25 лучших средств от стоматита

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Под стоматитом подразумевается воспалительное поражение слизистой ротовой полости. Это целая группа заболеваний, имеющих разное происхождение и проявления. Стоматит может быть вызван местным инфекционным процессом, системным заболеванием, воздействием физического, химического раздражителя или аллергической реакцией.

The main symptoms of stomatitis:

  1. wounds, sores appear in the oral cavity;

  2. the mucosa becomes hyperemic;

  3. there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth;

  4. occasionally mucous itches and burns;

  5. there are pains and discomfort in the mouth;

  6. слизистая отекает;

  7. an increased amount of saliva is formed;

  8. an unpleasant odor appears in the mouth;

  9. the gums begin to bleed.

The signs of this disease largely depend on what pathogen (bacteria, viruses, fungi) caused it. Fever or low-grade fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, deterioration in general well-being may also join the general symptoms. Pregnant women and children are at particular risk.

In the treatment of stomatitis, an integrated approach is usually used and the etiology of the disease is taken into account. First of all, they try to eliminate the cause of stomatitis, using antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal therapy. And also try to restore the damaged mucosa. Both systemic and local preparations are used. In this review, we have collected the best remedies for stomatitis from various pharmacological groups.

Rating of the best remedies for stomatitis

The best local antiseptics     1Stomatidin     321 ₽
     2Hexoral Tabs     168 ₽
     3Yoks solution     218 ₽
     4Sebidine     190 ₽
     5Metrogil Denta     237 ₽
     6Pharyngosept     151 ₽
     7Dentamet     161 ₽
     8Parodontocide solution     144 ₽
The best painkillers     1Kamistad     289 ₽
     2Holisal     332 ₽
     3Calgel     435 ₽
     4Anti-Angin Formula Pills     188 ₽
     5Grammidin with anesthetic Neo     338 ₽
     6Septolete plus     263 ₽
     7Lidocaine Asept     235 ₽
The best antimicrobials     1Cyclopherol     349 ₽
     2Mycosist     265 ₽
     3Zovirax     560 ₽
     4Augmentin     194 ₽
The best remedies for healing the mucosa     1Solcoseryl dental paste     452 ₽
     2Aftofix balm     403 ₽
     3Rotokan extract liquid     39 ₽
     4Proposol     202 ₽
     5Stomatofit liquid extract     174 ₽

The best local antiseptics

In dental practice, topical antiseptics are very relevant. The active substances (hexatidine, chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine) in such dosage forms have an effect directly on the pathological focus.


Rating: 4.9

The pharmaceutical company Bosnalek (Bosnia and Herzegovina) produces the drug Stomatidine. It contains the active ingredient – hexetidine. This antiseptic is widely used in dental and ENT practice. Hexetidine also causes mild analgesia of the mucosa. Used to treat any person over 5 years of age.

Stomatidin is a topical solution in the form of a clear, red liquid. It is sold in dark glass bottles of 200 ml. For rinsing with stomatitis, an undiluted preparation is used. It cannot be swallowed. For one rinse, take 10-15 ml of the solution into your mouth and continue the procedure for 30 seconds. Apply Stomatidin in the morning and evening after meals.

According to reviews, Stomatidin acts very quickly. But at the beginning of the rinsing procedure, there may be a strong burning sensation in the mouth, which passes rather quickly. The inflammatory process on the mucosa is eliminated in 2 days. And it is possible to get rid of sores in 3-5 days. The contents of the bottle last a long time. Also, many people like that it has a child-resistant lid.



Hexoral Tabs

Rating: 4.8

The German drug Hexoral Tabs contains 2 active ingredients: chlorhexidine dihydrochloride (broad-spectrum antiseptic), benzocaine (local anesthetic). Peppermint oil is also present among the excipients. Chlorhexidine can persist in saliva for up to 8 hours. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children from 4 years of age.

Geksoral Tabs is a round, convex on both sides lozenges. Their yellowish-gray surface is slightly rough. On the tablets, a white coating (dusting) may appear. They are located on a convenient blister with a dotted line. The tablet is recommended to be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Adults can absorb up to 8 pieces per day, and up to 4 pieces for children.

Many speak very well of Hexoral tablets. They like that after their resorption, discomfort and pain in the oral cavity go away after half a minute. And also when using this remedy for 2-3 days, you can completely get rid of the symptoms of stomatitis, if its form is not running. Hexoral is well tolerated. But some do not like the temporary numbness of the tongue when the pills dissolve.



