27 tips not to get sick during Epiphany bathing

27 tips not to get sick during Epiphany bathing

Traditionally, on the night of January 18-19 and in the afternoon of January 19, fonts for immersion are prepared for believers throughout the country. With those who have not yet tried to plunge, but really want, Wday.ru experts share useful information.

Top 10 tips for beginner divers:

  1. Plunge into specially equipped ice holes near the shore, preferably near rescue stations, under the supervision of rescuers.

  2. Before swimming in the ice-hole, warm up, do a warm-up, run.

  3. Approach the ice hole in comfortable, easily removable and non-slip shoes to maintain the sensitivity of your feet. Walk to the hole slowly and carefully, remember that the path can be slippery.

  4. It is best to plunge up to the neck without getting your head wet in order to avoid reflex vasoconstriction.

  5. Never dive head first into the hole. This can increase the loss of temperature and lead to cold shock.

  6. Do not stay in the hole for more than a minute to avoid overcooling.

  7. If you are with a child, keep an eye on him as he dives into the ice hole.

  8. After bathing, rub yourself and your baby with a terry towel, put on dry warm clothes and help your baby to get dressed.

  9. To strengthen immunity and prevent hypothermia, drink hot tea, best of all from berries and fruits.

  10. Alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited before bathing! It is also unacceptable to swim on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.

Below we have collected tips from real experts in Epiphany bathing who are happy to share their tips and experiences.

1. At home, before going out, smear with mink oil or petroleum jelly.

2. Take with you clothes of a large size – which you wanted to throw away, but kept just in case, as well as a knitted warm hat that fits snugly around your head.

I remember how I came to the first Epiphany in boots with heels, tights and a skirt, then I could not get into all this.

3. Come to the dive site by car, I know from myself – sometimes after the hot tub I really want to sleep. And on the hood, you can set the table with friends!

4. Do not warm up before dipping, it is better to do it later.

Ideally, you need to often temper, then diving into the hole will be easy. If you decide on a miracle, on changes in your life, you want to say thank you to God, go. Go in faith!

5. Be sure to take three towels with you: you will stand on one when you leave the font, wrap your head with the second, rub dry with the third. It is better if someone else does it, because you may be dumbfounded and not be able to wipe yourself off.

6. Choose a place for dipping not the most remote and remote, where it is crowded. I advise you to enter the hot tub with disposable slippers or special non-slip water park shoes.

7. If you are afraid to dive headlong, ask to pour holy water on you or just wash yourself.

How to prepare mentally? Suggest to yourself that you will be healthy, cleanse yourself!

TV presenter, writer, specialist in non-traditional methods of healthy lifestyle

If you have a cold, viral infection or flu, you should still see your doctor for personalized treatment.


8. The first thing to do before swimming is to tune in! In a few days, convince yourself that everything will be fine. Do not be afraid in any way!

9. Two hours before swimming, eat borscht with sour cream or other warm liquid food to warm up the body. You can eat bread with garlic, wash it down with warm tea. An empty stomach should not be – it will quickly freeze!

10… Come to the font warmly dressed. The main thing is not to freeze and not sweat.

11. Don’t worry about being cold or uncomfortable. Climb boldly into the baptismal water! You will experience a bliss that rarely can be compared to. Plunging into the hole, you feel how every cell of the body begins to renew itself and you seem to be getting younger.

12. Quickly undress and … jump into the font! Do not hesitate, otherwise you will freeze. If you are diving for the first time, it is enough to dive once.

13. It happens that a person is lost from cold water, cannot move. It’s good if there are three assistants next to you. Two will take you by the hands, dip and pull you out of the water, the third will give you a large bath sheet at the exit.

14. Immediately run into the warmth, get dressed, drink hot tea with raspberries or honey.

When I plunge into the baptismal font every year, I say: “Mother Voditsa, take me into your health-giving arms!” I wish everyone to be healthy and get, like me, a lot of pleasure from the bathing process! “

15. Before swimming, you should warm up, do a few bends, squats, jumps.

16. You can drink warm tea or juice, water. But the stomach should not be full – do not overeat. And in any case, do not take alcohol! It increases the load on the heart and promotes rapid hypothermia.

And representatives of professional medicine, physicians, therapists, categorically people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, colds and high blood pressure are not advised to plunge into the ice hole… Otherwise, the patient may experience severe spasms, which will lead to dire consequences. It is known that faith is of great importance to a person, but the risk is great.

If you want to plunge, but you’re scared, it’s better to wait for the next holiday and devote this year to thorough preparation: pour water over yourself with a gradual decrease in temperature, take a contrast shower.

Team leader for hardening and winter sports swimming

17. As an experienced walrus, I recommend that beginners pay special attention to preparing for the dive. Ideally, you need to warm up for 20-30 minutes – preferably in clothes. The muscles will warm up from the inside, and then the cold water will penetrate into the body more slowly. In addition, a warm-up will protect against cramps. When you emerge, you will reflexively want to rub yourself with a towel, but it’s best to just blot the water droplets with a towel.

I think you shouldn’t eat too much before swimming. And, of course, no alcohol!

Julia Vasilieva, Vlada Timofeeva

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