right now, you probably find it hard to believe that these phrases can help you, but don’t underestimate the power of words of wisdom. Repeat them like a mantra on those days when motivation and energy are at zero, and see what happens.

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