Yoks solution

Rating: 4.7

Yoks is produced in the Czech Republic. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects because it contains povidone-iodine and allantoin. Also in the composition of the drug there is about 19% ethanol. The agent is active against bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa. It is used to treat stomatitis in adults and children from 6 years of age.

Yoks in the form of a solution is sold in dark glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml, equipped with a measuring cap. The solution itself is red-brown in color, transparent or slightly opalescent. The taste is not particularly pleasant due to the high concentration of iodine. With stomatitis, this remedy is used to rinse the mouth 2-4 times a day. Yoks is preliminarily diluted with water (100-2,5 ml of the drug is taken per 5,0 ml of water).

In the reviews, patients note that if you close your eyes to an unpleasant taste, then you can get rid of the symptoms of stomatitis with the help of Yoks solution in a matter of days. It quickly eliminates redness on the mucous membrane, heals ulcers. However, it should be borne in mind that in some individuals this drug can provoke allergic reactions, and with prolonged use, iodism phenomena are possible.




Rating: 4.7

Polish drug Sebidin contains chlorhexidine dihydrochloride and ascorbic acid. Due to the first component, it is a broad-spectrum antiseptic. And vitamin C stimulates local immunity, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries. Sebidin is indicated for aphthous stomatitis in adults and children over 12 years of age.

Sebidin is a pink-orange lozenge in the form of a flat disk with bevelled edges. Their taste is sweet and sour with a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. With stomatitis, it is recommended to slowly dissolve 1 tablet 4-5 times a day. The maximum duration of application is 7 days. Against the background of the use of this remedy, dyspeptic disorders may appear.

From the reviews it follows that Sebidin is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of stomatitis, as well as chronic recurrent aphthae. This tool is pleasant to use, but some are upset that during the resorption of such tablets, the color of fillings or dentures may change. And also in some individuals during the treatment with Sebidin there was a violation of taste.



Metrogil Denta

Rating: 4.6

The Indian drug Metrogyl Denta contains 2 active ingredients: chlorhexidine and metronidazole. It is an effective combined antimicrobial agent. It is actively recommended by dentists for all kinds of inflammatory pathologies of the oral mucosa. The drug is intended only for the treatment of adults over 18 years of age.

Metrogyl Denta is sold in plastic laminated tubes of 5, 10, 20 g. Their contents are a soft, white gel. Its taste is quite pleasant, sweetish. The aroma is minty. With aphthous stomatitis, the gel is applied to the pathological areas of the mucous membrane in the morning and evening for 7-10 days. Immediately after the distribution of the product, there is a slight burning sensation.

Many people like Metrogyl Denta gel for its effectiveness and ease of use. In the reviews, they note that noticeable improvements are observed after 1-2 days of use. But in order for the sores to be completely cured, it is necessary to apply this drug for about 1 week. Usually Metrogyl Denta is well tolerated. But in some individuals, against the background of its use, the head begins to hurt.




Rating: 4.5

Faringosept is produced in Romania. It works by ambazone monohydrate. The agent has antimicrobial and bacteriostatic action. He develops an antiseptic effect after 30 minutes. This tool is suitable for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity in patients older than 3 years.

Faringosept is a round, flat tablet for resorption. They have a yellowish-brown color with rare patches. In the classic version, they have a coffee flavor, but you can also purchase this drug with lemon, honey, mint flavors. The tablets are kept in the oral cavity until completely dissolved. Do this 15-30 minutes after eating. The maximum daily dose for adults is 4-5 tablets.

According to reviews, Pharyngosept is a very effective and tasty medicine. Persons who have successfully cured stomatitis with this remedy recommend holding the tablet directly on the wound. The disease in not running form can pass in 3-4 days. Faringosept is liked by adults and children, and is also usually well tolerated, but sometimes it cannot do without hypersensitivity to the components of the composition.




Rating: 4.4

The Russian analogue of the drug Metrogyl Denta contains the same active ingredients: metronidazole and chlorhexidine. Among the auxiliary components, it contains levomenthol. This remedy is used for various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, including aphthous stomatitis. Unlike Metrogil Dent, it is approved for use by children from 6 years of age.

Dental is a thick, homogeneous dental gel. It is in aluminum tubes of 10 or 25 g. Dentamet is applied to pathological areas in the morning and evening. The maximum duration of use of this remedy is 10 days in a row. Do not rinse your mouth after applying the gel. And also you need to give up eating and drinking for half an hour.

