29 Best Vitamins for Men


*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The dynamic pace of life, poor nutrition, physical inactivity or other factors significantly weaken the bodies of men. To maintain health, experts recommend drinking vitamin-mineral complexes 1-2 times a year. High-quality vitamins not only strengthen the body as a whole, but also help with alopecia, give endurance during high loads (physical or mental), and increase potency.

Therapeutic and prophylactic complexes should be developed taking into account the need of male organisms for vitamins in certain periods of life (puberty, dynamic growth, aging). Women’s and men’s multivitamin complexes differ in the content of individual components, therefore, individual preparations and supplements should be selected for representatives of the stronger sex.

Recommended daily intake of vitamins for men

Depending on the age of a man, the daily requirement for vitamins is somewhat different. The average figures are presented in the table below:


18-59 years

60-75 years

older than 75 years

A (mcg)




V1 (mg)




V2 (mg)




V3 (mg)




V5 (mg)




V6 (mg)




B7 (μg)




B9 (μg)




B12 (μg)




S (mg)




D (mcg)




E (mg)




K (µg)




In this review, we have collected the best vitamins for men, dividing them into different categories depending on age or purpose of use.

Rating of the best vitamins for men

NominationPlaceName minimum price
The best vitamins for sports and physical activity     1Uni-Vite Universal Nutrition     890 ₽
     2Animal Pak Universal Nutrition     1 340 ₽
     3Men’s Daily Twinlab     3 730 ₽
     4VP Laboratory Ultra Men’s Sport     1 405 ₽
     5Duovit for men     300 ₽
     6VitaMen Maxler     1 195 ₽
     7Complivit     80 ₽
The best vitamins for memory     1Vitrum Memory Plus     785 ₽
     2Glycine Forte Evalar     255 ₽
     3Taxifolin Baikal     1 350 ₽
     4Doppelgerz Active Ginkgo Biloba + B1 + B2 + B6     365 ₽
The best vitamins for men 40+     1New Chapter 40+ Every Man’s OneDaily Multi     2 080 ₽
     2Fancl 40     4 500 ₽
     3MegaFood For men over 40     4 900 ₽
     4Now Foods Adam Capsules     1 190 ₽
The best vitamins for men 50+     1Bayer One a Day Men’s 50+ HealthyAdvantage     830 ₽
     2Garden of Life Vitamin Code for men over 50     2 400 ₽
     3Dr. Theiss Gerovital     100 ₽
     4Alphabet 50+     370 ₽
     5Doppelgerz Active Phytocomplex for the prostate gland     430 ₽
Best Vitamins for Hair Problems     1Panto-vair     620 ₽
     2The revalid     360 ₽
     3Perfectil     580 ₽
     4Fitoval     335 ₽
     5Evicent brewer’s yeast with sulfur     240 ₽
The best vitamins to improve potency and spermatogenesis     1Man’s Formula Potential Forte     870 ₽
     2Speroton     1 430 ₽
     3Parity Eves     485 ₽
     4Alphabet for men     460 ₽

The best vitamins for sports and physical activity

Men who cannot imagine themselves without heavy physical exertion should take care of their body especially carefully and enrich it with the missing vitamins. For those who are seriously involved in sports or work hard physically, the following vitamins are essential:

  1. A – helps the body recover from hard training, promotes the synthesis of certain steroid hormones;

  2. B1 – regulates protein-carbohydrate metabolism;

  3. B2 – participates in all metabolic processes of the body;

  4. C – accelerates fat burning;

  5. D – the main assistant in increasing endurance.

The listed vitamins are often combined with other useful components and are part of complex preparations.

Uni-Vite Universal Nutrition

Rating: 4.9

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The American manufacturer Universal Nutrition produces dietary supplements Uni-Vite. This complex is specially designed for athletes and active people. This supplement includes over 50 ingredients. They strengthen muscles, activate the body’s defenses, and maintain a good general condition. Along with vitamins and minerals, Uni-Vite includes an antioxidant blend, phytonutrients, and digestive aids.

Supplement Uni-Vite is sold in black plastic jars. Each of them contains 120 medium-sized capsules that are easy to swallow. Vitamins are taken once a day. The daily dose is 1 capsules. It is preferable to consume them during breakfast. In some cases, it is possible to increase the daily dose to 4 capsules (8 during breakfast and 4 during dinner). This dietary supplement is suitable for use from 4 years of age.

