25 weeks pregnant

The 25th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the seventh obstetric month, each of which has exactly 28 days. It is already difficult to call this period short, but there are still 15 weeks ahead, during which the body of the unborn child will undergo important changes.

Fetal development at 25 weeks gestation

The baby at week 25 is already quite well developed, and its appearance is becoming more and more similar to the appearance of a newborn. However, he is not yet ready for an independent life outside his mother’s body.

The main characteristics of the development of the fetus at the 25th week of pregnancy:

  • The weight of the unborn child is about 0,7 kg, and the height can reach up to 34-35 cm.

  • Alveoli are forming in the lungs, but there is no surfactant in them yet. It is necessary so that during breathing the walls of the alveoli do not stick together.

  • The auricle continues to form. By the way, the degree of its maturity allows you to assess the level of development of the child in the event of his premature birth. At the same time, the inner ear matures, which provides orientation and position of the body in space.

  • If earlier the liver and spleen were responsible for the function of hematopoiesis, now it is taken over by the bone marrow.

  • The child is sensitive to the state of the mother and notices all the swings in her mood. If a woman is in pain, the baby frowns and frowns, and when the mother is happy, the child smiles.

  • During intrauterine development, the fetus cannot smell, as it is in the amniotic fluid. However, a child is born with an excellent sense of smell, which by the 25th week of pregnancy is already fully formed.

  • Bones get stronger every day, muscles become stronger. A woman can notice this by how much more palpable the tremors in her stomach have become.

  • The boy’s testicles should already descend into the scrotum, and in girls, the vagina is formed at this time.

  • The weight of the crumbs is actively added due to the fact that adipose tissue begins to arrive. It is thanks to her that the baby acquires rounded cheeks and subcutaneous folds. However, at week 25, there is still very little subcutaneous fat in the fetus.

  • The unborn child is already trying to coordinate his actions. He can play with the umbilical cord, cover his face with his hands, suck his thumb. This can be observed during an ultrasound examination if it is scheduled for the 25th week of pregnancy.

What tests will you need to take at 25 weeks pregnant?

So far, a woman visits a gynecologist once a month. During a routine examination, the doctor gives directions for the delivery of standard tests – this is a general analysis of urine and blood, a blood test for sugar, clotting and hemostasiogram. If a woman recently passed all these tests, and they turned out to be normal, then the doctor is unlikely to recommend taking the test again.

It is possible that a woman at the 25th week of pregnancy will show signs of iron deficiency anemia, including dizziness, increased weakness, increased heart rate, dark circles before the eyes, etc. In this case, you will need to donate blood to determine the level of hemoglobin and undergo appropriate treatment.

Principles of proper nutrition

In order for a child to develop and grow properly, it needs nutrients. The lack of even one element can adversely affect the health of the crumbs. Therefore, a woman’s diet should be varied.

It is important that every day the menu contains fresh fruits and vegetables, meat or fish, as well as cereals. This will saturate the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, and will also provide an opportunity to get rid of many digestive problems, such as constipation and heartburn. In case of difficulties with the stool, it is necessary to include boiled beets, prunes, kefir and other products with a laxative effect in the menu.

You need to eat food in small portions, but often. You can sit down at the table every 2-3 hours, since you cannot starve during pregnancy. However, you should not lean too much on high-calorie foods either, as extra pounds will come very quickly, but getting rid of them will be problematic. Therefore, fatty, fried, smoked, flour, sweet and spicy dishes should fall under the restriction.

As you know, iron deficiency anemia is a real scourge of pregnant women. In order to prevent its development, it is necessary to include liver (beef, chicken), buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes, bran in your menu.

It is equally important to drink enough water. You can replace it with fruit drinks and compotes, but you should be more careful with herbal decoctions.

Weight at 25 weeks

A normal weight gain by the 25th week of pregnancy is 6,5-7 kg. A slight deviation from the norm is not critical. It is best to control your weight daily or at least weekly. The indicators must be recorded, since the shortage and excess in kilograms will negatively affect the health of the mother and child, and can also complicate childbirth.

Answers to popular questions

  • I underwent an ultrasound scan at 25 weeks of pregnancy, according to its results, everything is in order with the child, but it seems to me that he moves very little. How often should this happen? Now a woman should experience at least 3 baby movements in 60 minutes. If their number is less, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

  • By the end of the 25th week of pregnancy, I began to feel dizzy, and I also became more tired. This is fine? Slight dizziness at the 25th week of pregnancy is an ordinary phenomenon. For example, they can occur after a long night’s rest or a sharp rise from a place, as well as when changing body position. Frequent and intense dizziness requires a medical consultation, as it indicates a vascular or nervous pathology.

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