- Svetlana Lapteva, 32 years old
- Natalia Novoselova, 44 years old
- Natalia Andrenko, 44 years old
- Anastasia Davydova, 33 years old
- Anastasia Zamula, 33 years old
- Snezhana Lukiyanova, 39 years old
- Anastasia Alekhina, 31 years old
- Tatiana Vinogradova, 36 years old
- Svetlana Usoltseva, 31 years old
- Natalia Chepchugova, 31 years old
- Anastasia Shipovalenko, 25 years old
- Ekaterina Kalugina, 34 years old
With their stories, they prove that a successful woman is always a wise mother and a strong personality. And also that at any age you can look wow! See for yourself. And choose “Mrs. Eurasia by Woman`s Day” on the last page!
Profession – Account Manager
City – Verkhnyaya Pyshma
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… I was 9-10 years old. With a friend, let her name be Anya, we discussed Dasha, with whom Anya was in a quarrel. They spoke evilly. Moreover, without joy, but I also cursed. And then the girls made up with each other, and Anya told Dasha about everything, but she whitewashed herself. Dasha came up to me and asked me if I really was gossiping. I confessed. Then the relationship improved, but I did not forget this situation, and we began to communicate less with my friends. Now I would support myself then, I would say: “You are great! You have committed an unseemly act – confess. ” I teach my son the same. And I would not change anything, because it was a lesson to me: if you act badly, be ready to answer. Inside you always know whether you are acting ethically or not. And it doesn’t matter what others say, the main thing is how you feel yourself after what you have done.
The story that changed my life. Rather, she changed my attitude towards life. My son Vanya was 3 years old when he flew on an airplane for the first time. I made a huge list of things: boots, an umbrella, a windbreaker, and sandals … In a word, I had two suitcases for Vanya and one for me and my husband Alexander. But I didn’t calm down – there was also a list of things in my carry-on luggage: toys, books, coloring books, pencils, walking games, etc. But that’s not all. I decided that since a child is flying for the first time, he should be the first to board the plane. And so, at the plane, I pick up Vanya in my arms and, actively working with my elbows, move towards the ladder. And so my Vanya was the first to climb the ladder and the first to enter the plane. Here we would be happy, but the next worrying moment was on the way: where are our places, isn’t it blowing strongly from the air conditioner …
As a result, of all the things that we took with us, we only needed a book with children’s anecdotes. And even then not for long – the child fell asleep. And then I looked at myself from the side and realized: here is my child, next to him mom and dad, this alone fills him with happiness! And all my nerves and worries are not needed by anyone. I relaxed and started enjoying the trip. This is what I mean: many, in our opinion, complex things are actually very simple and understandable. And the most important thing in life is love. And you can buy missing things in another city!
Svetlana Lapteva, 32 years old
Profession – math teacher
City – Polevskoy
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… Until the age of 18, I did not wear skirts, only wide pants and a baseball cap. She was a kid and a hooligan. Everyone at school was afraid of me. I fought with the guys, despite my thin build, I pulled out the girls’ hair. I practically had no friends, only friends were guys.
However, I really loved learning and appreciated the teachers. I had excellent pupil syndrome, and the first desk was my seat. True, I drove the teachers to hysterics with my behavior … And now, working at school as a teacher, I see in some children a mirror image of myself, of my actions in childhood. And I want to give advice to myself as a teenager: “My dear Svetochka, I wish you to be more feminine and soft, patient and gentle, beautiful and self-confident. And she was just a girl. “
The story that changed my life. At the age of 6, I began to tell my mother that my heels hurt, it hurt me to get up on them. At the age of 7, doctors diagnosed the destruction of the calcaneus. They put me in a wheelchair … A large number of hospitals and rehabilitation centers awaited me. Unfortunately, medicine hasn’t helped. Saved by the care of my beloved mother, who taught me to walk again. I went to the second grade already on my own two feet. I started to play sports, although it was contraindicated for me. She began to run long distances, first for the class, for the school, then for the faculty and institute. At the age of 18, I realized that a girl should be beautiful, and for the first time put on high-heeled shoes.
I know what it means to be in a wheelchair and crawl on my knees at 7 when other kids are running and jumping. This inspired me to grow, develop and strive to achieve results. It’s never too late: at the age of 31, I got my first result in sporting achievements for the first time – a medal for 3rd place in a competition for general education workers.
