25th week of pregnancy (27 weeks)
25 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?
It’s here 25th week of pregnancy and soon the end of 6th month. The baby’s weight at 27 weeks is approximately 750 g, he is 32 cm tall and has a head circumference of 7 cm.
He continues to move a lot, chaining movements during his waking phases. Thanks to his nervous system in full development and his muscles which are strengthening, his movements are more and more precise. The joints continue to form, but they will not be really strong until a few months after birth. His sense of touch is also refined, and his movements are an opportunity to experience new sensations in contact with amniotic fluid or the lining of the uterus. However, sleep remains his main activity: he still sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day. He has developed a cycle of sleep and wakefulness, and at this stage of the 2nd quarter, the expectant mother can often predict when he will be particularly active – usually early in the morning and then in the evening.
Keratinization of the skin of the baby at 27 SA continues: it becomes less translucent, thickens and colors. On the skin, the vernix caseosa, a waxy white substance that protects it from amniotic fluid, continues to thicken. Under the skin, fat cells begin to multiply.
At the pulmonary level, an important step takes place in this 25th week of pregnancy : the start of the synthesis of the surfactant, which will be at its maximum around 35 SA. This substance secreted by the lungs is composed of phospholipids (80 to 90%), proteins and carbohydrates (1). It lines the pulmonary alveoli, allowing them to dilate properly, without sticking together. The surfactant is essential to prevent atelectasis (retraction of the pulmonary alveoli) on the first inspiration at birth.
The nervous system continues to develop: neurons differentiate and the connections between them are formed, like a complex wiring.
In boys, the testicles continue to descend gradually towards the scrotum.
Where is the mother’s body at 25 weeks pregnant?
It’s the 6th month of pregnancy and the belly begins to grow faster. Gaining pounds can also accelerate.
The uterus is pressing more and more on the surrounding organs in this 27th week of amenorrhea : the bladder, causing frequent urges to urinate, or even small urine leaks during exertion or when sneezing. The lungs, sometimes with a feeling of shortness of breath. And the whole digestive system, with constipation and acid reflux.
Hormonal changes can lead to small mood swings. The prospect of childbirth and the future role of mother can also give rise to some concerns, quite normal in 25 weeks of pregnancy.
These same pregnancy hormones have some advantages, however: they often result in beautiful skin, silkier hair, stronger nails.
In this end of 2nd quarter, anemia is common. From 1 mg at the start of pregnancy, the daily iron requirement increases to 6 mg at the end of pregnancy, during the rapid growth of the fetus. In total, 1 mg will be needed to cover the needs of the pregnancy. Maternal reserves, estimated at 000-300 mg in developed countries, are usually depleted by the end of the 2ème quarter. However, iron absorption increases with decreasing reserves; the depletion of reserves is therefore a normal and necessary stage of pregnancy, subsequently allowing a higher absorption of iron. In addition, iron supplementation only becomes effective when the ferritin level is low, i.e. from the 28th week onwards (2). Ultimately, the WHO recommends iron supplementation of 30 to 60 mg / day from the second half of pregnancy (2).
Five months pregnant, fatigue is quite significant, especially in the case of a twin pregnancy. It is important to get as much rest as possible at this stage of pregnancy and to arrange working conditions as much as possible.
Which foods to favor at 25 weeks of pregnancy (27 weeks)?
Breakfast is a very important meal, especially for the five month pregnant woman. Even if she has started to gain weight, a restrictive diet is contraindicated. In the 6th month of pregnancy, the baby’s weight at 27 weeks should be taken into consideration when gaining weight. On average, a woman gains between 9 and 12 kg during her pregnancy. This can be more or less, depending on the general condition of the mother-to-be and her weight before becoming pregnant. In the morning, the body is on an empty stomach and needs energy, even more if the nausea is still present. It is advisable to start by hydrating yourself with a glass of water, tea or coffee. The breakfast must be complete so that the mother-to-be avoids being too tired and that she brings the right nutrients to her body and to the 27 weeks fetus. Breakfasts can be sweet or savory, as desired. The ideal breakfast consists of low glycemic index carbohydrates (wholemeal bread, oats, fruits, oilseeds), vitamins (vegetables, fruits), calcium (cottage cheese, milk, vegetable milk) and finally fatty acids ( butter, mashed nuts).
To limit weight gain during pregnancy, avoid processed foods as much as possible, even in the morning. Pastries (croissant, donuts, refined cakes, etc.) should be limited as much as possible. Breakfast should provide good nutrients and can be varied.
Things to remember at 27:XNUMX PM
- take the monthly blood test. To the usual analyzes are generally added a serology for hepatitis B and C as well as a determination of ferritin to control the iron status;
- continue preparing the baby’s room. This is an opportunity to think about where the baby will sleep when he returns from maternity: in his own room, in a bed in the parental room, in a side-bed, in the parents’ bed co-sleeping. There is no rule in this area, except to avoid co-sleeping, recognized as a risk factor for unexpected infant death or MIN (formerly sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS) because of the risk of burial, hyperthermia, even chest crushing. According to a study published in Pediatrics (4), co-sleeping is present in 73,8% of deaths of infants under 3 months old, and sleeping in an adult bed is responsible for 51,6% of these deaths. On the other hand, the risk of SIDS is lower when the child sleeps, during the first 6 months of life, in the parents’ room (5). Let us also remind you of the other recommendations for the baby’s sleep: make the baby sleep on his back, in a rigid baby bed that meets safety standards, without a bed bumper, pillow, quilt or any other object (cocoon, nursing pillow , doudou), in a room at moderate temperature and well ventilated.
Acupuncture has proven its worth in pregnancy and childbirth, and more and more maternities offer specialized consultations. This traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which consists of placing fine single-use needles on different points located on the meridians to promote the good circulation of vital energy (ki), can help relieve various ailments of pregnancy: disorders sleep, anxiety, low back pain, sciatica, cramps, ligament pain, edema, hemorrhoids. It can be done at any time during pregnancy, but especially in this 27th week of amenorrhea, to reduce the back mass linked to the belly which is growing. From the 9th month, preparation for childbirth in 3 sessions can promote labor, reduce its duration and prepare the perineum. On the day of childbirth, acupuncture can decrease labor time by reducing the pain of contractions, softening the cervix and regularizing contractions. Be careful, however: certain points should be avoided during pregnancy. Consult a physician with an acupuncture IUD or a midwife with an obstetric acupuncture IUD.
Pregnancy week by week: 23th week of pregnancy 24th week of pregnancy 26th week of pregnancy 27th week of pregnancy |