3 health benefits of Ginseng

3 health benefits of Ginseng

3 health benefits of Ginseng
Ginseng is a plant native to the Asian continent that grows in China and Korea. Used for over 4.000 years in herbal medicine, Ginseng has many natural virtues: it is an aphrodisiac, relaxing and strengthens the immune system.

Are you stressed, tired, lacking vitality or your libido is at half mast? If these are transient states, know that a plant native to Asia, Ginseng, can be a solution to your little everyday ailments.

  1. Ginseng is a powerful aphrodisiac

Are you wondering if Ginseng could be a natural solution to your low libido and breathe new life into your partner’s sex life? Do not doubt it any longer. Consuming Ginseng in a capsule or in a recipe increases endurance and ability to concentrate. This Asian root also contains energizing properties that stimulate hormones. In impotent men, Ginseng is frequently used when the problem is chronic. It also promotes self-confidence, which can help arouse desire in a frigid woman.

In addition, Ginseng is a root used by traditional Chinese medicine to increase the fertility of couples trying to have a child. However, be aware that it is not recommended to consume too large doses of Ginseng. In addition, it is best to avoid mixing the use of Ginseng with other libido-related drugs such as Viagra® or Cialis®.

  1. Ginseng strengthens the immune system

Chinese folk wisdom advocates the use of Ginseng to maintain the youthfulness of the body. It is indeed the root of a plant that stimulates the immune system by energizing it. Ginseng can therefore be a response to physical, emotional or mental fatigue, contribute to your convalescence or boost you during a temporary decline in morale. However, be careful, not all ginseng pills have this effect.

If obtaining natural extracts of Ginseng is extremely expensive, it is however strongly advised to check the ginsenosides content of the vial you buy, to ensure that it is effective. It must contain at least 10% because it is the active substance of this Asian root. Without ginsenosides, a recipe or capsules would taste like ginseng but no therapeutic effect.

  1. Ginseng can reduce type 2 diabetes

Ginseng is used by some diabetics to reduce their dosage. However, not all types of Ginseng have the same virtues. It is commonly believed that Asian Ginseng would thus be more effective than American Ginseng. On the other hand, better avoid its use in pregnant women and people affected by high blood pressure.

Otherwise, Ginseng remains a medicinal supplement and not a substitute for treatment if you are diabetic. Before consuming it, consult your doctor because its natural properties can interact with substances treating hypoglycemia as well as anti-depressants and certain stimulants of the central nervous system.

Flore Desbois

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