
Lebedev Andrey Sergeevich
Potency pills are a real salvation for men who are faced with the problem of sexual impotence. Erectile dysfunction can be temporary or permanent. It is characterized by the inability of the penis to maintain a rigidity sufficient for quality intercourse.
Weak potency is widespread. It affects about 10-20% of men worldwide. In Russia, this figure equates to 8 million.
For treatment, effective and safe drugs are used to maintain a normal erection by influencing the natural mechanisms that occur in the body during sexual arousal. The pharmaceutical industry offers potency pills with different active ingredients, but a single mechanism of action. You can also use herbal products. We have collected top drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, considered their advantages and disadvantages.
Why do men have problems in bed?
Reasons that can provoke problems with potency:
Lack of regular intimate life.
Sedentary work.
Sedentary lifestyle.
Overweight and beer belly. These factors contribute to a decrease in testosterone.
Circulatory disorders and other problems with the circulatory system.
Hormonal imbalance.
Problems in family life, cold relations between spouses.
Constant nervous tension, depression.
Insufficient rest time.
Back and spine injuries.
Diseases of the genitourinary system.
You can help to cope with problems in the intimate sphere and increase potency with the help of medicines, which we will consider below.
Should I increase the dosage to accelerate the effect?
Most drugs for potency have side effects, as well as contraindications for use. They are released only in a pharmacy and only by prescription. The selection of the drug and dosage should be done by a doctor who will take into account all the characteristics of the patient, his disease and the state of health in general. It is forbidden to exceed the maximum daily dose. It will not be possible to achieve higher performance, but the likelihood of side effects increases many times over.
Dietary supplements for potency can be taken, but the dosage should not be exceeded. Many drugs contain stimulants, which, if ingested in large quantities, can cause serious harm to health. In addition, the action of most dietary supplements is associated with metabolic processes, therefore, in high dosages, the active components simply will not be absorbed.
5 basic active ingredients for potency
Pharmacological preparations for potency are based on 5 main components that have a similar mechanism of action. All of these funds are allowed to be taken by healthy men, and have also passed the necessary clinical trials.
A drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and the inability to achieve or maintain an erection, a PDE 5 inhibitor. Its reception stimulates the flow of blood to the penis and gives it the hardness necessary for normal sexual intercourse. A prerequisite for obtaining the desired effect is sexual stimulation, without it Sildenafil will be useless.
Fast absorption. The effect develops in 30-120 minutes.
The age of the man does not affect the incidence of side effects.
If necessary, the drug can be used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, since PDE-5, of which it is an inhibitor, is found not only in the vessels of the penis, but also in the vessels of the lungs.
Among the contraindications: low blood pressure, retinitis pigmentosa, a stroke or heart attack less than six months ago, age under 18, female.
The drug can cause side effects, namely: headache, blurred vision, increased heart rate, rhinitis, dyspepsia.
Incompatibility with certain drugs: Ketoconazole, Erythromycin, Saquinavir, Azithromycin and more.
When taking the drug, you must be careful when driving a car.
The drug can enhance and prolong sexual arousal, but it is unable to cause it on its own.
The drug for the normalization of potency, belongs to the group of selective PDE-5 stimulants. This is a special male enzyme called phosphodiesterase. Its inhibition has a relaxing effect on the vessels of the penis and allows you to achieve a stable erection. It intensifies against the background of sexual stimulation.
Selective action. The whole effect is focused specifically on the reproductive system, thus the likelihood of side effects from other organs is minimal.
With a slight erectile dysfunction, a stable erection can be achieved after 15 minutes.
The effect persists for 4-5 hours.
The drug can be used by couples planning a pregnancy, it does not affect spermatozoa and does not lead to pathologies in the fetus.
Food and alcohol do not affect the effectiveness of the drug.
The drug is well tolerated, side effects are rare. They are weak or moderately pronounced.
People over 65 years of age are recommended to reduce the daily dose of the drug by 2 times.
The most common side effects are: headache, flushing of the face, bloating, dizziness, nausea, runny nose.
The drug should be taken with caution in persons with low blood pressure.
Vardenafil interacts with a number of drugs, among them: Erythromycin, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Indinavirin, Ritonavir.
Tadalafil is a popular drug for stimulating potency. It was developed at the end of the XNUMXth century. It affects the PDE enzyme, blocking its production, thereby providing a quality erection. As a result, a man can perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse.
