3 gift ideas for an active person

Coming up with Christmas presents is a torment for many people. Therefore, a gift from fate is a situation in which the recipient regularly exercises and is currently completing a home fitness club.

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Training equipment makes a perfect Christmas present. It will work not only for people who are already physically active, but also for all those who hesitate to start regular physical exercise – it will provide additional motivation. Moreover, it is a very universal gift. When choosing it, you can take into account not only the training preferences of the recipient, but also its size and price.


Dumbbells are training equipment used primarily in strength / modeling exercises. It is a very universal training device, because thanks to its use it is possible to perform exercises involving practically all parts of the body. It is worth investing in dumbbells with variable load, as they will allow you to adjust the load to exercises stimulating different parts of the body. What’s more, the possibility of changing the load will make it possible to use them also when training progresses, for example when there is an increase in muscle strength.


The most widely used training device for cardio exercises at home. It owes its popularity primarily to its compact size, the simplicity of movements performed on it, and an affordable price. It is an excellent alternative for people who do not like or do not want to run in unfavorable weather conditions, and who have limited space and funds for the purchase of training equipment intended for cardio exercises. The stepper is used for endurance exercises that improve overall endurance. In addition, their side effect is the oxidation of unnecessary fat tissue. You can perform cardio exercises with both continuous and interval methods.


Although it is not a training equipment on which or with the help of which exercises can be performed, it is certainly an extremely useful training gadget. Thanks to it, it is possible to monitor the intensity of endurance exercises (cardio). This allows for a significant increase in their effectiveness. Performing endurance exercises while maintaining the appropriate heart rate range contributes, among other things, to a much more effective oxidation of unnecessary fat tissue. It should be borne in mind that heart rate monitoring, and thus the use of a heart rate monitor, works only in the case of cardio exercises, especially those that are performed continuously. When purchasing this training device, it is worth paying attention to models with a so-called chest strap. This is due to the fact that they are much more accurate than the models measuring the heart rate from the radial artery.

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Damian Yefremienko Coach

Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies

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