Natalia Novoselova, 44 years old
Profession – head of RPO ARGO and public figure
City – Verkhnyaya Pyshma
Children – 3 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager. Honey, life is so beautiful! Do not waste it on grievances and disappointments! The most interesting, absolutely sure, is always ahead!
This advice will come in handy in any child and adolescent situation. Whether it’s a quarrel with a friend, a deuce, or something else that makes girls worry. My daughter is 17 years old, that’s what I tell her when something like this happens in her life.
The story that changed my life. Even when we do not notice, every minute we make choices that change, direct our life. I really love to sing, I graduated from a music school, music is a special world for me! And my parents made the decision to send me to a music school when my grandmother gave me a toy children’s piano. I nagged on it for hours, and my grandmother did not get tired of repeating: “Just look how she likes it!” I am grateful to my grandmother for such a gift! If she had an idea with another gift, then I might not have received a musical education.
Profession – Lawyer
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 1 child
Advice to myself as a teenager and the story that changed my life… At school, in the 9th grade, I was a very enthusiastic and versatile child, I liked everything new. I studied with pleasure in general education and in music schools, I really liked to study the French language additionally. She even began to associate her future life with the study of the French language. But then I got sick. The doctors loudly repeated that I needed to reduce the load, but both in general education and in music schools, these were graduation classes, so I had to give up my French classes … At first I thought I would pass the exams and definitely continue to study the language, but it passed too a lot of time, and I decided that I could not “catch up” in the knowledge of others. Now, to myself, a 15-year-old girl, I would give the most important advice – never give up! Be confident in your strengths and capabilities. After all, it is faith in yourself that allows you to overcome all difficulties. Perhaps my life would have turned out differently.
Profession – Head of Sales Department
City – Sysert
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… I would very much like our younger generation to be healthy both physically and spiritually. Therefore, it will be great if all young people go in for sports, give up bad habits, study, read a lot
The story that changed my life… Yes, there is one. Perhaps, to some extent, because of her, I went to the “Mrs. Eurasia” contest. I had a wonderful family – my beloved husband and daughter. But my husband could not cope with the test with easy money, began to drink and raise his hand. I tried to heal, to code, even out of despair through friends I turned to Yevgeny Roizman to take him to her drug rehabilitation center. But after leaving there my husband was very angry with me, for a while he did not drink alcohol, but then it all started all over again …
10 years have passed since the divorce, but I just can’t get rid of my “shell”, in which I am hiding. I think the competition will help me cope with myself.
Profession – Sales Manager
Village – Patrushi
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… Be a girl, not a boy! I didn’t play with dolls. Of course, I had them, and outfits too, but I liked tanks, planes, cars, football more. It was interesting to glue, disassemble and assemble the parts. All my childhood I looked like a boy on a hike. It was also influenced by the fact that I spent all the time with my father in the garage. As soon as I was 12 years old, he taught me how to drive a car and a motorcycle.
Everything changed when I moved to another school in the 10th grade. The girls there looked like girls, and the boys paid attention to them. I was uncomfortable. Then I changed my image, hairstyle and began to put on skirts and dresses.
But I can hammer a nail into the wall myself, change the socket, saw, drill, change the tap. And now, when my 5-year-old son is growing up, I pass on my experience to him: I play football with him, give a master class on how to stuff (mint) a ball on his leg, play hockey in winter, teach how to glue parts …
The story that changed my life… Life changes completely when you enter adulthood. This happened for me at the age of 16 – I began to live separately from my parents. She lived in the Khimmash microdistrict, studied in high school, at the same time completing the 1st year of a modern humanitarian institute. Studying at the institute was paid. At first, the parent paid for it, but the last 3 courses had to be paid by herself. So I got a job. Employers did not hire without experience for a well-paid position. And I wanted to work as a lawyer or in the police. Unfortunately, I had to go not in my specialty.
I have been working in tourism as a sales manager for 10 years. I really like everything, and I like to travel myself. But the dream of being a lawyer and working in the police force still remains.
Profession – palliative care operator
City – Kemerovo
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager… Ignore the opinion of outsiders, be a little more confident in your strengths and abilities. The difficult 90s fell on my teenage years, but still I could have avoided some mistakes, which then had to be corrected. Basically, such situations arose due to self-doubt. For example, I did not go to study where I really wanted to, but entered another educational institution on the advice of my friends. I was not sure of my attractiveness, although there was always a feeling that I had great potential. But for what? It was a question. Have I found the answer now? Rather yes than no. I am an open person and I really enjoy communicating with people. And I believed in myself, in my strength, and I agree that nothing is impossible. The impossible just takes a little more time. This is my motto.
