29 participants of the Miss Yekaterinburg 2016 contest: photos, details, voting

Woman`s Day will show the official photo session of the Miss Yekaterinburg 2016 contestants. The final is already on 12 August. Which of the beauties do you like?

Which of the Miss Yekaterinburg 2016 participants do you like?

  • No. 1 Vasilisa Vlasova

  • No. 2 Yana Barkova

  • No. 3 Anastasia Kolykhanova

  • No. 4 Valeria Okuneva

  • № 5 Anastasia Kilina

  • № 6 Polina Dudina

  • № 7 Ekaterina Klevtsova

  • № 8 Daria Evdokimova

  • No. 9 Anastasia Polushina

  • № 10 Yana Kholetskaya

  • № 11 Angelina Pisanko

  • № 12 Irina Vorzheva

  • № 13 Juliet Pastukhova

  • № 14 Zlatislava Muratkina

  • № 15 Alena Pulnikova

  • № 16 Elizaveta Anikhovskaya

  • No. 17 Maria Mezentseva

  • № 18 Alena Kapranova

  • No. 19 Ksenia Gribun

  • № 20 Anna Mikheeva

  • No. 21 Svetlana Guseva

  • № 22 Ksenia Evdokimova

  • № 23 Anastasia Anisimova

  • № 24 Milena Matushkina

  • No. 25 Karina Shpiga

  • No. 26 Alina Matveeva

  • № 27 Anastasia Ismailova

  • № 28 Ekaterina Tonkonogova

  • No. 29 Tatiana Pivovarova

Watch the final broadcast of the Miss Yekaterinburg 2016 contest live on August 12 at 19:25 only on 41-Domashny!

19 years old, student of RANEPA

– Six months ago, I decided to lose weight – I began to actively train, do fitness, gave up all unhealthy foods and habits like eating sweets at night, lying in front of the TV instead of going to the gym or running to the stadium. As a result, in six months she lost five kilograms and developed willpower. Without this, I would not have entered the competition. Now I will use this chance 100%!

22 years old, student of the Ural State University of Architecture, architect

– For 2 years now I have been regularly training in the gym, and my main passion is mountain biking. While preparing for Miss Yekaterinburg, I discovered yoga. This is my first experience and I am delighted. In life I am very active, my temperament does not allow me to sit still, and yoga helps to stabilize, calm down. My life motto is: “Everything impossible is possible.” For example, in order to enter the architectural academy for a budgetary place, you need not only to pass the exam, but also additional entrance exams. And although it was not easy, I did!

21 years old, bartender in a detox bar, children’s animator

– There are people who improve themselves in one direction. I have a different position: I want to try everything, learn as much as possible from different areas. At the age of 14, I took courses in Ayurvedic medicine, went in for rock climbing, participated in competitions in tying knots. I set myself a task – and I will realize it. My global dream is my own loft project. This is when they take old buildings and fill the interior space, preserving the external appearance.

20 years old, applicant of the Ural State Medical Academy

– A few days before the casting for Miss Yekaterinburg, I took off my braces – I went with them for 2 years. And I confess it was hard. I also lost 15 kilograms – not for the competition, but for myself. I am convinced that in life you need to achieve everything yourself and not rely on the help of others. You can’t depend on anyone. To be self-sufficient and to have such a business in the future so that I can devote enough time to myself and my family is my goal.

22 years old, graduate of the Ural Federal University, Institute of Physics and Technology in the field of “instrumentation”

– Many people wonder why I chose such a “non-female” specialty. As a child, I wanted to be a strong woman, an engineer – after all, there are only lawyers and economists around, and the country needs engineers! During the sessions, I realized that human capabilities are practically unlimited: you can stay awake for almost a week, manage to memorize something and pass it perfectly! As a child, I was engaged in gymnastics, but this did not develop into a professional hobby, since in the small town of Sarapul, where I come from, there was no such opportunity. Now my main sport is dancing.

19 years old, student of UrFU, Faculty of Investment and Construction Business and Real Estate Management

– There are moments in my life that give a boost of energy, temper my character. For example, trips abroad from a modeling agency. They give me a tremendous experience of immersion in a foreign culture, mentality, allow me to communicate with people of a different mindset, speaking a different language. As a child, I was involved in athletics, figure skating, cross-country skiing and dancing. At the moment, my choice is fitness.

20 years old, student of UrFU

– Three years ago, in my hometown of Uray, I worked as a teacher at a model school. Before that, I myself studied at that school, and now I had the opportunity to stand on the other side of the “stage”. I am proud that I was able to prepare the whole team for the performance!