The action develops within half an hour after ingestion.
In healthy individuals, taking Tadalafil does not lead to a change in pressure, the maximum decrease is insignificant, does not exceed 8 mm. rt. Art.
No dependence on food intake.
The time of day does not affect the degree of absorption of the drug.
Long-lasting effect that lasts up to 36 hours.
Age over 65 years does not require dose adjustment if the patient is healthy.
Taking the drug does not affect reproductive function.
It is strictly forbidden to combine taking the drug with other drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, as well as under the age of 18 years.
It is contraindicated in persons with diseases of the organs of vision, with disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and with a deficiency of lactose.
Among the side effects, headache occurs in 11% of cases, and dyspeptic disorders in 7% of cases. Possible pain in the back and muscles, flushes to the face, pulling sensations in the legs, which disappear during the day.
The action of the drug is aimed at correcting erectile dysfunction due to the fact that the production of the PDE-5 enzyme in the body decreases. Its maximum concentrations are observed in the penis, so the effect of the drug is targeted. The use of Udenafil allows you to achieve a stable erection with a minimal risk of side effects. The substance was developed in the Republic of Korea.
Fast, but not immediate effect, which develops within 1-1,5 hours.
The period of effectiveness is a day.
Alcohol intake does not affect the pharmacokinetics of the drug.
The components of the drug do not accumulate in the body.
There are contraindications to the use of the drug, including: age under 18 years old, stroke and heart attack earlier than six months ago, severe kidney and liver diseases.
Side effects are possible in the form of reddening of the face due to flushing, abdominal pain, feeling hot, runny nose, and digestive disorders. Severe allergic reactions, changes in vision, swelling of the eyelids are rare.
The drug is not approved in the US.
The drug to enhance potency is a generic of a new generation. It was approved for use in 2012. Its reception allows you to make an erection stable and long-lasting. Recovery after intimacy is faster.
The effect develops in half an hour after taking.
The action lasts up to 5 hours.
There is a possibility of taking the drug for elderly men.
Avanafil is well tolerated, rarely leads to drops in blood pressure.
It is possible to combine the drug with alcohol, but this increases the risk of hypotension.
Affordable price compared to other drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
The drug can not be combined with other means to improve potency.
The presence of contraindications, including: a heart attack or stroke suffered within the last 6 months, angina pectoris, heart failure, retinal diseases, blood clotting disorders.
The drug can cause side effects, the most common of which are: headache, rhinitis, back pain, redness of the face.
Tablets for the potency of the fastest action
If there is no time to wait, you can take a pill for a quick acting potency. We have compiled a list of drugs that start working in 15-30 minutes.
Spray Gent
Price: 1250 rubles
The drug is in the form of a spray, which is dosed by pressing. The main component is sildenafil. The use of the spray allows you to increase potency, increase blood flow to the penis, make the erection longer and more stable.
Ease of use and dosing.
The drug acts aimingly, without affecting other systems and organs.
The effect develops quickly, on average, in 30 minutes.
The age of the patient does not affect the effectiveness of the drug and does not require dose reduction.
The packaging is small and doesn’t attract attention.
The effect of the drug persists for 4-5 hours.
The presence of contraindications in the form of age restrictions (prohibited for use by persons under 18 years of age).
Do not use the drug in patients with severe hepatic and renal insufficiency.
Side effects in the form of headache, rush of blood to the upper body, blurred vision, nasal congestion.
With caution, the drug should be used by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, since its use is associated with the risk of sudden cardiac death, myocardial infarction, stroke, and more.
Price: 5000 rubles for 12 pieces
A well-known drug for the correction of erectile dysfunction. It was Viagra that became the first remedy for the normalization of potency, from which the development of sexual medicine began. The active ingredient is sildenafil, which stimulates arousal by affecting the natural mechanisms of erection.
The drug acts only at the moment of arousal. In the normal state, taking a dose will not lead to an erection.
In healthy patients, taking the drug does not cause significant changes in blood pressure.
The effect develops quickly. The average time is 30-60 minutes, fatty foods can reduce the rate of absorption.
The effect of the drug is well studied, it was developed more than 30 years ago – in 1992.
Taking Viagra helps to improve erectile function in patients of all ages, regardless of the cause and severity of disorders.
