3 books to help you accept and love your appearance

As children, we were told what a “right girl” should be. In our youth, we focused on models and images of movie heroines, closely watched the arrow on the scales and strictly judged our appearance. Today, fortunately, the world is changing. Fitting everyone to the same standard is no longer fashionable. And many books have been written about the importance of accepting your body. Here are three novelties on this topic.

Appearance code. From head to toe”

Inessa Trubetskova, Natalia Naidenskaya, AST, 2021

Acceptance of yourself and your body, recognition of your own uniqueness is now in trend. In order to better understand your features and beauty, it makes sense to turn to history and find out how ideas about the female ideal are changing. After all, at different times there were completely different images “on the wave”.

Written by fashion experts, this book will help you reacquaint yourself with your body. And at the same time, he will tell you when mankind worshiped women with curvaceous forms, and when – slender, with boyish angular features, how beauty could be measured and which bust was considered a reference, representatives of which peoples have the longest and slender legs …

You can also determine your type of appearance and choose a style that emphasizes your personality. After all, it is respect for one’s nature and its disclosure that today is called a new type of female sexuality.

“Psychosomatics of excess weight. It’s not about the food.”

Natalia Shcherbinina, AST 2020

Worried about extra pounds? Do you want to stop the war with your own body and hear what it “tells” you about? Then it’s worth thinking not about another new diet, massage or acupuncture, but about the real reasons for weight gain. The answers may be hidden deep in the psyche. But in the end, it is they who help solve the problem and find their own “perfect balance”.

The book is based on scientific data, and it is written in easy language and with a dose of humor. Its author is a psychologist and blogger, an expert in eating behavior and a specialist in psychosomatics. The simple exercises she suggested have proved to be effective in practice.

“You are more beautiful than you think”

Signe Darpinian, Shelley Aggarwal, Wendy Sterling, Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2019

If you are always dissatisfied with yourself and your body, if you can’t establish a healthy lifestyle, then this book is for you. It doesn’t matter that the authors address teenagers and young people, it is from adult readers that the most emotional and grateful responses come.

And no wonder: after all, in each of us there lives the same teenager who at one time was not told that loving and accepting his body is necessary and important for a happy life. That regardless of the features of appearance and the state of the body, every person deserves love. And that self-love is health care as well.

The book will help you establish a harmonious relationship with food, choose the type and format of physical activity that suits you, and ultimately get more pleasure and satisfaction from life. It consists of short chapters that are easy to read during short breaks, as well as exercises that you can do at home in your spare time.

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