In the reviews, patients note that Dentament has a rather harsh taste. And immediately after application, it causes a strong burning sensation. Particularly sensitive persons may not like it. But apart from the discomfort after applying the gel, it has a therapeutic effect on stomatitis no worse than its Indian counterpart. Among the possible side effects, manufacturers distinguish: allergic reactions, headache, “metallic taste” in the mouth.



Parodontocide solution

Rating: 4.3

The Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory manufactures Parodontocid. It contains 7 active ingredients (mint, clove, sage, oregano oils, phenyl salicylate, eugenol, thymol). This product does not contain chlorhexidine and triclosan. Parodontocide is an excellent antiseptic that anesthetizes and relieves inflammation.

Parodontocide solution is sold in dropper bottles (25/50 ml) made of dark glass. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a slightly yellowish tint and a characteristic spicy aroma. Parodontocide is used for rinsing twice a day. To do this, 15-20 drops are added to a third of a glass of warm water. Keep the solution in your mouth for 2-3 minutes, and then spit it out (do not swallow).

Many consider Parodontocide an excellent prophylactic. In the reviews, they note that with its systematic use, stomatitis has no chance of developing. And if the pathological process has already begun, then it can be stopped quite quickly by resorting to this remedy. Usually this solution is well tolerated, but some patients may experience individual intolerance to individual components.



The best painkillers

With stomatitis, a pain syndrome often occurs that interferes with eating, drinking and even speaking. With this in mind, it is appropriate to use agents that contain local anesthetics (lidocaine, oxybuprocaine, tetracaine) components or NSAIDs (choline salicylate).


Rating: 4.9

The composition of the German dental gel Kamistad includes lidocaine and chamomile extract. Due to the first component, the agent has a local anesthetic effect, which contributes to a rapid and prolonged decrease in pain during inflammation and damage to the oral mucosa and gums. And thanks to the second, it eliminates inflammation and regenerates tissues.

Kamistad is sold as a yellow-brown gel. It comes in an aluminum tube with a long spout for ease of application. The gel has a pleasant herbal, not harsh aroma. It has medium density and spreads easily. A strip (0,5 cm) of gel is applied to painful, inflamed areas three times a day. Additionally, you can rub the product with light massage movements.

Patients in the reviews report that after applying the gel, after 10 seconds, a cooling sensation begins on the mucous membrane and this anesthetic effect persists for 1,5-2 hours. With the help of this remedy, it is quite possible to get rid of stomatitis in 4 days. During manipulations, it is important to ensure that the product does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. The general tolerability of Kamistad is good, but occasionally it can provoke allergic reactions.




Rating: 4.8

Polish dental gel Holisal contains 2 active ingredients: choline salicylate (locally anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and fever) and cetalkonium chloride (antiseptic). This product contains no sugar or sugar substitutes. This drug is used to treat various forms of stomatitis in patients older than 1 year. The analgesic effect occurs after 2-3 minutes and lasts 2-8 hours.

Holisal gel smells like anise. It is homogeneous, transparent, colorless. Sold in aluminum tubes. The gel has an adhesive base containing ethanol, which contributes to the rapid development of the effect and long-term retention of active substances on the mucosa. To eat normally, the gel is applied for pain relief to the mucous membrane before eating. Or it can be used between meals and before bed.

According to reviews, Holisal not only anesthetizes, but also treats stomatitis. With him, the sores pass much faster. Noticeable relief occurs immediately after application, and one can speak of a complete recovery after 4-5 days. For the first time after applying the agent to the pathological focus, a short-term burning sensation is possible, which passes rather quickly.




Rating: 4.7

The manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (Poland) produces the drug Kalgel. It contains 2 main components: lidocaine hydrochloride (local anesthetic) and cetylpyridinium chloride (antiseptic). Calgel is an effective pain reliever that acts locally. Calgel can be used for patients older than 3 years.

Dental gel Calgel has a yellowish-brown color. It is soft and uniform. There are no grains or inclusions in it. Calgel is sold in aluminum tubes of 10 g. A little gel is squeezed onto a clean finger and gently rubbed into the inflamed area. After 20 minutes, it can be applied again, but such a manipulation cannot be repeated more than 6 times a day.

It follows from the reviews that after applying Calgel, the pathological area is frozen almost immediately. Against this background, the pain goes away, but only for 30 minutes. The taste and aroma of this product is pleasant. Also, many people like that along with anesthesia, this gel eliminates germs, which is no less important for stomatitis. Undesirable reactions this drug causes extremely rarely. But it can provoke allergies due to the content of lidocaine and chamomile in the herbal flavor.



