The 27th week of pregnancy begins her third trimester. From now on, the expectant mother will feel more and more heavy. In turn, the baby is so well developed in the 27th week of pregnancy that in the event of premature birth it has a very good chance of survival.
At 27 weeks gestation, the size of your baby varies greatly, but it is usually between 34 and 37 cm from head to toe. By the time of delivery, the child’s height will increase to 46-54 cm. On the other hand, its weight will increase significantly, which at the moment is around 1 kg, and at the time of birth it will oscillate around 3 kg! Next time you go shopping, have a sugar packet in your hands. Experiencing how much your little one actually weighs can be very interesting for you.
Women in the 27th week feel the effects of the burden on the body more and more acutely. Back pain, circulation problems, groin pain and a number of other ailments make rest very difficult. Therefore, at this stage, expectant mothers should get enough sleep whenever they have the opportunity to do so. Unfortunately, this is difficult because the baby usually has a circadian rhythm completely different from that of his mother – he sleeps when she is moving, and starts to move when she rests.
27rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development
A child born in the 27th week of pregnancy is so well developed that it has about 80-85 percent. for survival (of course, provided that it is provided with specialist care). However, it is worth bearing in mind that prematurity is usually associated with serious health problems. The most common of these are respiratory failure, vision problems and decreased immunity.
On the other hand, the baby has a perfectly developed taste. Interestingly, at 27 weeks of pregnancy, she has more taste buds than she will have after giving birth. At the moment, the toddler’s taste preferences are being shaped. If you provide him with a lot of simple sugars, he will also want them after the birth.
When you eat sweets, your baby swallows the amniotic fluid faster, but in the 27th week of pregnancy, it also reacts to other flavors. Some women find that eating a spicy meal causes their baby to hiccup, which is manifested by rhythmic movements in the abdomen.
At 27 weeks, the baby is still moving very intensively, and also makes a series of grimaces, exercising the facial muscles. Sometimes even a child’s smile can be detected on a 3D ultrasound examination! However, it must be remembered all the time that the child does not smile consciously. You will have to wait until 6-8 weeks after giving birth for this moment. The fetus already has its eyes open and sometimes blinks.
There is still so much space in the uterus that the baby is still moving around quite intensively. It can lie head up, down and even across the uterus. It is a bit different in the case of twins – in the 27th week they are a bit tight and the frequency of movements may drop.
At 27 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal heart beats very hard, and although you cannot hear it for yourself, it may be possible for your partner to do so if they put their ear to your belly. Of course, as long as the toddler positions himself correctly, so if the experiment fails temporarily, try again later.
27st week of pregnancy – changes in your body
In the 27th week of pregnancy, some symptoms can be a bit embarrassing. Urinary incontinence, gas and colostrum leakage can prevent you from leaving your home now. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with these symptoms.
Urinary incontinence in pregnancy is primarily the result of the uterus pressing against the bladder at 27 weeks. A slight leakage of urine may occur when you sneeze, exercise, or even laugh. Temporary panty liners will help, but you should also think about exercising Kegel muscles. All you have to do is flex your muscles on the empty bladder as if you want to hold urine.
Herbs, such as marjoram added to food, can help with flatulence. It’s also a good idea to eat smaller portions and include foods that contain large amounts of fiber with your meals.
Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do about the colostrum coming out of your breasts. First of all, don’t put pressure on them, as this can only aggravate the symptoms. Get nursing pads that will protect against stains on your clothes.
Swelling in the 27th week of pregnancy can cause not only carpal tunnel syndrome, but also sciatica. The mechanism of these two ailments is similar – they develop when the nerve is subjected to prolonged pressure. In the case of sciatica, it is obviously the sciatic nerve. It is manifested by sudden sharp pain in the lumbar region which radiates to the buttock. When these symptoms appear, try changing your position a bit – it may ease the pressure on the nerve.
Especially important in the 27st week of pregnancy
In the 27th week of pregnancy, do not forget to exercise your Kegel muscles. Their strengthening prevents urinary incontinence from becoming stronger. Moreover, it minimizes the risk of perineal tear during childbirth. Another benefit of these exercises is that it reduces the likelihood of incontinence affecting you after pregnancy.
The key to Kegel exercises is to do them on an empty bladder. Tighten your muscles as if you are trying to stop a stream of urine and hold it there for a few seconds. After a few seconds’ break, repeat the exercise. A few series of repetitions a day are enough.
Tests in the 27st week of pregnancy
The 27th week of pregnancy is a good time to repeat the toxoplasmosis antibody test. The test should be performed by women who have cats at home or who have frequent contact with cats. Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy is very dangerous for the baby and can cause serious physical and mental disabilities.
An interesting fact about the 27nd week of pregnancy
The fetus swallows up to a liter of amniotic fluid every day! This is extremely high, considering that an adult consumes about two liters of fluid a day.