Uni-Vite is the golden mean between pharmacy vitamins and supplements with super-doses of nutrients. Men share that this dietary supplement has become an excellent support for them in the training process. They are very invigorating, so they should not be taken before bed. With this complex, men’s immunity becomes stronger and colds bypass them. Some are confused only by the bright yellow color of urine that appears during the use of such vitamins.



Animal Pak Universal Nutrition

Rating: 4.8

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The American company Universal Nutrition also produces the brand of sports nutrition Animal Nutrition. And among their large range of products, the Animal Pak multivitamin complex stands out. It contains over 60 key ingredients in balanced amounts to get the most out of your workouts. Vitamins and minerals are presented here in very high dosages.

Animal Pak complex is a set of 11 tablets for every day. They have different shapes and colors. Each tablet contains its own set of useful components. Each portion (a set of 11 pieces) is packed in bags and they are all placed in a tin. You can buy 15, 30 or 44 servings. All pills from the sachet should be drunk at a time. It is correct to do this half an hour after eating before training, drinking plenty of water.

Men who are serious about exercising are very happy with this supplement from Universal Nutrition. They like the surge of strength and energy that they get after consuming the next portion of this dietary supplement. Animal Pak perfectly restores the body after exhausting workouts. Also, according to reviews, this product stimulates the body’s defenses, improves mood and makes sleep stronger.



Men’s Daily Twinlab

Rating: 4.7

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The Twinlab brand produces the Men’s Daily supplement. It contains 18 vitamins and minerals useful for male organisms. All components here have well-chosen dosages, thanks to which the functioning of the prostate is effectively maintained. Also, the use of Men’s Daily has a positive effect on the training process and increases performance.

Sold supplement Men’s Daily in dark plastic jars. It is a capsule with a gelatin shell and powdered contents. They are small, so they do not cause problems with swallowing. Take these vitamins once a day, 1 piece. It is better to do this after breakfast. 10-15 minutes after swallowing the capsule, some begin to feel nausea, which disappears after 15-20 minutes.

Men’s Daily is a good option for both athletes and regular men. This supplement helps keep you on your toes and supports overall good health. This dietary supplement is also praised for the fact that it stimulates the brain, and also maintains the strength of teeth and bones. And due to the fact that zinc is present in the composition, this supplement has a beneficial effect on the activity of spermatozoa.



VP Laboratory Ultra Men’s Sport

Rating: 4.6

29 Best Vitamins for Men

British manufacturer VP Lab Nutrition makes the Ultra Men’s Sport Multivitamin Formula supplement. This product contains over 50 active ingredients to promote muscle function and protein synthesis, energy metabolism and nervous system function. This supplement comprehensively supports the body of a man.

Ultra Men’s Sport supplement is a smooth coated tablet in the form of a capsule. They are placed in a jar of thick dark plastic in the amount of 90 pieces. The size of the tablets is quite large, and they also have a rather specific smell, which some compare to the aroma of dog food. The product is recommended to take 1 capsule 1 or 2 times a day. You can do this during breakfast and lunch.

This complex really helps to recover after training, improves well-being and makes a person more energetic. With this supplement, the quality of sleep is normalized, and awakening in the morning is easy and fast. It also improves mood, improves communication skills, stimulates the immune system. Of the unpleasant – a very bright color of urine throughout the course of the use of these vitamins.



Duovit for men

Rating: 4.5

29 Best Vitamins for Men

Another nominee for the review was a dietary supplement – Duovit for men, produced in Slovenia. This product contains 12 vitamins and 6 minerals that help the stronger sex fight increased physical activity and stress. This supplement supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, protects against viral infections, and prevents early alopecia.

Tablets for male Duovit are oval, covered with a blue shell. Their size hardly bothers anyone. They contain no sugar. Tablets are placed in a plastic bottle in the amount of 30 or 60 pieces. For a day, a man should take 1 tablet of Duovit. It is better to do this with meals, washing down the tablets with half a glass of clean water.

