25th week of pregnancy – course, tests, child development

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In the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby is intensely moving inside the uterus. Sometimes you can even see his movements on the surface of the abdomen. What changes in a woman’s body in the 25th week of pregnancy and how does the fetus develop?

25th week of pregnancy – course

The child is about 31 cm from the head to the top of the head, although of course this is an approximate dimension from which there may be some deviations. The same applies to weight – some babies weigh around 25 g at the 700th week of pregnancy, while others weigh as much as 800 g. Therefore, the fact that the fetus is slightly larger or smaller is not cause for concern.

The abdomen is already really big and it causes more and more problems with moving. They are the cause not so much of its weight as the shifting of the center of gravity of the whole body. This forces the woman to move in a slightly different way. It can also make the expectant mother more clumsy, so she should have eyes around her head. The baby is protected by the amniotic fluid, fetal membranes and the uterus, but a fall can still have dire consequences for him, so you need to be especially careful in the 25th week of pregnancy.

25rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

The baby is already filling the uterus and is not as flexible as it was a few weeks ago, but is still constantly moving. He makes small gestures like sticking a thumb in his mouth to suck, grabbing his own feet, and real kicks. Sometimes, as early as the 25th week of pregnancy, its movements can be seen even on the surface of the growing belly. Thanks to this, the muscles that are supplied with blood from the still developing capillaries improve.

Muscles alone are not enough for a baby to be nicely rounded like a newborn baby. For this he needs fat, which he accumulates all the time, and which in the 25th week of pregnancy is only 1%. his body weight, which is a few grams.

Circles also form at this stage. Until now, the child did not need them properly, because the spine does not have to bear the weight of the body. However, once the baby begins to take its first steps, the spine will play a key role in the skeleton.

The child has a fantastically developed hearing. Occasionally, the expectant mother may register that the baby suddenly moved when a dog barked or when a fire truck at a signal passed her on the street. It is worth using this sense of the child and talking to him or singing him as much as possible.

Already in the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby has an educated memory center in the brain, so it will recognize the mother’s voice after delivery and it will be the one that will calm it down the most. Specialists also say that the voices of people who are often with the pregnant woman are also remembered by the baby, so you can ask your partner to sing for your baby in the evening.

The child’s respiratory system is still being shaped, and the surface of the alveoli is covered with a surfactant that prevents them from collapsing. Thanks to this, in the 25th week the lungs acquire the right consistency and are no longer just a soft sponge, but a more compact structure.

During this time, the holes in the baby’s nose are also cleared, so from now on it will be able to introduce amniotic fluid into the lungs not only through the mouth, but also through the nose. Such exercises with amniotic fluid ensure that when air enters the child’s lungs with the first breath, they will be perfectly prepared for it.

See also: Fetal development stages – the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy

25th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body

In the 25th week, expectant mothers willingly look in the mirror. All thanks to exceptionally beautiful and shiny hair. Pregnant women feel that more hair grows. This is not entirely true – the hair does not grow out faster, but stops falling out. This is thanks to the pregnancy hormones.

Unfortunately, after giving birth, you will quickly lose hair that would normally have fallen out in the past months if you were not pregnant. So if you feel as if you are pulling them out in handfuls, don’t panic – you will have about the same amount you had before conception.

In addition to the kicks at 25 weeks pregnant, your belly can give you many other sensations. First of all, the uterus “exercises” for labor thanks to Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are not painful, so you should not be afraid of confusing them with labor contractions. You will still have the characteristic pain in your lower abdomen and groin. It is caused by the stretching of the tendons on which the uterus hangs. The symphysis of the pubis itself can also hurt, which is the result of loosening of the joints.

The tingling in your fingers is increasing, and additionally have you noticed that objects are falling out of your hands? You probably can’t clench your hand into a fist either. These are clear signs that you have developed carpal tunnel syndrome. This is the effect of pressure on the subcentral nerve in the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is associated rather as an occupational disease that occurs in people who work a lot at the computer. In the 25th week of pregnancy, however, the wrists may swell, which puts pressure on the above-mentioned nerve.

Women who are 25 weeks pregnant often have difficulty breathing and get out of breath even with the mildest physical exertion. Don’t worry, nothing disturbing is happening to you. It is the uterus that presses against the diaphragm, obstructing the normal ventilation of the lungs.