The drug does not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, on the contrary, it improves the functioning of the vascular endothelium.
Side effects in the form of headache, redness of the face and neck, deterioration of the sense of smell.
The drug can interact with other drugs, so you can use it only after consulting a doctor.
High cost compared to other means for potency correction.
Price: 1700 rubles for 12 pieces
The active ingredient in Dynamico tablets is sildenafil. Its action is aimed at restoring potency by improving blood flow in the penis. This is an effective and safe drug for oral administration, which allows you to normalize the sexual activity of a man, regardless of his age.
The drug has a well-known and predictable effect in the form of improving potency and prolonging erections.
The active component of the tablets Dynamico – sildenafil began to be used by doctors in 1998. Since then, its efficacy and safety for health have been established.
When taking the drug, blood pressure decreases slightly. As a rule, the patient does not feel any changes.
The effect develops quickly. Most men feel it within half an hour after taking a dose.
Bioavailability decreases when taken with food by 20-40%. In this case, the effect will be delayed in time by 1,5-3 hours.
The drug should not be used by people with severe cardiovascular diseases, for example, with angina pectoris, heart failure, heart attack and stroke. In these patients, sexual activity is contraindicated.
The drug is prohibited for use by persons under 18 years of age, as well as patients with impaired liver function.
Adverse reactions are possible in the form of dizziness, headache, drowsiness, flushing of the face and neck. Often there is a syndrome of dyspepsia.
Price: 650 rubles
A drug based on sildenafil is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men of all ages. The principle of action of the drug is based on increased blood supply to the penis at the time of sexual arousal. Its reception prolongs an erection and accelerates recovery between sexual acts.
A vascular response in the form of an erection occurs only at the time of sexual arousal, provided that appropriate stimulation is provided.
The drug is rapidly absorbed, the effect is achieved within 1,5 hours after ingestion and even earlier.
The action persists for 4-5 hours.
The age of the patient does not significantly affect the incidence of side effects.
The drug is not recommended for use in patients with severe liver damage, persons under 18 years of age, people with disorders in the cardiovascular system.
Side effects, among which the most common are dizziness, headache, vasodilation, blurred vision, nasal congestion, abdominal pain.
Reception without prior consultation with a doctor is impossible, since the drug interacts with a number of other substances.
Price: 3550 rubles for 12 pieces
The active ingredient of the drug is tadalafil. Tablets are used to correct erectile dysfunction. Due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries and the flow of blood to the penis, a stable erection is achieved. It occurs only at the time of sexual arousal, without stimulation is not observed.
The drug does not cause a decrease or increase in blood pressure in healthy patients, does not affect heart rate and visual acuity.
Taking pills does not affect sperm motility or morphology, which has been proven in clinical trials.
Primary efficiency in sexual intercourse equates to 69%.
No dependence on food intake.
The active ingredient acts quickly, within 30 minutes.
The drug can be taken by elderly people over 65 years of age, patients with moderate renal and hepatic insufficiency, with diabetes mellitus.
The drug is compatible with alcoholic beverages.
It is not recommended to use the drug in the treatment of persons under 18 years of age, people who have had a stroke and heart attack earlier than six months ago.
The most common side effects are: headache, dizziness, abdominal pain.
The drug should be used only after consultation with a specialist, as it enhances the effect of nitrates, antihypertensive drugs, is incompatible with doxazosin and a number of other drugs.
Price: 1100 rubles for 1 piece
The drug with the active ingredient vardenafil. Its reception promotes an increase in potency, increased erection against the background of sexual arousal. The effect develops quickly, while side effects are few, occur rarely, mainly when the dose is exceeded.
The drug begins to act after 15 minutes, gaining a maximum after 25 minutes.
Tablets are taken regardless of food.
The action persists for 4-5 hours.
There are no differences in the efficacy and safety of the drug in young and elderly patients.
The drug is produced in Germany.
The drug is contraindicated in persons with severe disorders of the liver and kidneys, patients under 18 years of age, people who have had a heart attack and stroke, with degenerative diseases of the retina.
Possible side effects. The most common of these are: vasodilation, headache and dizziness, nasal congestion, disorders of the digestive system.