From the reviews it follows that such Duovit perfectly helps men maintain high performance throughout the day. With such an additive, they also have enough strength for sports. And after intense training, they recover faster with the help of Duovit. But it should be borne in mind that if you take this supplement on an empty stomach, then the appearance of nausea is not excluded.



VitaMen Maxler

Rating: 4.4

29 Best Vitamins for Men

Maxler’s VitaMen is a supplement that contains vitamins, minerals, a blend of amino acids, exotic herbal supplements, as well as enzymes and digestive aids. This product improves the mental and physical activity of a man, takes care of his prostate gland. With this supplement, the representatives of the stronger sex increase stress resistance and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

VitaMen Maxler is a relatively small, oval, smooth, dark green tablet. They are placed in a dark plastic bottle with a lid that is quite difficult to open for young children. The daily dose of such vitamins for men is 3 tablets. They need to be drunk at a time during breakfast. Swallowing them is not difficult, but the smell can interfere with some.

Maxler’s VitaMen supplement is great for improving overall tone. This complex allows you to quickly recover after intense training or heavy physical exertion. Men also note that this product significantly improves potency. Even with VitaMen vitamins, hair, skin and nails look much better. This product rarely causes undesirable consequences for the body.




Rating: 4.3

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The Russian manufacturer Pharmstandard produces the drug Complivit. It contains 11 vitamins, 8 minerals and lipoic acid. Such a composition will not impress bodybuilders, but it may well suit men who exercise moderately. The supplement contains all the necessary components that will support the body if it is on the verge of high physical or mental stress.

Complivit is an oblong or round, convex on both sides tablets in a white shell. Swallowing these vitamins is not difficult. They do not create discomfort in the esophagus. But some do not like the rather specific smell of these vitamins. The daily dose for men is 1 tablet of Complivit. The best time to consume them is during breakfast.

Men share the fact that with the Complivit complex, lethargy and drowsiness leave them. They feel a surge of strength and energy not only in the morning, but throughout the day. These vitamins significantly strengthen the immune system and protect against frequent colds. They improve mood and help manage stress. Complivit is well tolerated. But if you take them on an empty stomach, then nausea may begin.



The best vitamins for memory

Vitamins of group B help to improve memory well:

  1. B1 – helps to be more concentrated, improves mood;

  2. B2 and B6 – activate mental abilities, improve memory, strengthen blood vessels;

  3. B4 – facilitates the process of memorization and increases concentration, eliminates sleep disorders;

  4. B5 – improves mood, stimulates long-term memory;

  5. B12 – positively affects the nervous system;

  6. B9 – accelerates mental processes, promotes the production of serotonin.

It is good if ginkgo biloba, glycine and other useful substances are also present in the composition of food supplements along with vitamins.

Vitrum Memory Plus

Rating: 4.9

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The popular American pharmaceutical company Unipharm, which produces a wide range of vitamins, has developed dietary supplements Vitrum Memory Plus. It contains 2 main components: vitamin C and ginkgo biloba leaf extract (a source of flavonol glycosides). The supplement is designed to improve attention, memory, speed of thinking.

Vitrum Memory Plus are small, round, convex tablets on both sides. They do not have a shell, their color is light brown with multiple dark patches. The smell is quite specific. They are swallowed without problems. The daily dose for men is 1 tablet of Vitrum. The best time to consume them is during breakfast.

This supplement is great for improving memory. With Vitrum Memory Plus, men become more attentive and concentrated. This dietary supplement also perfectly calms the nervous system. Men become less quick-tempered and irritable. However, it should be borne in mind that the effect of it is not rapid, but develops after 2-3 weeks of use.



Glycine Forte Evalar

Rating: 4.8

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar produces dietary supplements Glycine Forte. This product contains an increased dose of glycine (30 mg), as well as vitamins B1, B6, B12. These components have a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system of men (eliminate increased irritability, solve problems with sleep, increase mental performance).

Glycine Forte from Evalar is available in the form of lozenges. They are small, round, milky in color, about 1 cm in diameter. They have a lemony, slightly chemical taste. They are located on plates with cells. It is necessary to dissolve under the tongue 1 tablet 2 times a day. Even with prolonged use of this supplement, men do not develop addiction and dependence.

