25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Hello dear reader!

Do you like, like me, to start the day with a fragrant cup of coffee? Or treat yourself to this drink during the day to enjoy its taste and cheer up? But on the basis of coffee, you can make a lot of low-alcohol cocktails!

A drop of liquor will allow you to get new facets of coffee taste and reveal the usual drink from an unexpected side.

Let’s see how to make liqueur coffee. I will tell you about a variety of recipes – tender and daring, sweet and spicy, soft and strict … Among them you can find alcoholic coffee for every taste.

Distinctive features of the drink

People have been drinking coffee since around 850 AD. e. In general, a very long time ago. During this time, they tried a variety of additives: sugar, milk, cream, ice cream …

There are various types of coffee with alcohol added, but coffee with liqueur can be considered the leader among them, since it is the most popular coffee drink with alcohol.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

A few of its features to keep in mind:

  • prepare coffee with liquor only from natural beans (instant coffee drinks will not work);
  • even a small amount of alcohol in a drink is already becoming alcoholic, so you can’t drive after coffee with liquor;
  • if children can still drink ordinary coffee sometimes, then coffee with liquor is categorically not recommended for them – as well as for pregnant women.

Everyone chooses the proportions of coffee and liquor for himself individually. But it is not recommended to add more than 1/3 of alcohol to the drink, as alcohol can kill the taste of grains.

Taste and calories

Calorie content, aroma and taste of coffee with liquor are always individual. It all depends on what kind of liquor you will use in cooking and how much you will add it.

Remember that liqueurs are a sweet drink, containing 20% ​​to 60% sugar. Therefore, even a small amount of it in coffee greatly increases the calorie content of the latter. In addition, the addition of milk, cream, syrups affects the calorie content.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

For example, if you add a not very sweet liquor to espresso, then its energy value will increase to 50 kcal, for Americano – up to 100 kcal. And if you make a latte with liquor and cream, then its calorie content can already reach about 300 kcal, which is quite a lot for a drink.

What liquor is added to coffee

A variety of liqueurs are often added to cocktails or simply drunk as a kind of dessert.

There are a lot of liqueurs – many countries have their own branded drinks that they supply all over the world. For example, in the Czech Republic it is Becherovka, in Italy it is Amaretto, in France it is Triple Sec.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Below I will tell you about those liqueurs that are suitable for adding to coffee.

LawyerThis is an egg liqueur from Holland. It has a pleasant creamy taste with hints of vanilla. In Russia, you can find an international version with a strength of about 20%. There is also a Dutch version, which is very thick (so much so that it should be eaten, not drunk) and is only produced for the domestic market.
AmarettoThis liqueur from Italy is made from almonds and apricot kernels, so it has a distinct nutty and spicy aftertaste. It goes well with coffee with milk or weak black coffee. Amaretto syrup is often used to make a soft drink, but if you have such an opportunity, it’s better to try real liquor.
BaylissOne of the most famous liqueurs in the whole world. It is made in Ireland on the basis of cream. It has a pleasant sweet taste, thanks to which it goes well with coffee drinks.
GallianoOne of the most famous liqueurs from Italy. It has a vanilla taste and a fairly high strength: the alcohol content in it reaches 30%. It should be added to coffee quite a bit so that the alcohol does not interrupt the main taste.
FrangelikoSoft drink from Italy with a rich combination of flavors. It is prepared on the basis of hazelnuts and herbal infusion, thanks to which the drink goes well with coffee and gives it a touch of hazelnut.
Irish mistMany delicious liqueurs are made in Ireland, and Irish whiskey is famous all over the world. It is on its basis that Irish (Irish) mist is made: in addition to whiskey, honey and herbs are also added to it. It turns out quite sweet, but strong liquor, which, when added to coffee, gives the drink a piquancy.
KahluaAnother well-known liquor that is often added to cocktails, including coffee ones. It is produced in Mexico. Kalua has a rich taste: a combination of cocoa, coffee, vanilla and brandy. In its pure form, it can be a bit harsh, but when added to coffee, the drink takes on new facets of sweet taste. By the way, you can also make hot chocolate with Kahlua.
ChambordThis is a French liqueur made from black raspberries. Blackberries, vanilla and black currants are also added to it, so the drink has a rich berry flavor. Coffee brewed with Chambord produces an amazing fruity aroma, which is quite unusual.
SheridanSheridans (the correct pronunciation of the name sounds exactly like this) is an unusual Irish liqueur that comes in the original bottle. It is divided into two parts: one of them contains a sweet creamy liqueur with white chocolate, and the other contains a rich (and even harsh coffee) liqueur. Correct proportion: 1 part cream to 2 parts coffee. By adding such a liqueur to coffee, you can experiment with taste.