The story that changed my life. With the move from Kemerovo to Yekaterinburg two years ago, my life changed radically. You can safely say – I start from scratch and am grateful to the circumstances that arise around me.
Profession – HR specialist
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… In childhood, all girls are attracted by the world of theater and cinema. But often dreams are shattered by the logic of the parents: the profession must be reliable, the salary must be stable.
In the senior grades of school, when there was a choice of a future profession and university, my dream was to enter the Chelyabinsk Academy of Arts, the faculty of “directing holidays”. Did not work out. I entered the Faculty of Psychology in Yekaterinburg, but my dream has not gone anywhere. As a result, I still started working as a holiday organizer!
Now I have become a mother and organize holidays for my baby, my family. And I work, albeit as a personnel specialist, but at the Children’s Philharmonic, which in itself is a holiday every day! It’s fun and interesting for me to live.
I only regret a little that I did not trust myself, my dream earlier. Because the notorious “bird in hand” does not make a person happy, does not allow him to develop spiritually. From now on, I choose “pie in the sky” and advise my little son to follow his own path.
The story that changed my life… This is, of course, the birth of our son! After all, the worldview changes, and the little life of your baby becomes more precious than anything in the world, more precious than his own life. With the advent of a baby, life takes on a completely different meaning: you understand that up to this moment you were striving for absolutely the wrong thing. The kid is a new stage in life that makes you finally an adult! The little man, having come to this world, changes the life priorities of his parents.
Profession – Regional Court Consultant
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager. Be yourself, a person and not afraid to express yourself, because everyone is different. In my teenage years, society dictated limits, so it was difficult to stand out. Thanks to my parents and loved ones – they gave my sister and me the opportunity to express ourselves. It’s great when you know your purpose and when you have like-minded people.
The story that changed my life… People who meet on my way do not change my life itself, but my attitude towards it. We can say that I am grateful to every person with whom fate brought me together.
Profession – educator
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 3 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager… Be more confident in yourself! My parents are golden people. I never hid anything from them, I knew that at any moment they would support me. I love them very much! I have always been an exemplary girl, now, I hope, an exemplary wife.
The story that changed my life… This is a meeting with a loved one with whom we have been living together for 25 years. We raised three children together. I feel happy next to him!
Profession – design engineer
City – Rezh
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager… I would say: “Do not rush to grow up, enjoy every day of your carefree childhood.” But otherwise I would have left everything as it is. I believe that even mistakes are lessons that life has taught me. Without them, I would not have found my happiness.
The story that changed my life… Four years ago I met my husband, since then we have always been together.
Profession – economist
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager… I would advise you to listen to the advice of your parents. They will not advise bad. Having become a mother myself, I rethought many things. As a teenager, I wanted to do everything my own way, to be independent in everything. Including in decision making. But in fact, our decisions do not always turn out to be correct. And we understand this only when we ourselves become parents.
The story that changed my life… I believe that sports have changed my life. As a child, I was often sick, and my parents decided to send me to the figure skating section. I was 4,5 years old then. Now I am very grateful to them for this decision. Yes, it was hard: daily training, getting up early in the morning, then school was added … Sometimes there was no time to walk with friends. But I really enjoyed my training. In high school, I was faced with a choice: professional sports or study at a good university. I chose to study. But sports taught me a lot: endurance, patience, the ability to go towards your goal and achieve it, punctuality, responsibility and teamwork. And now I adhere to a healthy lifestyle and do fitness. I teach children to sports: the eldest son is engaged in karate, and the daughter goes to dances.
Natalia Andrenko, 44 years old
Profession – ecologist-radiologist
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager… I would wish myself to be more attentive, kinder and more tolerant of others. I remember an incident that happened at a ballet school. Almost all the children coped with the loads, with the exception of one girl who did not do well. They laughed at her and made fun of her. Then I did not support her, which I now remember with regret. My advice is this – lend a helping hand to someone who needs it, say words of support, cheer up, and the person will perk up, and he will succeed!
The story that changed my life… I am six years. Morning. Sunbeams are jumping on the canvas. Lively, cheerful voices and delicious pie smells come from the kitchen. Today is the birthday of my older sister Elvira. She is smart, beautiful, she is finishing school and is preparing to enter a law school. I am a small fry, I follow her like a tail, and in everything I try to imitate.
