The 27th week of pregnancy is the third week in the seventh obstetric month of pregnancy, each of which is equal to exactly 28 days. There are still 13 weeks ahead, during which the baby will continue to grow and develop, preparing for an independent life outside the mother’s belly.
Fetal development at 27 weeks gestation
The weight of the baby is already approaching one kilogram. On average, a fetus at week 27 of its development weighs about 900 g, and its height is 36 cm. Starting from the last week and for the rest of its intrauterine life, the child will continue to grow actively. This is a natural process, which is explained by the production of growth hormone in his body – somatotropin, which became possible due to the development of the anterior pituitary gland.
The endocrine glands come into play. The pancreas produces insulin, and the thyroid gland produces thyroxine, calcitonin and triiodothyronine. These hormones are necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes and for the development of the child’s body as a whole.
The respiratory system continues to improve. Alveoli and bronchial passages actively develop in the lungs. Starting this week, a surfactant appears in them, which will allow them not to stick together. The lungs are not yet ready for independent breathing, however, if the baby is born at 27 weeks, he will have a fairly high chance of survival. Naturally, it will not be possible to do without specialized equipment and without the help of doctors.
The immunity of the crumbs is now at the stage of active development, in order to provide him with the necessary protection after the birth of the child.
Every day the baby becomes more and more like a newborn. His eyes begin to open, his ears protrude, his fingertips acquire soft nails, eyelashes and eyebrows become thicker, hair grows on his head. The skin is still covered with wrinkles, because the body of the crumbs is constantly in contact with water. Fat is actively accumulating under the dermis, which will ensure adequate thermoregulation of the child after birth. The skin itself is no longer as red as before, little by little it begins to lighten.
The child gives a reaction to sound and light, smiles and frowns, sorts through the umbilical cord with his fingers. If the baby is born at week 27, he will already be able to distinguish not only tastes, but also smells.
The fetus no longer spends all the time in a dream, it wakes up periodically, but still for a very short period of time. During wakefulness, the baby actively somersaults, swims, kicks, stretches. This allows him to gain muscle strength, so the woman clearly feels when the child inside her has woken up. Often, watching her stomach, the expectant mother notices his rhythmic twitches – this is a baby hiccups. Most often, hiccups do not last long and do not cause any discomfort in the child.