The best liqueur coffee recipes

So, we have examined the main liquors that are suitable for adding coffee. Now I want to tell you about delicious and unusual liqueur coffee recipes. You can easily make them yourself at home, but you will need either a coffee machine, or an espresso machine, or a Turk.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Please note that alcoholic coffee cocktails are not served in traditional cups, but in glasses. If you are preparing a hot drink, then choose a beautiful glass with thick walls (an ordinary highball, for example, can burst from high temperature).

Classic Edition

For this recipe, you will need to brew Turkish coffee. Select grains of fine grinding, fill them with water and leave on medium heat for a few minutes. After the appearance of foam, the Turk must be removed from the stove and left for 10 minutes so that the drink is infused.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Ingredients: Turkish-brewed coffee (about 200 ml), sugar (1 teaspoon), cream or coffee liqueur (30 ml), milk (to taste).

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour the finished coffee into a glass so that the drink occupies 70% of the volume.
  2. Add 30 ml of liquor and a teaspoon of sugar.
  3. Stir so that the sugar dissolves well, and the liquor is evenly distributed throughout the drink.
  4. Add milk (if you don’t really like black coffee).

Top the drink with whipped cream. But be careful – because of the high temperature, the cream will melt quickly, so you need to serve immediately.

chocolate latte

This is a cold drink that will refresh you on a hot day or help you wake up in the morning. For it, it is recommended to use skim milk to reduce the total calorie content (it will already be quite high due to the sweet ingredients).

Ingredients: double shot of espresso (60 ml), milk (120 ml), Kahlua (60 ml), chocolate syrup (3 tablespoons), ice.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour a few ice cubes into a glass.
  2. Pour the syrup and Kahlua onto the ice one at a time.
  3. Pour out the milk.
  4. Finally, pour in the espresso in a thin stream.
  5. The cocktail will turn out beautiful, as it will have several layers that contrast with each other. In this form, it should be served, and immediately before use – mixed.

Chocolate for dessert will be a great addition to this drink.


A fairly strong drink, as a lot of alcohol is added to it. For decoration, you can use any berries – raspberries or blackberries, and if you especially like the taste of hazelnuts, then serve nuts with coffee.

Ingredients: vanilla vodka (15 ml), Frangelico liqueur (15 ml), americano (100 ml), berries or nuts for decoration, whipped cream.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour the coffee into a glass. You can use both Americano and a richer espresso (but keep in mind that then the coffee will turn out stronger).
  2. Add vodka and Frangelico.
  3. Stir well.

Top the drink with whipped cream at the end. You can put a few berries or nuts on them.

coconut bliss

Another kind of fairly strong cocktail. Please note that it contains much more alcohol than coffee.

Ingredients: coconut vodka (60 ml), coffee liqueur (15 ml), irish cream (Irish cream liqueur, 15 ml), half a shot of espresso (15 ml).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Place a few ice cubes in a shaker. Pour vodka, both liqueurs and coffee into it.
  2. Shake well so that the hot espresso cools down from contact with ice, and all the ingredients are mixed.
  3. Pour the finished cocktail into a glass (you can first pour crushed ice into it).

The cocktail is garnished with coffee beans. You can use cream to make the drink softer.

Espresso hot shot

The cocktail is called “shot” because of its small volume. However, at the exit, it turns out 150-200 ml, so even an enlarged glass for serving will not work.

Ingredients: coffee liqueur (30 ml), Baileys (30 ml), double shot of espresso (70 ml), milk heated or frothed with a cappuccinatore (100 ml).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour two liqueurs into a glass and stir.
  2. Add espresso.
  3. Top with frothed milk, stir.
  4. You can decorate the cocktail with spices or mint leaves.

The preparation of the hot version of the cocktail is described above, but it can also be made cold. To do this, the milk is not heated, but poured into a shaker on ice along with the rest of the ingredients.