I wake up thinking that I must do something nice for my sister. I put a piece of paper and pencils on my desk for future first-graders and start to create. I draw the sun, the table on which the newborn baby is lying, I paste a piece of cotton wool, and I display the “Meticin Institute” from below with errors. Our mother comes in and asks: “What is this?” “And this is my sister who will heal the little laleks.”
The most amazing thing is that after graduating from school, the sister applied and entered the medical institute. Now she is a respected doctor, head of the pediatric department of Berezovsky. This is how my gift turned out to be prophetic and changed my sister’s life!
Anastasia Davydova, 33 years old
Profession – Marketing and Advertising Specialist
City – Berezovsky
Children – 3 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager… Never be afraid to be yourself, even if you seem stupid in some situation. People quickly forget about it, and you think and worry for a long time. When moving from a private school to a general education one, I had to face the fact that my classmates laughed at me, did not accept me into their company. But I managed to join the team, make friends. To be honest, it was a good school of life, and I don’t want to change anything. Even the bad things that you have to go through makes you stronger and wiser.
The story that changed my life… This is undoubtedly the story of meeting my beloved husband. I was only 19 years old when we got married, from my mother’s daughter I became a wife, and then what I am now.
Anastasia Zamula, 33 years old
Profession – Sales Manager
City – Zarechny
Children – 5 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager… I would like to learn how to play the drum kit. I dreamed about it, but failed!
The story that changed my life… Life around me changed my fate when on a frosty winter night in 1983 the walls of the Tyumen maternity hospital were resounded by the cry of a newborn girl – me. The one who was later destined to become a beloved and loving daughter, sister, wife and mother of five beautiful children. Looking back, I understand that I am a happy person, because I do not want to change anything in the past, so as not to lose what I have now. I’m not perfect at all, but I’m not used to regretting my past!
Profession – Director of Urban Development
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager. As a child, I was very active and enthusiastic. In addition to studying at a school with in-depth study of the English language, she studied music, graduated from art school, and went to sports sections. I had time for everything! But she always looked with envy at her friends, rolling down the hill, walking in the yard. However, the workload in childhood gave a lot: curiosity, self-organization, clear time planning and the ability to find a way out of any situation. As an adult, I asked my mother: “Why did you push me everywhere?” And she replied: “The more you learned in childhood, the easier it would be for you to go through life!” And so it is! When I, as a mother of two boys, are asked where my children walk, I answer: “My children walk in training and on the way to them!” Children must be constantly busy!
My advice to teenagers is to listen to their parents. And for adults – to be closer to their children, not to instruct, but to captivate. Trust in your kids, they can do much more than you can imagine!
The story that changed my life. I think that the life of any woman changes the appearance of the first child. It happened to me at the age of 20, when Nikita was born. I remember the first time in the hospital I looked into his eyes – deep and bottomless … This is real happiness – to hug a little angel, tied to you by a Divine thread!
With the advent of my son, I became very organized. Then I studied at the institute, and it’s hard to believe, but my academic performance has improved. I tried to use any free moment to prepare for studies, without delaying, as before, until the last moment. Motherhood taught me to be patient and unselfish. Every day, rejoicing at the achievements of my son, I made new discoveries with him. I unleashed my creativity, singing lullabies, composing fairy tales, folding origami …
Snezhana Lukiyanova, 39 years old
Profession – housewife
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 2 children
Advice to myself as a teenager and the story that changed my life. The most valuable piece of advice I would give myself as a teenager is to heed my parents’ advice. Years later, you realize this especially acutely. But when you’re 16, you feel like the smartest, the center of the universe. My parents showed wisdom and allowed me to fill the bumps. After school, despite my parents’ persuasion, I refused to go to university. It seemed to me that I became independent, I can decide what to do. I got a job at a grocery store as a salesman. I was very shy about my work, because it turned out that all the girlfriends and friends went to study further. And on top of that, in the store with work clothes, I had to wear an apron and a hat like Cinderella’s … I didn’t like the way I looked and didn’t want any of my friends to see me.
Once a young man, whom I really liked, came into the store and began to ask me where I had entered to study. I came up with a profession and a university where my friend entered. She said that I was just moonlighting at the store. But from that moment on, the thought of getting a higher education stuck in my head. I managed to apply and entered the university. So, thanks to a little deception, I realized what I want to be, what is important to me. Thanks to my parents for allowing me to make decisions myself and teaching me to take responsibility for my life!