Anti-Angin Formula Pills

Rating: 4.6

Anti-Angin Formula is produced in the Netherlands. It contains chlorhexidine (antibacterial action), tetracaine (local anesthetic), ascorbic acid (strengthens immune responses). This tool is suitable for the prevention and treatment of infectious pathologies of the oral cavity, including stomatitis. Its use is appropriate for any patient older than 5 years.

Anti-Angin Formula is a flat, pale pink lozenges with a specific odor (mint, anise flavor). Adults and children over 15 years of age are allowed to use up to 6 pieces of this product per day with an interval of 2 hours. In younger patients, the interval between doses should be increased.

В отзывах больные сообщают, что Анти-Ангин Формула — это эффективное и приятно в использовании лекарство. Таблетки легко рассасывают, не окрашивают язык, не содержат сахара. Это средство неплохо обезболивает при стоматите и помогает заживить язвочки. Переносимость у Анти-Ангин хорошая. После рассасывания не возникает изжоги или другого дискомфорта. Однако при интенсивном потреблении такого лекарства может произойти повреждение эмали.



Grammidin with anesthetic Neo

Rating: 4.5

The Russian pharmaceutical company Valenta Pharm produces Grammidin Neo with an anesthetic. This combined remedy contains 3 components: gramicidin C (antimicrobial), oxybuprocaine hydrochloride (local anesthetic), cetylpyridinium chloride (antiseptic). The drug anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms.

Граммидин представляет собой круглые, выпуклые с двух сторон таблетки для рассасывания. Они имеют приятный мятный вкус за счет ментолового ароматизатора. В упаковке находится 18 таблеток на 2-х блистерах, имеющих пунктирные ячейки. Граммидин принимают внутрь, после еды. Таблетки не рекомендуется разжевывать. Взрослые за день могут употреблять 4 штуки этого средства, а дети с 4 до 12 лет — 2 штуки.

Many respond well to the drug Grammidin with an anesthetic. However, they note that this remedy is quite serious because it contains an antibiotic and should not be used often, like menthol lozenges. Such Grammidin anesthetizes well and reliably heals. It is possible to say goodbye to stomatitis completely in 4-5 days. However, it should be borne in mind that when this remedy is absorbed on an empty stomach, discomfort in the stomach may occur.



Septolete plus

Rating: 4.4

Pharmaceutical company KRKA (Slovenia) produces the drug Septolete Plus. It contains 2 main components: benzocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride. The drug has a local anesthetic effect, and also kills microbes. Septolete plus has proven itself well as an anesthetic for various forms of stomatitis. It is suitable for various groups of patients over 6 years old.

Septolete Plus is sold as a metered-dose topical spray. A clear solution with the smell of menthol is in bottles with a spray nozzle, over which a protective cap is put on. Persons over 12 years of age are advised to irrigate the painful area by pressing the dispenser 2 times. And for children from 6 to 12 years old, to receive a single dose, it is enough to press the dispenser 1 time. You can repeat the procedure during the day up to 8 times.

Many people really like how Septolete Plus anesthetizes areas with stomatitis. The effect develops almost immediately and lasts for 2-3 hours. However, in the reviews, some note that, due to numbness of the mucous membrane in the mouth, they bit their tongue or lips. In this regard, for 1 hour after using the spray, you must refrain from drinking and eating.



Lidocaine Asept

Rating: 4.3

The Russian company Biogen produces the drug Lidocaine Asept. Due to the presence of lidocaine and chlorhexidine in the composition, this remedy anesthetizes well and eliminates the pathogenic flora. Lidocaine Asept is widely used for local anesthesia and disinfection in dentistry and other areas of medicine. In pediatrics, it has been used since 8 years.

Lidocaine Asept is sold in plastic bottles with two interchangeable spray nozzles. The spray is formed from a clear liquid that smells of menthol and ethyl alcohol. For the treatment of stomatitis, 1-4 doses of the drug are used. When pressed once, one dose is released from the vial. Or, the pathological area can be lubricated by pre-soaking a cotton swab with the preparation.

According to reviews, Lidocaine Asept provides excellent anesthesia in cases where stomatitis is associated with severe pain. However, immediately after spraying, a slight burning sensation may occur, which stops after the onset of anesthesia (within 1 minute). In addition, the use of this tool does not exclude the development of allergic reactions.