In the 25th week of pregnancy, you may also have problems with the respiratory, urinary and digestive systems. When it comes to problems with the urinary system, we are talking about a urinary tract infection, which cannot be taken lightly. Its symptoms include burning, pain or an unpleasant smell when urinating.

Other symptoms associated with developing an infection in the urinary tract are more frequent than normal visits to the toilet, as well as pressure on the bladder. In such situations, you should not try to suppress the urge to urinate. When you feel pressure on your bladder, simply use the toilet, this is the best prevention.

To avoid problems with infection, you should have your urine tested regularly. It happens that bacteria appear in the urine without noticeable symptoms, then we talk about the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria. Such a case is just as dangerous as a full-blown infection.

Another problem you may face in your 25th week of pregnancy is constipation. They are caused by the persistence of elevated levels of progesterone, which slows down the work of the intestines. Additionally, more frequent constipation can be caused by an enlarged uterus that presses on the intestines.

To deal with this problem, it is worth drinking min. 2 liters of liquids, with particular emphasis on still water, and meals can also include freshly squeezed juices (not only fruit, but also vegetable) and dried compotes. It is also worth considering eating foods rich in fiber, such as whole grain bread, groats, vegetables and fruit with the skin. You should forget about eating any sweets, and in return you should move more often, because exercise also supports the work of the intestines.

The 25th week of pregnancy is associated with another ailment, namely the so-called the sciatic nerve. It is caused by the pressure of the child’s head on the pelvic bones, which compress the nerves in this area. Chronic pains may develop, which are exacerbated by sudden physical activity.

Pain will appear in the lower back, legs and buttocks. Some pregnant women also experience loss of sensation in these areas of the body or tingling. Typically, there is a sharp puncture in the sacral region that radiates bluntly down to the feet.

Sciatica in the 25th week of pregnancy is not common, but it is very troublesome. These pains increase especially at night, when you change your position during sleep. They are strong enough to wake you up and further cause insomnia and sleeplessness. Pain from sciatica, when it occurs for the first time, is often confused with labor pains.

Doctor’s advice: Are inhalations during pregnancy safe?

Especially important in the 25st week of pregnancy

Oral hygiene is extremely important in the 25th week of pregnancy. The gums are sore and may bleed when brushing, but this should not discourage the expectant mother from washing them. At the moment, the pathogens have very favorable conditions for the development of an infection. Meanwhile, research clearly shows that this type of infection can even lead to premature birth. Try to keep your teeth shorter, but more often, use a soft toothbrush and a mild toothpaste.

  1. How does the condition of the mother’s teeth affect the development of pregnancy?

Tests in the 25st week of pregnancy

A gynecological examination should be performed around the 25th week of pregnancy. The doctor will also check the height of the uterine fundus and assess the pH of the vaginal discharge.

25th week of pregnancy – take care of yourself

During your 25th week of pregnancy, you will have problems with snoring. Snoring is caused by pressure on the diaphragm which makes breathing very difficult. However, it is not worth worrying about as this condition usually disappears after childbirth. However, if the snoring is loud enough to disturb your partner, it may be a good idea for him to use earplugs. The partner has to endure it, this it is important that you get a good night’s sleep during your pregnancy.

If you have been experiencing excessive stretching of the epidermis on your stomach and dry skin for some time now, you should use moisturizing and abdominal massage, which will improve blood circulation and make the skin more elastic. What is very important, the massage should be gentle and not apply to the upper parts of the abdomen. You can do it great yourself, just grab the skin with two fingers, then lift it up slightly and gently move it. Just don’t forget to use olive oil or oil during the massage.

See also: Stretch marks – causes, beauty treatments, home remedies

25th week of pregnancy – childbirth school

The 25th week of pregnancy is high time for you to choose the birth school. The classes that take place there (especially before the first birth) are really helpful. It is worth asking your friends in advance, there is a chance that they will recommend you a good place. The best option is to sign up for classes at the hospital where you intend to give birth. Thanks to this you will get to know the staff and see the hospital from the inside.

Read: Why is it worth going to birth school?

An interesting fact about the 25nd week of pregnancy

Are you surprised at the rate at which your baby is growing? It’s still nothing – a real revolution is happening in his head. A quarter of a million nerve cells are produced in the fetal brain every day.

See also:

  1. 24rd week of pregnancy
  2. 26rd week of pregnancy

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