Glycine Forte perfectly clears the head. With this dietary supplement, men become more concentrated, their ability to memorize improves. Also, according to them, with this supplement, they experience constant fatigue and irritability. The first result is noticeable after 3-4 days of application. Usually this remedy is well tolerated, but occasionally provokes allergic reactions.



Taxifolin Baikal

Rating: 4.7

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The Russian manufacturer Siberian Cedar produces the additive Taxifolin Baikal. The active substance (dihydroquercetin) of this dietary supplement is extracted from Siberian larch wood. This flavonoid belongs to the P vitamin series and is one of the best antioxidants. With the help of this remedy, mental and physical activity is noticeably increased.

Taxifolin Baikal is a white gelatin capsule of an acceptable size. They come in a small plastic bottle with a screw cap. The daily dose of this supplement for men is 1 capsule. It is better to take them during breakfast. The capsules are odorless, tasteless and swallowed without problems.

Dihydroquercetin has a wide range of applications and has a general healing effect on the body. In the reviews, men note that with this supplement they noticeably improve their memory, and the speed of psychomotor reactions increases. In addition, Taxifolin Baikal relieves them of long-term dysfunctions of the digestive tract, helps with hypertension. This antioxidant does not cause any negative sensations.



Doppelgerz Active Ginkgo Biloba + B1 + B2 + B6

Rating: 4.6

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The German manufacturer Queisser Pharma produces a line of nutritional supplements Doppelgerz Active. Among them there is a dietary supplement with ginkgo biloba and B vitamins. This complex improves blood circulation in the brain, increases mental activity, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Doppelherz Active Ginkgo Biloba supplement release form – round, biconvex tablets, similar to dragees. They are small (diameter – 0,9 cm), covered with a smooth shell. It is not difficult for men to swallow them. The manufacturer recommends taking these vitamins 1 time per day, 1 each. The best time to do this is during breakfast. It is usually advised to drink this supplement for 8 weeks.

The effect of using such a German additive does not develop immediately, but towards the end of the first month it becomes clearly noticeable. According to men, they have a clarity of the brain, it becomes much easier for them to concentrate on something. This supplement helps them stay stress-resistant. Due to the vitamins of group B, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.



The best vitamins for men 40+

Men aged 40+ are usually already established people who devote a lot of time to work, are often exposed to stressful situations and do not always lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, at this age, sexual activity begins to gradually fade away and problems with the prostate appear. It is often possible to improve overall well-being and maintain reproductive function with the help of high-quality drugs and dietary supplements containing a good complex of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

New Chapter 40+ Every Man’s One Daily Multi

Rating: 4.9

29 Best Vitamins for Men

New Chapter (USA) launches 40+ Every Man’s One Daily Multi supplement for men. Formulated with fermented vitamins, beneficial minerals (including Zn), and a blend of herbs and whole foods. Thanks to these components, it is possible to stimulate the body’s defenses, maintain the health of the prostate gland, heart, and organ of vision.

The dietary supplement from New Chapter is sold in the form of large (length – 2 cm) vegetarian tablets. They are oval, painted green with splashes and have a rather specific aroma. You need to take 1 vitamin per day. And you can do this at any time, regardless of meals. This supplement is well absorbed even when consumed on an empty stomach.

According to men, this supplement gives an excellent charge of vivacity and energy. This complex has a very good effect on potency. Also Every Man’s One Daily Multi makes men more stress-resistant, supports their heart muscle, takes care of hair, nails and skin. These vitamins do not irritate the stomach lining or cause allergic reactions, but swallowing them can be problematic.



Fancl 40

Rating: 4.8

29 Best Vitamins for Men

Japanese vitamins Fancl 40 are designed specifically for men who have exchanged their fifth decade. This multi-component tool includes many active ingredients needed by mature men. This set of nutritional supplements consists of 7 groups of useful substances. With their help, it is possible to comprehensively support the body of a man. Such a complex gives endurance and perfectly tones.

Fancl 40 is a set of tablets, dragees, capsules (total 7 pieces) for one day. This set is placed in a separate bag. The total package contains 30 sets. Men over 40 are recommended to take the contents of 1-2 sachets every day. This should be done after meals with water. All 7 supplements should be taken at one time.