20 years old, specialist of the sales support department

– In 2011 she won the Miss Serov title. This victory became significant – I realized that in order to win everywhere and always, you have to believe in yourself. Later my family and I moved to Yekaterinburg, and now I dream of a new victory in the beauty contest. My parents never pampered me with compliments and explained that there is no need to rely on appearance, the main thing is to pay attention to intelligence.

22 years old, graduate of the Sverdlovsk Regional Musical and Aesthetic Pedagogical College, teacher-choreographer

– I’m sure that if you want to overcome fear, you need to face it. Once, in spite of my phobia, I took a live tarantula in my hands and put it on my shoulder. If you fight your fears, then only in this way – abruptly and without pity for yourself! Of all sports, I like basketball the most – in it I can throw out all the accumulated aggression, inner experiences. Emotions just go out of you when you play! Then everything becomes much clearer and easier.

19 years old, student of the Faculty of Journalism, UrFU

– Since the age of 11 I have been involved in athletics – I have many awards for 1st and 2nd places in various competitions. Four years ago, she took first place in the competition for the honor of the Ural Federal District (Ural Federal District). There I set my personal record – 1 meter 63 centimeters, for which I received the first adult category in high jumping.

If I manage to win Miss Yekaterinburg, I would like to seriously engage in the promotion of family values ​​and a healthy lifestyle. It seems to me that today’s youth is sorely lacking in this.

20 years old, student of UrFU, specialty “development business management”

– From the age of 18 I have not been financially dependent on my parents. I did not manage to enroll in a budgetary place, so I started working from the first year. Fortunately, we managed to combine full-time studies and work. Moreover, I managed to get transferred to a budget place! But I’m not going to quit my job either.

21 years old, an athlete, is a member of the USUPS karate team

– Recently I won the Universiade of the Sverdlovsk Region among the universities in karate. It was one of my hardest victories, it was important to win this competition, as it may have been my last fight. I had a fear that I would lose my last competition. But she was able to overcome it and became the first! I came to the Miss Yekaterinburg contest for the second time, in 2015 I was eliminated even before the final show. And now I am going for victory! Constant training taught me to easily overcome difficulties and take everything calmly.

25 years old, graduated from the Ural State Law Academy. 2 higher legal education

– Since childhood, I have lisped a little and had a lot of complexes because of this. She was always afraid of public speaking, rarely answered at the blackboard at school. And just six months ago, I printed out tongue twisters for myself and began to repeat them every morning. So I myself, without outside help, got rid of the main complex. The most important thing for me is to have a goal. You always need to know where you are going and invest 100% of yourself in it!

№ 14 Zlatislava Muratkina

20 years old, student of UrFU

– Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a model. At school, she was not a very confident girl. It is normal for teenagers to underestimate their appearance, their figure. Sports activities and a school of models helped me to reveal my potential. At the age of 17, I managed to make my dream come true – I became a model and went to work abroad. I am constantly learning and learning something new. For example, I have not yet had to work in such a tough timing as for Miss Yekaterinburg!

19 years old, student at the Institute of International Relations and Shanghai Engineering University

– I have a great modeling past: for 5 years I worked as a model in Europe and Asia. But I am going to the Miss Yekaterinburg contest for the first time, this is my childhood dream. From the age of 12, I watched the preparations for the competition and the final. I was looking forward to my 18th birthday to get into the competition myself. But when the time came, it so happened that I was studying in Shanghai. This year it worked out!

№ 16 Elizaveta Anikhovskaya

18 years old, student of the Sverdlovsk Art College named after Shadra, specialty “restoration of icons”

– My future profession is unusual and very interesting. In my specialty, only 8 people graduate every 4 years. At the beginning of this year, I was given for restoration a XNUMXth century icon from the Nevyansk Church – a large one, about a meter in height. You need to do all the rough work first – to remove the soot from the candles, a thick layer of green paint from the back, this is a very painstaking task that requires unrealistic concentration and attention. My dream is my own business. Maybe it will be its own brand of jewelry – I am doing this now. Or I will restore – but not only icons, but paintings as well. For example, I would like to get to the restoration of frescoes in Europe.

19 years old, student of the Mining University with a degree in personnel and organization management

– I want to realize myself in a modeling career. To date, my main victory in this area is working in the Philippines. I starred as a model for a very large company that had advertisements all over the country. Also during this trip I was lucky enough to take part in the opening of the Fashion Week in the Philippines, I was the first to go out. Interestingly, according to their rules, foreign models can participate in shows only on the opening day, on all other days only local, Filipino models work.

22 years old, graduate of the Faculty of Biology, Ural Federal University

– I achieve everything myself. To date, I consider the purchase of a car and passing the exam to obtain a license to be my significant achievements. I keep track of my figure, I am constantly engaged in various sports, and I eat right. I like myself the way I am, but at school I experimented with my appearance: I somehow cut my bangs and cut my hair down to my shoulders. More on such transformations does not pull!

