25 Proofs That Cats Are Fur Birds

There is no other way to explain the fact that they can easily sleep in trees without showing the slightest discomfort.

We have already admired the purr’s ability to sleep in the most incredible places and positions. The cat seemed to be walking, suddenly tired, fell and fell asleep – right in the middle of a step. Maybe it was turned off? No, he just knows how to sleep anywhere. Even in a tree.

Looking at a fluffy handsome nesting among the ripening apples, you feel not only tenderness, but also envy. Who wouldn’t want to wake up among apple orchards somewhere in the Italian province? Just imagine what scent should be there!

Only one thing is surprising here: how do they manage not to fall in their sleep? Just like birds. Or maybe cats are birds, only fur and without wings? Joke. Apparently, this is how nature intended – cats should be comfortable always and everywhere. After all, even the older brothers of domestic cats – wild leopards, jaguars, for example, know how to sleep on the branches with no less comfort, despite their solid dimensions.

 Experts believe that cats go to sleep in trees for two reasons: first, to protect themselves from possible attacks; second, to look out for potential prey from above. In addition, it is not so hot on the tree – nevertheless, the breeze blows from all sides.

“Cats always have good reasons why they choose a particular place to sleep. We cannot understand them with our human logic. But cats always have to be sure of their safety, so they choose where to sleep, ”say animal behaviorists.

 By the way, cats spend about 17 hours a day sleeping if they don’t need to hunt. And the family does not need it, so they make the most of their free time.

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