3 easy ways to update your interior without renovation and unnecessary spending
Are you tired of the old environment, but does it reduce the prospect of starting a cheekbone repair? Not an uncommon case. Especially when you also want to spend money on something more pleasant. However, you can save money and refresh the interior easily and easily. How exactly to do this, learned from the experts of the JoyArty photo textile brand.
Drawings on the walls will help not only to change the mood, but also to disguise small sins such as specks and scratches. You can draw on almost anything: on wallpaper, on tiles, on a painted wall. You just need to choose a paint that is suitable for the material.
Are you not an artist? And great! You don’t have to be an artist. After all, we are talking about stencil painting. This means that you need to find – and the Internet is full of this good – a stencil, print it on a sheet of paper, cut it out and … go ahead!
Screen printing options vary. For example, the same repeating ornament on all walls. If the ornament is small, an A4 sheet is sufficient. When choosing a drawing, think about whether it requires symmetry, a uniform arrangement. If so, you will have to make markings on the walls.
- Photo Shoot:
- provided by JoyArty
Or an idea like this: creating a large image on one of the walls. In this case, it is better to order a printout of a stencil of the required size on a large format printer or buy a ready-made one. You need to fix it on the wall with double-sided tape, and then start applying paint.
Little secret: there are vinyl decals that can get the same result without any paint. But there is one “but” – stickers can not be used on all types of surfaces, check this question with the manufacturer.
Stencil painting and stickers, alas, are only suitable if the existing wall decor is plain. If you already have walls with a print, you will have to come up with something else.
2. We create masterpieces with our own hands
What needlewomen around the world have not come up with to decorate this very world! Many of the areas of creativity need to learn, and then gain mastery. Therefore, let’s talk about the options available to everyone.
– Paper figures
Here again stencils will come to the rescue. But you need to cut them out of colored paper. Cut and stick to the wall. Someone will think: “Some kind of kindergarten!” But this is how to approach the question. See what masterpieces are made from paper butterflies.
– Ornaments from …
You won’t even need stencils, because we are talking about creating ornaments from toilet paper rolls. Who could come up with this? And how did it occur to him? But the result is obvious: very original gizmos are obtained with a minimum of cost and effort. The bushings need to be painted and glued together. As a result, fancy panels are created. And in this way you can make a frame for mirrors, a frame for photos.
– Pompons
At first glance, too, the topic is not much connected with interiors. In fact, decorating a house with pom-poms, which can be made from both fabric and threads, is always the creation of an atmosphere of joy and celebration.
There are also a lot of creative activities that help transform the interior: decoupage, quilling, patchwork, patchwork weaving, embroidery, macrame and so on, so on, so on.
Hand-maid has few limitations, but they are: you need to have the time and desire to do all this.
3. Dressing the house in new textiles
The textile decor theme is endless. And this is really the case when one purchase can change the style of the interior. Let’s see what can be changed.
Curtains are one of the style-forming elements. Depending on the texture, color and pattern of the curtains, the atmosphere in the room changes.
- Photo Shoot:
- provided by JoyArty
Bedspreads or furniture covers are another global interior revolution. Cotton floral country-style bedspreads are one thing, baroque embroidered with gold is another.
Sofa cushions are a continuation of the theme of changing furniture. It is especially good to experiment with them if they have a solid neutral background. Then pillows can accentuate the mood.
Tablecloths are rather an addition to change, although in the kitchen, the role of the tablecloth is quite significant.
Carpets are a fading and returning trend. The topic is controversial, hardly suitable for minimalist interiors.
Fabric paintings are a great alternative to the same carpets. And the choice here is very diverse: from traditional tapestries to modern fabric posters.
- Photo Shoot:
- provided by JoyArty
By the way, the topic of photo textiles deserves special attention. Remember when wallpaper was once in vogue? Textiles with photo prints are a new round of old history at a completely different quality and style level: you can find curtains, posters, tablecloths and pillows. The advantage of this kind of decorative fabric is in a wide variety of designs. You can choose a single pattern for decoration and collect all textiles under one idea, or arrange products with a pattern and complementary monochromatic things.
Renovation of interior textiles is a solution suitable for almost any situation. There is also a place for personal creativity: all these new things can be sewn on your own. Or just buy it.
Whichever way you go, do it in a good mood. After all, change is always for the better.