According to reviews, this Japanese vitamin complex is very effective. Many appreciated that the individual components are divided into different tablets/capsules. This contributes to better absorption of active substances. Spouses note that their husbands become more energetic with these vitamins. After a hard day at work, they still have the strength to communicate with their families.



MegaFood For men over 40

Rating: 4.7

29 Best Vitamins for Men

American brand MegaFood has developed a dietary supplement for men over 40. It is a complex of multivitamins, minerals supplemented with a rich herbal and nutritional blend. The product is made from organic raw materials. As part of this dietary supplement, there is no iron, gluten, soy, dairy products. The dietary supplement maintains the physical and mental health of men over 40 at the proper level.

Vitamins Men One Daily are large, oval tablets that are in dark glass bottles. They have a beige color with many patches. They have a rather specific smell, reminiscent of dried herbs for soup. Men take 1 tablet per day. There is no time limit for this. The supplement can even be consumed on an empty stomach. The bottle can contain 30, 60 or 90 tablets.

Men usually praise these vitamins very much. They note that with the product from MegaFood they have much more energy, the quality of sleep improves, and their mood improves. This complex also has a beneficial effect on digestion, normalizes blood pressure, and solves problems with the prostate. These natural vitamins do not give a super effect, like synthetic ones, but they do their job well.



Now Foods Adam Capsules

Rating: 4.6

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The popular American brand Now Foods produces vitamins for men – Adam. This product has a multi-component balanced composition and contains especially useful substances for mature male organisms: zinc, lycopene, alpha-lipoic acid, saw palmetto extract. This dietary supplement is aimed at strengthening immunity, giving strength and energy, as well as improving the functioning of the reproductive system in men.

Now Foods Adam supplement is a vegetable (made from cellulose) capsules. They are quite large, grayish in color. There are vitamins in a jar of white, dense plastic in the amount of 90 pieces. Men are recommended to take 3 capsules during breakfast or lunch. Some divide the reception into 3 times 1 piece. Or take only 1-2 capsules a day.

Men share that their condition becomes much better after 2-3 days of using such an additive. They are less tired during the day and they still have the strength to pay attention to family and sports in the evenings. This supplement helps to solve problems of an intimate nature. Even with this dietary supplement, immunity is noticeably strengthened. The product is usually well tolerated. However, in some men, this complex caused the appearance of an allergic rash.



The best vitamins for men 50+

Men of mature age need vitamins and minerals that would keep their body in good shape. They also especially need antioxidants that slow down aging and prolong youth, bind the destructive effects of free radicals and protect cells from geriatric processes.

Bayer One a Day Men’s 50+ Healthy Advantage

Rating: 4.9

29 Best Vitamins for Men

Our review of the best products for mature men starts with One a Day Men’s 50+ Healthy Advantage. It contains 13 vitamins, 9 minerals and lycopene. A competent combination of such components allows a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and brain function. This supplement is also able to strengthen the immune system and normalize blood pressure. Please note that this product does not contain iron.

One a Day Men’s 50+ dietary supplement is sold in white plastic bottles in the form of oblong sand-colored tablets with patches. They have a pronounced yeasty smell. The lid on the jar prevents it from being easily opened by children. The daily dose of this supplement for mature men is 1 tablet. The optimal time for consumption is the first half of the day. The bottle can contain 65 or 100 tablets.

Men over 50 share that with this supplement they have much more strength and energy. They become more efficient. Their colds practically pass by, or they recover much faster. With these vitamins, visual acuity increases, and blood pressure is kept within the age norm.



Garden of Life Vitamin Code for men from 50

Rating: 4.8

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The American brand Garden of Life produces the Vitamin Code supplement for men over 50 years old. This dietary supplement has a very rich composition, which includes: vitamins, minerals, a mixture of probiotics and enzymes, an antioxidant complex, a mixture of organic fruits and vegetables. This product supports the health of the prostate gland, improves memory, normalizes the digestive tract, supports the cardiovascular system.

The supplement is available from Garden of Life in the form of vegetable capsules. They are transparent with a white powdery content. Their size is standard and practically does not create difficulties when swallowing. Men are recommended to take 4 capsules per day, dividing them into 2 times. You can use dietary supplements with or without food. The powder from the capsule can be dissolved in your favorite juice and drunk as a liquid.

