23 little things that make life better

We promise: in this collection there will not be a word about sleep and healthy eating! Firstly, because these are not trifles at all, and secondly, because we have found something more interesting for you.

1. When you wake up, take a walk first.

Even a five-minute walk around the house will be enough to cheer up, refresh and tune in to a new day.

2. Relax the muscles around the eyes

This is the area where tension accumulates during the day. Try this: close your eyes and massage your temples, eyebrows, and upper cheeks for one minute each. Then stretch and open your eyes wide. Most likely, even after such a short procedure, you will feel rested.

3. Remember everything that makes you happy and motivates

And better yet, write it down, because when we are really bad, such things simply do not come to our mind, and it would be better to keep such a list at hand.

4. Write down 3 tasks you would like to do today

No more and no less. Go for it by all means and celebrate your little success.

5. Plan something nice

Going to the cinema or theater. Gatherings with friends. Walk. The main thing is to do something that makes you truly happy every day.

6. Jump or dance

Movement promotes blood circulation, the release of adrenaline, and the release of stress accumulated during the day. At least once a day, dance to your favorite tune or jump like your favorite team just won a championship.

7. Fool around

For starters, by yourself, until you feel confident enough to fool around in someone else’s company too. Roll around in your office chair, laugh out loud at jokes or videos your friend sent you, dance “like no one is watching.”

8. Smile more

To yourself – to your reflection in the mirror – to others and the world.

9. Approach with soul even to everyday activities

Do you say “hello” and “thank you” automatically? Try to change this: look into the eyes of the interlocutor, even if it is a barista in a cafe, or a casual passer-by, or a colleague whose name you do not know, smile, make a compliment (or at least note something good about yourself in a person).

10. Put your phone away when you go to bed.

And don’t start your day with it. Social networks, news, funny pictures and even work messages can wait.

11. Drink more water

In order not to forget to do this, you can carry a special bottle of drinking water with you everywhere or put a glass in each room.

12. Take short but more frequent breaks.

Instead of giving yourself a two-hour lunch break, take 15-minute breaks more often—and a couple of XNUMX-minute breaks during your workday. But most importantly – really relax at this time! Switching to another task or household chores is not a vacation. Better take a few deep breaths, stretch, warm up.

13. Do something new

Try a different way to complete a work task, talk to the salesperson a little longer than usual, make coffee differently – and see what happens!

14. Text at least one friend every day

We all sometimes regret that we were not able to maintain certain relationships. But to maintain them, less time and effort is needed than we think: it is enough to write a warm message to one friend or acquaintance at least every day.

15. Get out in nature

If the weather does not allow, you can at least go out to the balcony and spend 5 to 10 minutes there without a phone – just listening to the sounds around you and watching what is happening.

16. Write down your thoughts

In order not to forget about important things and not to lose ideas that come to your mind, write them down in a notebook or save them in notes on your phone.

17. Keep a schedule

Plan your day every day, not forgetting to include pleasant things in your schedule too. This way you will make the most of your time.

18. Spend 5 minutes a day to get rid of what you don’t need.

Many of us think about decluttering and maintaining order, but where can we find a few hours at a time for this? The secret is to clean every day, but no longer than five minutes. A clean desk works and thinks better.

19. Organize your closet

Make a list of what you really wear and get rid of everything you didn’t wear this season last year. This will help you feel more free and organized at the same time.

20. Do a little more

Add “five more minutes” to every task you think is important: exercise, work, and walk five minutes longer.

21. Read books

Even if you have not done this since school or university, return to this lesson. Books broaden our horizons, enrich our vocabulary, serve as a source of new ideas and turn us into more interesting conversationalists.

22. Cheer yourself up every day

Help yourself to believe that you will succeed in everything you have in mind.

23. Invest in the moment

Give yourself to what you do – work, communication, hobbies – one hundred percent. Remember: we live every moment only once, and not a single one is worth wasting. Life is what happens here and now. And if here and now you are washing dishes, then at least do it with pleasure.

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