Profession – HR manager
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… Tanya, do not compare yourself with anyone. You are the only one, and therefore move forward without looking back. Trust in yourself, listen to your intuition, trust your heart! Develop constantly and go to your goal. More optimism and bold desires and goals. Everything in this world is real and possibly even better and more than you think! Your talents will bring joy to you and those who are in your life.
The story that changed my life. I was just a baby, went to kindergarten. As I recall, on that warm summer day, my mother had to pick me up early from kindergarten – I was sick. It was sad, but it comforted me that I would go to my mother to work. It was a double happiness: to be close to your beloved mother and plunge into the adult world, where work is real.
Near one house, past which we were walking, I stopped in delight – sounds were pouring from the ajar windows … I asked my mother: “What is this?” Mom said that this is an unusual house: not people live in it, but music. All the way to work, my mother told me about the music school. From that day on, I had a dream. First, they bought me a small children’s piano – what if my daughter plays enough and forgets? I enjoyed coming up with melodies, it was magical! As soon as I turned 6, my mom brought me to a music school. The little grand piano was replaced by a real piano. For 12 years I have performed works of various genres and studied vocals. Now I still love music and sing with pleasure. With the advent of my son, every day ends with a gentle lullaby and a kiss goodnight.
Profession – graphic designer
Village – Mountain Shield
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager. Be brave: if you set a goal for yourself, go to it and never give up! No one will ever do anything for you. As a child, I was very fond of physical education lessons, so I decided to connect my life with sports. I went to the Uralochka volleyball school, but my sports career was not successful due to modesty, self-doubt and fear of new things. I was scared of the new team, the change of school, and most importantly, I had to live in a hostel with the team. And my insecurity won out. I dropped out of sports school, which I regret now!
The story that changed my life… Once my cousin, knowing that I was sitting at home all the time and had little fun, invited me to a disco. It was there that I met my future husband. This year our family is 15 years old! We have two wonderful children: daughter Anyuta, 13 years old and son Dmitry, 5 years old. I thank my sister for the day she pulled me out of the house!
Anastasia Alekhina, 31 years old
Profession – marketer
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 3 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager. Take your time to become an adult! As a teenager, I strove to become independent as soon as possible – from the age of 13 I began to earn money. Every summer I asked my parents to find a place for a part-time job, I remember even then my mother used to say: “Wait, you will get more work.” Do I understand now? that it is never too late to become independent. Childhood, adolescence should be enjoyed, to receive joy from simple things that we do not notice now. Now I like to ride with children down the hill, I myself am happy as a child when I give balloons to children for their birthdays.
The story that changed my life. My life was changed by the birth of my third child, daughter of Arisha. She appeared when I was not at all ready to change something. Everything was measured: the older children went to kindergarten, became a little independent. And suddenly such news! During pregnancy, I started driving, which I used to be afraid of. I got a second wind, I didn’t sit still, I worked until the birth and after the birth of Arisha. And our family has become stronger!
Tatiana Vinogradova, 36 years old
Profession – accountant
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager. I would pay more attention to my parents and grandmothers. I would talk to them, learn about their childhood and youth. Unfortunately, the past cannot be returned. So now I spend a lot of time with my son. We walk, read and learn a lot. I tell him about his relatives, whom I was lucky to know. It seems to me that my son understands that thanks to the traditions of our family, we learn to love, respect, trust, and appreciate the minutes of communication with loved ones.
The story that changed my life… This is a story about my beloved husband. Almost 16 years ago my mother introduced us – they worked together. And then everything is like in a good movie: I saw, fell in love and got married.
We were 20 years old. He came to visit us and invited me to a disco. Before the wedding, we met for a long time – as much as four years. The wedding took place just before the New Year, as I dreamed as a child: a white dress, a white fur coat and snow.
Svetlana Usoltseva, 31 years old
Profession – municipal employee
City – Kamensk-Uralsky
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… Be bolder! I studied well at school, so I could take a chance and go to study in Moscow or St. Petersburg. But she was afraid to go far from her parents.
The story that changed my life… In 2013, I was in Israel, where I visited Jerusalem. It was early morning at Epiphany, we were the first pilgrims that day. I saw with my own eyes how the stone of anointing exudes a blessed ointment. It shocked me very much, I sincerely believed in miracles! After that, I changed a lot in my soul – harmony and peace appeared. I am overwhelmed with boundless love for everything in the world.