According to reviews, with the addition of Vitamin Code, older men seem to look younger. They have more energy, increased efficiency, improved psycho-emotional state. Vitamins help stabilize blood pressure, increase concentration. With them, immunity is significantly strengthened. The product rarely causes side effects, but not all men like the taste of this supplement.



Dr. Theiss Gerovital

Rating: 4.7

29 Best Vitamins for Men

Among German vitamins for adulthood, the Gerovital elixir from the Doctor Theiss brand deserves special attention. Its composition is rich not only in vitamins, but also contains extracts of medicinal plants and Fe. With this drug in men, the cardiovascular system works better, hemoglobin rises. It perfectly supports a mature body during increased mental or physical stress.

Release form Gerovital is an elixir, which is a clear yellow-orange solution with an orange smell. On the palate there is sweetness and notes of alcohol. It comes in brown glass bottles. Their capacity can be 100, 200, 500 ml. The set includes a measuring cup. Men are prescribed this drug 15 ml 2 times a day. You can drink the elixir during meals or immediately after it.

Older men note that during the use of this elixir, their sleep problems disappear, a surge of strength is felt throughout the day, and the psycho-emotional state normalizes. This drug relieves irritability, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stimulates the immune system. Usually Gerovital is well tolerated without causing gastrointestinal problems or allergic reactions.



Alphabet 50+

Rating: 4.6

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The review also includes a Russian dietary supplement – Alfavit 50+. Among its components, 13 vitamins, 9 minerals, as well as lutein and lycopene can be found. All of them have dosages that optimally cover the needs of a mature male body. Thanks to its constituent components, this supplement strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects against the development of cardiovascular pathologies, and also slows down age-related changes in the organ of vision.

Alphabet 50+ is a set of three tablets for every day. Pink, blue and white pills have their own set of useful components. Men should take them 1 piece 3 times a day at intervals of 4-6 hours. Tablets are round, convex on both sides. They are on blisters. The total number of tablets in the package is 60 pieces. Enough for 20 days of use.

Older men are usually very satisfied with Alphabet 50+. According to them, this complex perfectly improves overall well-being. With systematic use, after 5-7 days, men feel a clear influx of energy. Also, their mood stabilizes and they cease to be grumpy. And for some, these vitamins have also helped improve vision.



Doppelgerz Active Phytocomplex for the prostate gland

Rating: 4.5

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The German Phytocomplex for the prostate Doppelgerz Active contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, zinc, manganese, selenium. This product helps mature men with prostate problems. This remedy is able to relieve the inflammatory process, stop bleeding, constrict blood vessels and have a diuretic effect.

The phytocomplex is sold in the form of capsules of a standard size. They are located on blisters and are in a cardboard box in the amount of 30 pieces. The daily dose for men is 1 capsule of this dietary supplement. The best time to consume is breakfast or lunch. Capsules should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water. It is advisable to take the drug for 1-2 months.

Older men who suffer from chronic prostatitis note in the reviews that this supplement from Doppelherz supports their gland well. In severe cases, one should not place all hopes only on these vitamins, but as part of complex therapy, they show themselves very well. This supplement is generally well tolerated.



Best Vitamins for Hair Problems

Various pharmaceutical companies are developing special complex tools that eliminate all kinds of trichological problems. They are able to strengthen hair follicles, eliminate problems on the scalp, and accelerate the formation of a new undercoat. Usually they are suitable for both sexes. Vitamin complexes of such a plan should contain: vitamins A, B5, B6, as well as zinc and manganese.


Rating: 4.9

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The composition of the German drug Pantovigar contains: vitamins B5 and B6, L-cysteine ​​and amino acids, keratin. This remedy is relevant for men with diffuse hair loss of non-hormonal etiology. Also, this drug helps well with degenerative changes in the structure of the hair. But it should be borne in mind that with hormonal baldness, these vitamins are powerless.

Pantovigar is sold in the form of capsules. They are gelatinous, two-tone – one half is cream, and the other is green. They are quite large in size. Men are recommended to take Pantovigar 3 times a day, 1 capsule. It is advisable to do this during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Capsules should be swallowed whole with a small amount of water. The average duration of treatment is 3-6 months.