Aztec coffee

Coffee got its name from the fact that its recipe is associated with Mexico. It is in this country that such a cocktail is popular.

Ingredients: Kahlua (1 tablespoon), ground coffee (3-5 tablespoons), bourbon (50 ml), dark chocolate (60 g), heavy cream (3 tablespoons), sugar (1 teaspoon).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour ground coffee into a jug and pour water over it. Add cream, bourbon and liqueur to it. Put on a small fire.
  2. During the preparation of coffee in a Turk, add grated dark chocolate to it.
  3. When the chocolate has melted and the mass becomes homogeneous, remove the Turk from the stove. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
  4. Cream and sugar are whipped until a homogeneous foam.

At the end, the resulting drink must be poured from the Turks into two glasses, topped with whipped cream. Can be sprinkled with grated chocolate.

morning awakening

This is one of the most complex and strong cocktails. Despite the name, it won’t work as a morning drink…unless you’re used to starting your day with tequila.

Ingredients: golden tequila (recommended Espolon Reposado with fruit flavor – 45 ml), coffee liqueur (20 ml), americano (240 ml), agave nectar or syrup (2 tablespoons), heavy cream (to taste).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Mix nectar or agave syrup with cream thoroughly in a separate bowl.
  2. Pour americano, tequila and liqueur into a glass, stir.
  3. Top with agave cream.
  4. After decorating with whipped cream, sprinkle with cinnamon or other spices (to taste).

In order to give the cocktail a spicy taste, you can add vanilla extract and grated nutmeg to it.

Trade Deficit

This cocktail is a mixture of various liqueurs, the combination of which gives a rich taste.

Ingredients: Peppermint liqueur (15 ml), chocolate liqueur (15 ml), espresso shot (30 ml), Kahlua (15 ml), Baileys (15 ml), heavy cream.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Whip the chilled cream into a fluffy foam.
  2. Pour all the liqueurs into a glass, mix.
  3. Top with strong, hot espresso.

At the end, the cocktail is decorated with whipped cream. If you want extra sweetness, whip the cream together with the sugar.

White Russian

There is a classic alcoholic cocktail with the same name. It can be prepared with coffee, but the drink will still be strong enough (“Russian”, of course, it is called thanks to vodka).

Ingredients: vodka (30 ml), coffee liqueur (30 ml), low-fat cream (30 ml), double espresso (60 ml), ice cubes.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Cool the pre-brewed espresso well.
  2. Pour cream, vodka, liquor into a shaker over ice.
  3. Pour coffee into shaker and shake well.

The resulting cocktail is poured into a glass with thin walls. Before drinking, you need to wait a bit so that the glass also becomes cold.

Coffee with an Irish accent

In fact, the drink is not prepared with an accent at all, but with Irish whiskey and rum. It turns out such a strong cocktail that only the Irish are supposedly able to drink it … But you can well give them a head start if so many types of alcohol in one glass do not bother you!

Ingredients: Baileys (60 ml), spiced rum (30 ml), strong americano (120 ml), heavy cream (2 tablespoons), sugar (1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Beat the cream together with a teaspoon of sugar well – until the stage when they become dense.
  2. Pour rum and Baileys into a warmed glass.
  3. Pour sugar and pour into a glass of coffee, mix everything well.
  4. On top of the finished drink, you need to carefully lay out the whipped cream – so that they are light on top with a “cap”.

You can sprinkle cream with cinnamon or nutmeg on top.

Cream liqueur with coffee

Despite the gentle name, the cocktail is strong thanks to vodka. But there is no liquor in it!

Ingredients: instant coffee (2 teaspoons), vanilla sugar (50 gr.), water (100 ml), vodka (50 ml), condensed milk (2-3 tablespoons).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour instant coffee with hot water. Add sugar and mix well.
  2. Pour the finished drink, vodka and condensed milk into a blender.
  3. Whisk the mixture well and pour into a bottle.
  4. Send the bottle to the refrigerator for several hours. If there is no time, you can serve a cocktail with ice.

This is one of the easier homemade recipes as it doesn’t require a coffee machine or turkish. But if you have such a desire, you can use freshly prepared natural espresso with sugar.


This cocktail is prepared with the addition of French Chantilly cream. You can make it yourself, but this will require a mixer.