Profession – civil servant
Tomsk city
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager… I would say, “You are on the right track, just remember to dream more.” Yes, there are ups and downs, and joyful moments, and disappointments, but they must be experienced in order to gain life experience. I thank fate for every minute, for every situation and for every person I crossed paths with.
The story that changed my life… My life was very changed by marriage and the birth of my beloved daughter. The appearance of a child is such a woman’s happiness that cannot be compared with anything, it is a gift. You understand that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the child. I am grateful to fate!
Natalia Chepchugova, 31 years old
Profession – manager
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 3 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager. You can’t say and think that you don’t want anything, everything is lazy and uninteresting. My eldest son is swimming, and when he gives up and says that he will not succeed, I use the example of the famous Paralympic champion Roman Petushkov, a biathlete. A very interesting personality and an example to follow!
The story that changed my life… It cannot be that a person was one, and then for no reason at all became completely different. There is always a reason for everything. My reason is horses. I first encountered these noble animals at the age of 13. I was very afraid of heights and speed! Thanks to new friends, horses, as I began to call them, got rid of fears. Even when I grew up and had a family, I never stopped coming to the horses!
Anastasia Shipovalenko, 25 years old
Profession – master plan engineer
Yekaterinburg city
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager. As a teenager, I was a fairly calm child. She studied well, studied lessons, played sports, and spent her evenings at an art school. I was inquisitive and, it seems to me, very responsible. But at school I seemed quiet and wore braces. Now I would advise myself to be more confident in myself, in my strengths and in my beauty. Do not be shy or afraid!
The story that changed my life. It was New Years. Then I fell in love with my husband, and he – with me. And it was this meeting that changed the course of my life.
Profession – office manager
Village – Reftinsky
Children – 2 children
Advice to yourself as a teenager. I would say: all the best is yet to come! Do not be afraid of anything, go to your goal and dream. Give the world goodness and love and you will get it back!
The story that changed my life. A story from school times. One of my classmates had an incredible event: she was given a long-awaited pet for her birthday – a small dog of the spaniel breed. I didn’t have a dog, and I went to visit her to “nurse” a little puppy: we fed him, walked, bathed and, of course, loved him very much. After 10 years, we contacted a classmate on the Internet, and she invited me to visit. We sat down on the sofa, and suddenly an adult dog rushes into the room with a stern look, which rushes at me … And whines, licks and lies in a ball on my knees, like a little puppy! A friend was very surprised – it turns out that the dog behaves this way only with family members, and barks at strangers. And then I realized that he remembered me! When I was walking home, I thought that I, too, like this dog, remember well who loved me sincerely in my childhood. Now I am a mother of two sons and I always remember that childhood is the most important period in life, the guarantee of their happy life.
Ekaterina Kalugina, 34 years old
Profession – sales consultant
City – Sukhoi Log
Children – 1 child
Advice to yourself as a teenager. Pay more attention to learning, regardless of the situation in life. Once I did not graduate from medical school, thinking that all the most important things are still ahead of me. But this turned out to be a delusion. Now I regret not becoming a medic. This can be changed, of course, only it will take too much time. And you can’t get a medical education by correspondence. It was too late for me to understand the value of this period, when there is time and opportunity to study.
The story that changed my life… My life was changed by a meeting with my future husband. A year after we met, there were three of us in the family!
Choose “Mrs. Eurasia – 2016 according to Woman`s Day”!
Tatiana Pirogova
Svetlana Lapteva
Natalia Novoselova
Olesya Komarova
Zhanna Bagaeva
Elena Lyushnenko
Tatyana Barinova
Natalia Anchugova
Evgeniya Frolova
Lyudmila Mukhina
Daria Kataeva
Olga Shustova
Natalia Andrenko
Anastasia Davydova
Anastasia Zamula
Maria Vinichenko
Snezhana Lukiyanova
Tatiana Zmeeva
Irina Mozheiko
Anastasia Alekhina
Tatiana Vinogradova
Svetlana Usoltseva
Irina Voroshkevich
Natalia Chepchugova
Anastasia Shipovalenko
Yulia Koltasheva
Ekaterina Kalugina
Voting will continue until the final of the competition on December 3. The winner will receive the title “Mrs. Eurasia according to Woman`s Day”, and also she will get a prize – certificate for one manicure session from