The 26th week of pregnancy ends her second trimester. The expectant mother slowly has to say goodbye to the most pleasant period of her pregnancy. The development of a child in the 26th week of pregnancy mainly consists in improving subsequent systems.
At the end of the second trimester, your baby still has a lot of freedom of movement. It now measures about 33 cm and weighs 900 g. If you have a hard time with your tummy, think how much heavier your baby will be at birth.
The 26th week is the symbolic end of the most pleasant stage of pregnancy for the expectant mother. The second trimester, in which you radiated from the hardships of the first trimester, is now ending. Your belly was nicely rounded, but it wasn’t putting too much weight on it yet. Now that will all change. The baby will grow faster and faster, and so will the tummy. The circulatory system is also more and more stressed, resulting in swelling, pain in the limbs and migraines. If you still feel reasonably well, try to get the most out of it and get a good night’s sleep.
26rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development
These are the last moments when a child is so mobile. Although it may not seem obvious at first, the frequency and intensity of “flips” will decrease in the late stages of pregnancy. Sometimes expectant mothers get concerned about this, thinking that something is wrong with the baby. In fact, this is perfectly normal and just because there is less and less space in the uterus. So if your baby moves less, there is no reason to worry, but you should see a doctor immediately if you haven’t felt them all day long.
The 26th week of pregnancy is the moment when many structures in the baby’s brain mature, including the center responsible for consciousness. The axons of the nerve cells are already covered with myelin, so that nerve impulses can spread rapidly through the nerves. The peripheral nerves are already well connected to the brain, so the baby can perceive and respond to stimuli immediately.
Due to the accumulation of fat and the appearance of new layers in the skin, it finally ceases to be so transparent. If the baby was born prematurely at 26 weeks gestation, its skin would still be slightly redder than that of a full-term newborn.
By the 26th week of pregnancy, the eyes of the fetus should already open. Although in embryonic development the eyeballs were initially not covered with the eyelid, once it developed, it had to remain closed for the retina to develop properly. You can check its operation by shining a flashlight on your stomach. If your child is facing the light source, let them know they are unhappy with the kicking. You don’t have to worry that such a short experiment will hurt him – a very limited amount of light reaches the inside of the uterus through the abdominal wall.
An interesting thing is also happening in the baby’s immune system. Although it does not yet produce antibodies on its own, it absorbs them from your body. After the birth, she will also take them with food every day. Milk, especially immediately after birth, is very rich in milk.
26st week of pregnancy – changes in your body
The uterus moves higher and higher and more forward. Its bottom is now a few centimeters in our navel (which is probably quite sticking out already) and it will move by several to several centimeters every week. As a result, in the 26th week of pregnancy, the pressure on the diaphragm increases more and more. It is the main muscle of the respiratory tract and cannot function normally when it is in such a state, which causes shortness of breath. If you are pregnant with twins, you may already be under so much pressure on the chest cavity that your ribs start to hurt. This is where changing your body position can help.
The uterus also puts pressure on the organs from its lower side. This makes the digestive system more difficult. Do not burden your cramped stomach with large meals. Thanks to the smaller portions, the intestines will also have an easier time working, which may relieve constipation a bit. This is important because they increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids affecting every second pregnant woman. The 26th week of pregnancy is such an advanced stage that you may have already experienced it. In such a situation, you should focus on relieving the symptoms of the disease.
The bladder is also subjected to constant pressure, which not only forces expectant mothers to urinate more often, but also causes incontinence in some cases. You can use special liners to help maintain hygiene. In the 26th week of pregnancy, they are so comfortable that increasing the activity of the mucous membranes increases the amount of vaginal discharge.
At 26 weeks of pregnancy, some women also develop RLS. Its symptoms worsen at night when the pregnant woman tries to sleep. Sensations that may arise are tingling or a feeling of blood foaming in the vessels, which is slightly softened by movement. Some scientists have postulated that this may be an effect of iron deficiency anemia. It is quite common in pregnancy, so when such symptoms appear, tell your doctor so that he can order the appropriate tests.
Changes in pressure can also cause migraine headaches. Unfortunately, taking pain medications can harm your baby. Try to hydrate a lot and get enough oxygen in these situations. Maybe a nap in a shaded room will also help.
Especially important in the 26st week of pregnancy
If you haven’t enrolled in birthing school yet, it’s about time. to do it. Although there are still 14 weeks to the planned date of delivery, you also need to be prepared for a possible premature birth.
Tests in the 26st week of pregnancy
Between 21 and 26 weeks of pregnancy, you should have a series of tests. These include gynecological examination, obstetric examination and evaluation of the pH of the fetal fluid. In addition, you should be weighed and your pressure measured. A urine test and a glucose load test are also required.
An interesting fact about the 26nd week of pregnancy
If your baby is a boy, his 26-week testicles are on a long journey from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum.
Also read: 27th week of pregnancy