The best antimicrobials

In severe stomatitis, depending on the pathogen, systemic antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial drugs are connected.


Rating: 4.9

The Russian immunostimulant Cycloferon has an antiviral effect. It is very effective if it is used on the 1-5th day after the onset of the infectious process. And also the drug increases the body’s resistance to infections caused by various pathogens. It is used to treat herpetic stomatitis in adults and children from 4 years of age.

Cycloferon is a biconvex yellow tablets of medium size, enteric-coated. They are swallowed without much effort. Take the drug orally once a day 30 minutes before the main meal. Tablets should not be chewed and should be taken with half a glass of water. Dosages and regimen are selected individually depending on the age and severity of the pathological process.

About Cycloferon there are mostly positive reviews. This drug has proven itself in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis. Noticeable improvements occur already on the 2-3rd day of application. And by the 7th day, you can completely forget about the troubles on the mucosa. This antiviral agent is usually very well tolerated, but the appearance of allergic reactions is not excluded.




Rating: 4.8

The Hungarian antifungal agent Mycosyst contains the active ingredient – fluconazole. This drug is effective in candidal stomatitis. Fluconazole penetrates well into all body fluids. Its concentration in saliva is equivalent to that in blood plasma. It is widely used to treat adults and children from 9 months.

Mikosist is available in hard gelatin capsules. Depending on the dosage, its upper part can be light blue (50 mg), turquoise (100 mg) or blue (150 mg). Capsules are swallowed almost without problems. The drug is taken orally. The capsules are swallowed whole. The daily dose of Mycosyst depends on the nature and severity of the fungal infection.

Микосист себя хорошо зарекомендовал в комплексной терапии кандидозных стоматитов. Согласно отзывам, положительная динамика наблюдается уже в первые сутки лечения. Однако сам по себя Микосист не очень хорошо переносится организмом больного. Довольно часто он провоцирует головную боль, тошноту, диарею, сыпь на кожных покровах. Но с грибками он борется на отлично.




Rating: 4.7

The Polish antiviral drug Zovirax contains the active substance acyclovir. It can be used in the complex treatment of acute herpetic stomatitis (AHS) in both adults and children aged 6 months and older. If signs of the disease are detected, the drug should be prescribed as early as possible so that the positive dynamics manifests itself as quickly as possible.

Zovirax is a small, round, biconvex white tablet. Each of them contains 200 mg of acyclovir. Zovirax is allowed to be taken with food, since eating does not significantly slow down its absorption. Wash down the tablets with 200 ml of pure water. The dosage regimen differs depending on the age category and the severity of the pathological process.

From the reviews it follows that Zovirax is very effective in acute herpetic stomatitis. Already after a day of using this remedy, the largest sores brighten and begin to scar, and the temperature decreases, which often accompanies OHS. Zovirax is generally well tolerated, but in some patients it causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.




Rating: 4.6

Британский антибиотик Аугментин содержит амоксициллин (пенициллин полусинтетический) и клавулановую кислоту (бета-лактамаз ингибитор). Этот антибактериальный препарат широко применяется в стоматологической практике. Он подходит для лечения стоматита, спровоцированного патогенными бактериями, у взрослых и детей старше 12 лет.

Augmentin in the form of tablets is available in 3 dosages: 250, 500, 875 mg of amoxicillin. At the same time, 125 mg of clavulanic acid is present everywhere. The tablets are rather large, oval-shaped, film-coated white. For each patient, a different dosing regimen is selected. In order for the tablets to be better absorbed and less likely to provoke undesirable reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to take them at the beginning of the main meal.

Many consider Augmentin an effective means of combating stomatitis in severe cases. In the reviews, they note that this antibiotic allows you to get rid of serious problems with the mucosa in 5 days, especially if the treatment is supplemented with topical agents. The main side effect of this drug is dysbacteriosis, therefore, along with Augmentin, it is useful to take probiotics.



The best remedies for healing the mucosa

In the treatment of stomatitis, drugs that accelerate the healing of the mucosa are of great importance. Usually they are used in complex therapy along with other means.

Solcoseryl dental paste

Rating: 4.9

Swiss dental paste Solcoseryl refers to tissue regeneration stimulants. It contains a substance extracted from the blood of dairy calves. Solcoseryl is suitable for use by any age group. This remedy accelerates the processes of tissue repair, eliminates pain, and also protects the wound surface during stomatitis.