Ingredients: ground coffee (2 teaspoons), cherry liqueur (30 ml), cream (100 ml), powdered sugar (20 gr.), vanilla.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. First, the cream is prepared. To do this, 20% cream must be slowly whipped with a mixer until it thickens.
  2. Add powdered sugar, vanilla to the cream and beat at a higher speed so that the finished cream does not drain from the mixer. After reaching the desired consistency, you need to work a little more with the mixer at low speed.
  3. From ground beans to prepare coffee in a Turk.
  4. Pour cherry liqueur into the bottom of the glass, then coffee onto it.

The prepared cream is laid out on top of the coffee drink. They can be sprinkled with cinnamon or grated chocolate for decoration and flavor.


Delicate creamy drink turns out to be sweet enough, so it can be served as a digestif – after the main dishes.

Ingredients: double shot of espresso (60 ml), dark chocolate (20 gr.), egg cream liqueur (2 tablespoons), whipped cream.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour the finished espresso into a warmed glass.
  2. Add two tablespoons of thick liquor and stir.
  3. Top the glass with whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

If you like sweet drinks, add sugar to your coffee and mix it well.


This is a traditional Italian recipe. It got its name from the word “seasoned”, as alcohol is added to coffee. Most often it is a fruit liqueur, but Italians also experiment with sambuca or brandy.

Ingredients: classic espresso shot (30 ml), Quatro (20 ml).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour the coffee into an espresso cup.
  2. To taste, you can add various spices to coffee.
  3. Pour in Cointreau and mix well.

You can also experiment and add a stronger alcoholic drink to your coffee, but then it can be difficult to drink.

Coffee and egg dessert

The main secret of this drink is in the reverse order of preparation. If we usually put whipped cream on top as a decoration, in this recipe they are placed at the bottom of the glass.

Ingredients: creamy egg liqueur (30 ml), americano (200 ml), whipped cream.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Put whipped cream on the bottom of the glass.
  2. Pour them with egg liqueur.
  3. Pour freshly brewed black coffee on top.

Before serving, the drink must be thoroughly mixed. You can add sugar to taste.

With Baileys liqueur

Baileys coffee is one of the most popular and simple recipes. It can be prepared both on the basis of Americano (for those who like a strict strong taste) and on the basis of latte (for those who cannot imagine coffee without milk).

Ingredients: espresso (30 ml), milk (150 ml), Baileys (30 ml).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour Baileys into the bottom of the glass.
  2. Shake the milk with a cappuccinatore and pour into a glass so that a cap of milk foam remains on top.
  3. Pour in the espresso in a thin stream.
  4. Milk foam can be garnished with cinnamon or grated chocolate.

Above, we described the recipe for making latte with Baileys. You can make an Americano with it by simply adding liqueur to black coffee.

With Amaretto

This cocktail is very popular in Italy, as the inhabitants of this country are madly in love with coffee and liqueurs of their own production.

Ingredients: ground coffee (30 gr.), water (30 ml), Amaretto (50 ml), whipped cream and / or almonds for decoration.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Brew coffee in a Turk and pour into a glass.
  2. Add sugar to taste, stir.
  3. Pour in the Amaretto and stir.
  4. Top with whipped cream.

Grated almonds, cinnamon or chocolate can be poured over whipped cream. This will decorate the drink, and add a rich aroma to it.

Coffee with banana liqueur

This recipe assumes that you will cook several servings at once. Therefore, you need to take not glasses, but a bottle.

Ingredients: vodka (100 ml), milk (120 ml), double espresso (60 ml), bananas (2 pcs.), banana liqueur (70 ml), condensed milk (200 ml).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Mix bananas in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour in the liqueur, milk, espresso and water, mix well.
  3. Add condensed milk and stir again.
  4. Pour into a glass and send to the refrigerator.

Pour into glasses and serve cold.

with cherry liqueur

This drink can be served in a traditional coffee cup. As an addition, you can put cherries or cherries on a plate.

Ingredients: ground grains (1 teaspoon), cherry liqueur (15 ml), sugar or honey to taste.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Brew coffee in a Turk and leave for 5-10 minutes so that the thick settles.
  2. Pour coffee into a bowl and add cherry liqueur, mix.

