25 phrases for a single mother

You must be in ten places at the same time. Find ways to make ends meet and still enjoy life. And there will be no one next to you who will help, support and lend a hand if difficult times get a little harder. You are the only adult in this house so far. May these words help you.

We know that it is very difficult for you now, but many have been in the same situation, and they succeeded. We have collected for you phrases that helped single mothers day after day.

1. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful places.

2. I am strong because I was weak. I’m not afraid of anything, because I was afraid before. I am wise because I was stupid.

3. I didn’t intend to be a single mom. I was going to be the best mom for my child… and nothing has changed.

4. Don’t judge my story by its first chapter.

5. I have a free schedule. Not from 10 to 18, but from the moment I opened my eyes to the moment I finally closed them.

6. I am not what happened to me. I am who I choose to be

7. I’ll just ride this wave.

8. After all, I am the only one who can give my children a happy mother who loves life.

9. The most difficult thing was to understand that now this is my circus, and all the monkeys in it are mine …

10. I will pretend that being a single mom is not as hard as they say – but it is harder than I could imagine.

11. You will go through all the trials and these long days. You are a good mother. Just look and you will see it in your child’s eyes.

12. The best parent? There’s no such thing. Just be a mother to your child.

13. Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your kids.

14. If you are completely exhausted and do not know how you can give yourself to all this day after day, it only means that you are a good mother.

15. Just because I feel pain without him doesn’t mean this relationship was right for me.

16. You need to get through all these hard days so that the best days in your life come.

17. Someday you will think, looking at your child: “Yes, I gave you life. But you actually gave me mine.”

18. This is the part of life where you find who you are.

19. The phrase “Do not be afraid” is written in the Bible 365 times. Just enough for every day this year.

20. A bad day doesn’t make you a bad mother.

21. You can do everything, even though you are not a superwoman. You will do this because you love your children.

22. A single mother is the one who holds her whole little world together, although sometimes she herself thinks that she is about to crumble into pieces.

23. Give yourself enough time to get back from work, do your chores, help with homework, feed and put to bed – and leave a few minutes for yourself.

24. May we all have enough energy to reconcile, smear greenery, play and bake, hands to wipe tears, tickle and hug, hearts to listen, understand and create a loving home for our family.

25. Maybe your happy ending doesn’t include Prince Charming. Or maybe it just hasn’t been written yet.

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