29 weeks pregnant

The 29th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the eighth month. We are talking specifically about obstetric months, which consist of exactly 28 days. Therefore, there are still 3 obstetric months before the end of the pregnancy.

Fetal development at 29 weeks gestation

The child at this time continues to actively prepare for the birth. He starts the work of his own immunity. The processes of thermoregulation are honed.

  • At this time, the baby’s blood has a constant composition. The bone marrow fully copes with its functions.

  • The digestive system is already able to digest breast milk.

  • The kidneys are active. Every day they distill 500 ml of water, which is excreted into the amniotic fluid.

  • The child continues to swallow amniotic fluid, but now it enters the stomach not only through the mouth, but also through the nasal passages. The plugs that used to block them have dissipated.

  • The baby is already able to distinguish smells. It actively reacts to light and sound.

  • The child learns to focus his gaze.

  • The appearance of the fetus continues to undergo significant changes. His skin gradually becomes smoother, the original grease and fluff disappear. A little more and the first fat folds will begin to appear in the child.

  • The genital organs continue to develop, but at the same time they are already practically formed.

  • All the baby’s teeth are still inside the gums, but at this time they begin to be covered with enamel.

  • Internal organs begin to work in the system. The child’s heart beats strongly enough, it can be heard without problems with a phonendoscope.

  • Every day the child increases its weight and height. His body weight is about 1200 g, and his height is approaching 38 cm.

  • The muscles and ligaments of the crumbs get stronger, which makes the child stronger. It is for this reason that he can quite noticeably push from the inside.

There is not much space in the stomach to make active movements, so the baby will no longer be able to perform full-fledged somersaults.

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