Sugar or honey is added at the end. Make sure to mix the honey thoroughly, then the drink will be sweet.

mint liqueur recipe

At first glance, mint and coffee are not the best combination. Mint is more likely to be added to tea, but it is the liqueur from this herb that goes well with Americano.

Ingredients: a serving of americano (200 ml), Kahlua (30 ml), mint liqueur (30 ml), whipped cream, chocolate.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Brew a strong americano from coarse grains.
  2. Pour both liqueurs into a glass, mix.
  3. Top with coffee.
  4. Decorate the drink with whipped cream (if you whip it yourself, mix it with mint syrup to get an interesting green color).

For decoration, it is recommended to take a few slices of dark and white chocolate. They need to be broken into triangles and stuck in a hat of cream.

French liqueur coffee

Despite the fact that the recipe is called French, for it use the Austrian chocolate liqueur Mozart.

Ingredients: ground coffee (1 teaspoon), sugar (1 teaspoon), Mozart (15 ml), salt (small pinch).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Brew coffee in Turkish. Add sugar before boiling into the cezve, and not into the finished drink.
  2. Pour the coffee into a glass and add a little salt to it.
  3. Top up with Mozart and add more sugar if needed.

If you can’t find Mozart in any way, then you can replace it with another chocolate or coffee liqueur.

With ice cream

For this drink, any liquor that will be combined with the type of ice cream of your choice is suitable. For example, you can take chocolate ice cream and cream liqueur.

Ingredients: double shot of espresso (60 ml), scoop of ice cream, 30 ml of liquor.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour into a glass of espresso.
  2. Add liqueur, mix thoroughly.
  3. Add ice cream (put the ball so that it gradually melts).

For decoration, you can use lemon zest, chocolate or coconut chips.

With honey and milk

This drink can be prepared either cold or hot, depending on the season, the occasion and your personal preference.

Ingredients: Espresso shot (30 ml), honey (3 tablespoons), sugar (2 teaspoons), milk (200 ml), cream liqueur (15 ml).

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Stir the sugar into the espresso and let cool.
  2. Pour coffee over ice into a shaker, add liqueur, milk and honey.
  3. Shake well to dissolve the honey.

If you want to make the drink hot – heat the milk, pour all the ingredients into a glass and mix in it.

Homemade coffee liqueur

If you are tired of Kalua and Baileys or do not want to buy them for financial reasons, then a delicious coffee liqueur can be made at home. It can be added to cocktails and drunk as a digestif.

Ingredients: instant coffee (10 tablespoons), vanilla extract (4 tablespoons), vodka (1 liter), sugar (2 cups), water.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Stages of preparation:

  1. Prepare a large vessel in advance and place under it in the refrigerator.
  2. Pour coffee with hot water in a saucepan and mix with sugar.
  3. Boil coffee on low heat for about an hour.
  4. Remove from heat, add vodka and vanilla, mix well.
  5. Leave in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

The main advantage of this recipe is that it is simple and does not require you to have a coffee machine. Although if you have it, then use ready-made espresso instead of instant coffee.

In the microwave

An interesting and simple version of a coffee cocktail for those who do not have special equipment. Pour water over coffee, add sugar to taste and orange liqueur. Mix well and leave in the microwave for a minute and a half.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

Don’t forget to use a heat resistant glass! Before serving, you can decorate the coffee with whipped cream.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

Coffee is one of the favorite drinks of Europeans, so we have come up with something to cook it with. With the help of liquor, you can make many dessert cocktails and serve them at home to surprise guests. Yes, and you can drink yourself to cheer up if you are not going to drive.

25 Best Coffee Liquor Recipes at Home

However, it must be remembered that both coffee and alcohol put a strain on the cardiovascular system, which, when combined, grows exponentially. Therefore, do not get carried away with coffee with liquor too often.

General recommendations

Remember that liqueurs are very different. For example, Jägermeister and Baileys are very different in taste, although they belong to the same category of alcoholic beverages.

Before preparing coffee with liqueur for guests, check with them what flavors they prefer. Someone may like strong drinks with a sharp taste, and someone – sweet creamy cocktails.

Try to accommodate the wishes of all guests. And if you also make the drink in layers and add decorations, then you can safely qualify for a restaurant serving!

On this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to new articles in order not to miss interesting recipes, share them with friends and drink only good coffee! See you soon!

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