21 years old, student of the Faculty of Sociology, Ural Federal University

– I consider my victories in life to receive a gold medal at school, graduate from an art school, and successfully pass an exam for a car license. These are definitely important results for me. As a child, I danced on pointe. And now I go to the gym and do fitness. Sometimes I run in the stadium, but rarely. More often I get to the hall where my young man took me. This is a great pastime together.

21 years old, student of the Ural State Law University

– From the 9th grade, I had a goal – to enter the law academy for a budgetary place. I liked studying history, law. I prepared for a long time and successfully coped with the exams! I study well – with a scholarship, I am offered to do an internship at the regional court, but I still doubt if I’m ready. As a child, I was engaged in aerial gymnastics on canvases. And now I maintain my physical and psychological balance with the help of fitness: I run every day and swim in the pool. I like active rest, perhaps I do not even perceive it as an additional load, but rather as a rest, a change of activity. Sometimes we play volleyball on the lake with the whole family or split into teams and play football.

22 years old, student of UrFU

– What I was a few years ago and what I am now – two different people. With the help of trainings, reading various books, communicating with different people, I managed to develop tremendous willpower and determination. I even managed to apply the acquired skills. For example, I had a goal – to change the car. For this, I had to work as a manager in a cargo transportation company for two months seven days a week. It was not easy, but I did it. As soon as I got behind the wheel of my new car, I realized – it was worth it! Since childhood, my mother told me that I was her beautiful daughter. Therefore, I always knew that I was attractive, but I never focused on external beauty.

22 years old, student of the Mining University

– Last year I became Miss Mining University. During the month we were engaged in dances, fashion shows, there were various photo sessions. This was an excellent preparation for the Miss Yekaterinburg contest.

23 years old, graduated from USUE-SINKH, store owner

– This is the first time I participate in a competition of this level, although as a child I took part in the Little Miss Yekaterinburg competition. I want to prove to myself that I can do anything if I want to. If someone can, why can’t I ?! This is how my first bike ride happened. I didn’t know how to drive yet, so I fell and for a long time was afraid to get behind the wheel again. From early childhood, she dreamed of growing up and buying herself a white bike. Two years ago, she became the happy owner of an “iron friend”. I always love to stand out, that’s why I bought a bike with an exclusive design – no one else has such a thing!

22 years old, graduated from UrFU with a degree in international relations and foreign policy, translator from English and Spanish, ice hockey player

– I dreamed of becoming a model since childhood. I even had the Miss World board game, and I imagined myself as a participant. Now this dream can come true. To get to the competition, I prepared for several years – I followed my figure, did fitness, speak, and worked as a model. I starred for several fashion magazines, worked in different cities and countries, and now I’m ready to conquer Yekaterinburg.

20 years old, accountant, computer typing operator

– As a child, I devoted 9 years to dancing, but then suddenly I decided that I didn’t need it. I switched to volleyball, then fitness … And at the Miss Yekaterinburg contest for me fitness and dancing is a great joy, there is no stress and fatigue from these activities! My little victory – I overcame my fear of driving. I used to think that only special people can drive. But in spite of my fear, I went to study at a driving school, and everything turned out to be possible when I passed my driving license!

21 years old, graduate of USUE, specialty “finance and credit”

– I am proud that six years ago I became the “Person of the Year” of the city of Kamyshlov in the “Talent” nomination. I write poetry, I am fond of cooking: my signature dish is meat under a fur coat of grated potatoes, cheese, tomatoes and herbs. I also graduated from school with a gold medal. My dream is to create a “School of Little Princesses” for girls up to 12 years old, because I love children.

19 years old, student of UrFU

– My last victory was admission to a budgetary place at UrFU at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations. Even in the admissions committee they told me that it is extremely difficult to enter the budget – there are too few places. But I passed the exam with high scores and was able to get into the top ranking of applicants. During the preparation for Miss Yekaterinburg, my parents are very supportive: for example, they can pick me up at the end of the day, postponing all their affairs.

№ 28 Ekaterina Tonkonogova

21 years old, model, graduate of UrFU

– At the age of 9, I went to study at the children’s studio at the Musical Comedy Theater, thanks to which I performed in the troupe of the theater together with adult actors. The theater instilled in me a love for the stage and added self-confidence. Largely thanks to this, I learned how to behave in public. Later I went to model school and once even participated in an advertising campaign for a shopping center. The whole city was covered with posters with my image!

23 years old, economist

– I recently got a job at a bank. To do this, it was necessary to learn a lot – to read a bunch of special literature, master a new computer program, pass a difficult test. I passed the test the first time, although usually applicants succeed only on the third. I am very proud of this result.

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