Men suffering from diffuse alopecia note that already after 6-8 weeks of using Pantovigar, their condition improves markedly. After washing and combing the hair, they fall out much less. A visible undercoat also appears and the hair begins to grow much faster. Many men tolerate this drug well, but for some, it causes nausea, epigastric pain, or a skin rash.



The revalid

Rating: 4.8

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The drug Revalid is produced by the Teva pharmaceutical company. It contains B vitamins, trace elements, extracts of medicinal plants, amino acids and yeast. This complex is designed to slow down hair loss when exposed to adverse factors, and it also regulates the nutrition of hair follicles well. This drug can also make hair stronger, smoother, and shiny.

Revalid is sold in the form of gelatin hard capsules. They have a two-tone color – dark and light green. The contents of the capsules are yellow-brown powder. When swallowed, these vitamins are not a problem. Men are recommended to take them 1 piece three times a day during or immediately before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Treatment can last 8-12 weeks.

Vitamins Revalid literally saved some men from early baldness. After 4-6 weeks of application, they began to notice the appearance of a new undercoat, and existing hair began to fall out much less. Men also note that their hair has become softer, silkier, and even peeling on the scalp has disappeared. This drug usually does not cause side effects. But some patients complain of the appearance of an allergic rash.




Rating: 4.7

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The British pharmaceutical company Vitabiotics produces the drug Perfectil. It has a multi-component composition, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and plant extracts. This remedy is appropriate to take with partial hair loss, with structural changes in curls, with all kinds of damage to the skin of the head.

The release form of Perfectil is hard gelatin capsules. They are brown in color. Vitamins are quite large and after swallowing it is felt like they go down the esophagus. It is enough to take 1 capsule per day. Men usually take this drug during breakfast or immediately after breakfast. Capsules are recommended to be taken whole with a glass of water. The average therapeutic course is 4 weeks.

Perfectil is more often taken by women, but men also try to fight incipient baldness with the help of this complex. Taking this drug for about a month, they report an active awakening of the bulbs and the appearance of new hairs. The hair itself acquires a healthy appearance. Since the composition contains iron and riboflavin, the feces during treatment may turn black, and the urine becomes a rich yellow color.




Rating: 4.6

29 Best Vitamins for Men

Dietary supplement Fitoval is a development of the pharmaceutical company Krka. This product contains 7 B vitamins, the amino acid cysteine, trace elements iron, copper, zinc and yeast. The listed components help to strengthen the hair follicles, improve their structure, and also prevent their increased loss in both women and men.

Fitoval is sold in the form of hard gelatin capsules. They are quite large and brown in color. They don’t go very well through the esophagus. Their aroma is yeasty with light vitamin notes. Men are advised to take this supplement 1 capsule 1 time per day. To avoid discomfort from the digestive tract, it is better to take the supplement after a hearty meal.

Men report that Fitoval vitamins do not give a quick result, but after 2-3 weeks of use, the hair begins to fall out much less. Nevertheless, the treatment should be continued further in order to consolidate the result by saturating the bulbs with vitamins. The average therapeutic course is 2-3 months. However, the tolerance of this dietary supplement cannot be called ideal. Often it provokes pain in the stomach and increased flatulence.



Evicent brewer’s yeast with sulfur

Rating: 4.5

29 Best Vitamins for Men

Russian brewer’s yeast with Evisent sulfur heals the skin, makes hair silky, elastic, and nail plates stronger. And also this dietary supplement effectively supports the natural metabolism. The composition is rich in B and PP vitamins, which are organically combined with sulfur. The latter is considered the “mineral of beauty and health”. Thanks to sulfur, the hair becomes less brittle and dry. The product does not increase body weight.

Evisent Sulfur Brewer’s Yeast is sold as a medium sized tablet. They are round, convex on both sides. Their color is sandy with patches. The tablets have a strong yeasty smell, which may interfere with their use at first. The manufacturer recommends that men take up to 6-9 tablets per day, divided into 3 times. It is good to do this during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Evisent has a great effect on the appearance of curls. They also grow back very quickly. In addition, the skin of the head ceases to itch, peel off, microdamages of the skin heal. Men also note that against the background of the use of this supplement, their scalp becomes less oily. However, many complain of stomach discomfort during the therapeutic course of this dietary supplement.