Дентальная адгезивная паста Солкосерил имеет однородную консистенцию и светло-бежевый окрас. Запах у нее приятный, мятный. Полоску пасты (0,5 см) наносят на патологический очаг чистым пальцем или ватной палочкой. Втирать средство не следует. После этого нанесенное средство слегка увлажняют. Манипуляцию повторяют 3-5 раз за день после основных приемов пищи и перед отхождением ко сну.

Many people really like Solcoseryl dental paste. It forms a reliable protective therapeutic layer on the pathological area, protecting it from mechanical and chemical damage for 3-5 hours. Solcoseryl works very effectively, but you need to adapt to apply the paste correctly. Of the unwanted side effects, patients distinguish a change in taste sensations and local swelling.



Aftofix balm

Rating: 4.8

Swiss balm Aftofix is ​​positioned as a cosmetic product for the care of the oral mucosa. It has a multicomponent composition that allows you to create a protective film on the pathological focus. And also Aftofix accelerates the natural processes of restoration of the oral mucosa. This product is suitable for first aid in the manifestations of stomatitis.

Aftofix is ​​sold in 10 g plastic tubes with a long spout for easy dosing. The balm itself has a dense texture and a white color with a yellowish tint. He has no special taste. Apply a small amount of the product to the affected area with a washed finger. Then the balm is moistened with saliva or run over it with a wet finger. The agent begins to act, forming a protective layer.

In the reviews, patients note that Aftofix stays in the oral cavity for a long time. At the same time, you can eat and drink hot. Due to such a “patch”, the wound is not disturbed by irritating factors. This remedy also relieves pain. Being in the oral cavity, it does not change the taste of familiar dishes. Mucous with this remedy heals much faster. But many are upset that after opening, Aftofix is ​​only good for 6 months.



Rotokan extract liquid

Rating: 4.7

The Russian manufacturer Vifitech produces Rotokan. It contains extracts of chamomile, calendula, yarrow in ethyl alcohol. This combined preparation with plant components locally relieves the inflammatory process, relieves bleeding, and also promotes repair processes in the damaged mucosa.

Rotokan is a dark brown liquid with a specific alcohol-herbal smell. During prolonged storage, a precipitate may form. With stomatitis and other pathologies of the oral cavity, Rotokan is used as an application (15-20 minutes). And also it is used for rinsing for 1-2 minutes up to three times a day for 2-5 days.

According to reviews, Rotokan helps to say goodbye to stomatitis in an unopened form in 2-3 days. Many people really like this inexpensive tool that can be used in different ways. Rotokan can also be used to treat children, only the concentration needs to be reduced. The drug is usually well tolerated, but in some cases it can cause an allergic reaction.




Rating: 4.7

The Russian manufacturer of Altaivitamins produces the drug Proposol. It contains propolis, ethyl alcohol and glycerin. This remedy is able to eliminate the inflammatory process, kill microbes, reduce pain, and also stimulate regeneration processes. Proposol has proven itself well in ulcerative and aphthous stomatitis. It is used for adults over 18 years of age.

Proposol is sold in aerosol aluminum bottles filled with a greenish-yellow to brown liquid with a characteristic smell of propolis. The tip with a spray is inserted into the oral cavity, pressed 3-4 times and evenly irrigate the inflamed area. Each spray should last about 2 seconds. At the acute stage of the disease, irrigation is done up to 3 times a day.

В отзывах лица, которые в комплексной терапии стоматита использовали Пропосол, отмечают, что средство это эффективное, но не каждый его перенесет. После распыления на слизистую в ротовой полости первое время ощущается сильное жжение. Зато за счет этого продукта жизнедеятельности пчел удается залечить ранки при стоматите в кратчайшие сроки.



Stomatofit liquid extract

Rating: 4.6

The Polish preparation Stomatofit contains 7 medicinal plants. This remedy has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. Stomatofit also has an astringent, softening, antiseptic effect. This drug has proven itself especially well in the treatment of stomatitis caused by yeast fungi. This remedy is used to treat adults and children from 12 years of age.

Stomatofit is a brown liquid. It has a specific herbal aroma. The extract is sold in glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml. Comes with a measuring cup. Before the rinsing procedure, 7,5 ml of the extract is combined with 50 ml of warm boiled water. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution 3-4 times a day.

It follows from the reviews that Stomatofit is a very effective remedy, but it has an unpleasant bitter taste, which is felt in the mouth for a long time after rinsing. They also note that during the procedure, the tongue burns strongly, and the enamel of the teeth is also stained. But with this remedy, the mucous membrane damaged during stomatitis heals much faster.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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