24 weeks pregnant

The 24th week of pregnancy characterizes the end of the sixth month from the moment the conception occurred. So far, the second trimester of pregnancy is still going on, which women call the most calm and pleasant time. After all, it is still too early to worry about the upcoming birth, and the stormy emotions about the presence of the pregnancy itself have already subsided. Now is the time to get ready to meet your newborn.

Fetal development at 24 weeks gestation

The baby inside the mother’s belly continues to actively grow and develop. Its weight approaches 600 g, and its height can reach 30 cm. At the same time, the baby’s body is still quite thin, since subcutaneous fat has just begun to arrive. Starting at 24 weeks, the fetal endocrine system will produce growth hormone on its own, so the rate of weight gain will increase.

The development of all organ systems continues. Thus, the bronchial tree is fully formed. The lungs begin to produce surfactant, which will allow the alveoli not to stick together after the first breath.

The child’s sebaceous and sweat glands function well. The furrows and convolutions of the brain continue to form, the cerebellum and midbrain are already almost fully developed. The organ itself weighs about 100 g.

The reflexes of the fetus are improved. For the first time, he begins to squint when a bright light hits his mother’s stomach, shudders at sharp sounds.

The baby is already experiencing emotions, which largely depend on the mood of the mother. For example, a baby reacts to a woman’s fright with active body movements, which will be clearly felt.

The baby begins to taste amniotic fluid, which is slightly sweet. There is still enough space in the uterus so that he can actively move, somersault and push.

The child has already “drawn up” his daily routine, which may well differ from his mother’s. At the same time, most of the time the baby sleeps and even dreams. A child is awake for no more than 5-7 hours a day.

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