The best vitamins to improve potency and spermatogenesis

Vitamins of groups B, C, E, D, as well as the microelement zinc can help a man to establish the activity of the reproductive system. They affect the production of sex hormones, are responsible for the maturation of spermatozoa and their mobility, affect the innervation of the penis, improve blood circulation in the pelvis. To solve intimate problems, a man must select complexes that would contain such components.

Man’s Formula Potential Forte

Rating: 4.9

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The American dietary supplement Man’s Formula Potential Forte contains vitamin E, niacin, zinc, as well as herbal ingredients (yohimbe bark extract, ginseng root, large-flowered goat weed, damiana leaves, capsicum powder). This complex is designed to improve the ability of the male body to have sexual intercourse. Also, this product perfectly tones and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Man’s Formula Potential Forte is sold in the form of gelatin capsules. They are medium in size. They have a sandy color and are located on blisters. The manufacturer recommends that men take this dietary supplement in courses of 1 capsule per day with meals. Also, some take this supplement for a short course – to bring new sensations into sexual relationships.

Many men speak highly of Man’s Formula Potential Forte. They note that this dietary supplement normalizes the production of testosterone and at the same time the general condition of the body does not suffer (working capacity or mental activity). After a monthly course of application, the effect persists for a long time. This supplement is great for men to keep themselves in good shape.




Rating: 4.8

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The Russian dietary supplement Speroton contains: vitamins E, B9, zinc, selenium and L-carnitine. This tool is designed to increase the ability of a man to leave viable offspring. This product has a great effect on spermogram indicators. With Speroton, the probability of conception increases by 15%. And if the spouse also takes the Pregnoton supplement, then the chances of a successful conception increase to 28,6%.

Speroton is sold in the form of sachets containing a powder from which a drink is prepared. There are 30 bags in total in a carton box. It is recommended to dissolve the contents of one of them in 200-300 ml of water at room temperature. A white, opaque drink with an orange flavor is formed. A man should take 1 serving per day during the main meal. It is recommended to take this dietary supplement for 12 weeks.

From the reviews it follows that this supplement has a great effect on the appearance of spermatozoa, their mobility and concentration in a portion of the ejaculate. Many people like that Speroton contains high dosages of substances important for spremogenesis, and there are a small amount of auxiliary components. The product is well tolerated by male organisms and rarely causes side effects.



Parity Eves

Rating: 4.7

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The popular Russian company Evalar produces dietary supplements Parity. It contains vitamin E, niacin, zinc, extracts of ginger, deer antlers, yohimbe bark and eurycoma longifolia root. Raw materials for this additive are taken in Germany and Malaysia. The dietary supplement is designed to maintain an optimal level of testosterone, to increase tone, energy, and endurance.

Parity is a white capsule of a standard size. They are swallowed without any problems. They have no unpleasant odor or taste. The daily dose of this supplement for men is 1 capsule. One package contains 15 pieces. The average therapeutic course takes 30 days, so you need 2 packs.

According to reviews, Parity does not give a quick result, but closer to the middle of the course of application, it necessarily develops. Men note that after 15 days from the start of the use of this dietary supplement, their spermogram parameters noticeably improve. In addition, they feel great during the performance of marital duty and in ordinary life. Occasionally, this supplement can provoke an increase in blood pressure and tachycardia.



Alphabet for men

Rating: 4.6

29 Best Vitamins for Men

The Russian Alphabet product line has a special complex designed for men. In addition to a good set of vitamins and minerals, this complex contains: carotenoids, taurine, L-carnitine, and Siberian ginseng. The dietary supplement supports the normal functioning of the male reproductive system, perfectly tones, increases efficiency.

This dietary supplement for men comes in three colors. Each of them has its own composition. They are quite large, round, convex on both sides. Men usually have no difficulty swallowing them. For a day you need to take 3 tablets of different colors. It is advisable to divide the intake into 3 times and maintain a break of 4-6 hours between each tablet.

Men note that this dietary supplement significantly improves their overall well-being. They are invigorating strength and energy throughout the day. With such vitamins, they are easier to tolerate mental stress. And they also have a very high sexual activity. Quite a few couples, these vitamins have helped in planning pregnancy. Portability in Alphabet is usually good, side effects are extremely rare.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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