Price: 850 rubles
The drug with the active ingredient udenafil. It is taken to improve the quality of sex in order to increase erection. With proper use, it is possible to avoid side effects and reduce the intervals between orgasms. After taking the dose against the background of sexual stimulation, there is a powerful influx to the tissues of the penis and a strong erection.
The effect develops after 30 minutes.
The action persists for 24 hours.
The drug does not lead to a change in blood pressure.
The active component does not affect visual acuity, intraocular pressure, pupil size.
The intake of alcohol or food does not affect the pharmacological properties of the drug.
The drug is not addictive with prolonged use. It does not accumulate in the body, its effectiveness does not decrease over time.
Made in Korea.
The presence of contraindications in the form of sensitivity to the components of the drug. Simultaneous reception of Zidena with nitrates is prohibited, as well as for persons under the age of 18 years.
Side effects: flushing of the upper half of the body, dizziness, redness of the eyes, dyspepsia.
The drug interacts with a number of other substances, which is why it is recommended to consult a specialist before taking it.
Price: 120 rubles for 4 pieces
The drug is based on sildenafil. It is the first PDE-5 enzyme inhibitor that has been used to treat potency problems, so its effects have been well studied. Medicines based on sildenafil have a high efficacy and safety profile, which has been proven not only by clinical trials, but also by many years of experience in use.
Does not affect the course of coronary artery disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression. It can be taken regardless of the age of the patient.
Доступная цена.
The effect develops within 60 minutes and lasts up to 4 hours.
The presence of contraindications in the form of arterial hypotension, hereditary diseases of the retina, severe liver failure.
Mandatory consultation of a doctor for persons with diseases of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of ulcers, deformity of the penis.
Possible side effects in the form of impaired color perception, flushing, headache, ringing in the ears, abdominal pain.
Price: 1000 rubles for 4 pieces
A drug based on sildenafil to strengthen potency and normalize erections. It has shown effectiveness in men in different age groups. Vizarsin begins to act within 30 minutes. The effect is achieved by expanding the blood vessels and filling the penis with blood.
Good tolerability of the drug, rare allergic reactions.
No change in blood pressure.
The possibility of using the drug for the treatment of patients with concomitant diseases, including diabetes mellitus, depression, arterial hypertension.
The action lasts up to 3 hours.
The drug is effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in smokers.
Made in Slovenia.
Common side effects include upper body flushing and headaches.
Taking the drug is possible only after collecting anamnesis and a thorough examination of the patient, as it interacts with other drugs.
The drug should not be taken by men for whom sexual activity is contraindicated.
Reception can be started only against the background of stable hemodynamics, this is especially true for patients with arterial hypotension.
Price: 900 rubles 4 tablets
The drug with the active ingredient is sildenafil. Restoration of an erection occurs due to the rush of blood to the penis. The remedy affects the natural mechanisms of arousal and works only with sexual stimulation. Without it, there will be no erection.
Average erection time is 25 minutes. The possible range is 12-37 minutes.
The drug does not affect visual acuity, contrast perception, intraocular and blood pressure.
You can take the drug during pregnancy planning, since its active components do not affect the mobility or structure of spermatozoa.
Biological availability is high, can reach 63%.
For the elderly, dose adjustment or frequency of administration is not required.
Absolute contraindications to taking it are intolerance to the components of the drug and its joint intake with nitrates.
Persons with arterial hypertension should use the drug with caution.
The most common side effects are: headache, dizziness, flushing of the face, palpitations.
The drug is produced in Poland.
Price: 550 rubles for 4 pieces
The active ingredient in Juven’s tablets is sildenafil. The drug is used to restore potency. It affects the natural processes without causing an artificially created erection. The action of the drug develops only with sexual arousal. After taking the erection is longer and longer lasting.
The effect develops quickly. The average time is 1 hour, but depending on the characteristics of the body, it can be reduced to 30 minutes, or extended to 120 minutes.
The drug can be taken regardless of the age of the patient, but not younger than 18 years.
The active ingredient does not accumulate in the body, is not addictive.
The drug does not affect the quality and quantity of spermatozoa.
The drug does not enhance the hypotensive effect of ethanol.
Side effects in the form of headache and dizziness, flushing of the upper half of the body, visual impairment, nasal congestion are not excluded.
The drug interacts with a number of drugs, therefore, it requires a medical consultation before taking it.
[Video] Urologist – 5 ways to increase potency in 5 minutes:
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