23 habits that put you at risk of getting the flu
The doctor told how to protect yourself from illness.
With the arrival of spring, the risk of various colds increased. Including the most dangerous flu. A too light blouse under a jacket or a run without a cap to the subway can be the starting point for bed rest. This “painful” segment of the year will continue until summer, until stable warm weather sets in. In crowded places, especially on the subway, you can easily catch a cold. When a person next to you coughs, then you involuntarily transfer a screaming gaze to him: “Are you going to infect me ?!” Of course, a reasonable question arises: is there such a distance that will protect against a malicious virus?
According to research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a person with the flu can infect anyone within a radius of about 2 meters.
– Most experts believe that influenza viruses are spread mainly in the form of droplets formed when sick people cough, sneeze or talk, – center researchers say… – They can enter the mouth or nose, and then into the lungs of those in the vicinity. Less commonly, a person can get the flu by touching a surface or object that has the flu virus and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly eyes.
Influenza specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Dr.William Schaffner, argues that one contact with a sick person is enough to become a victim of the flu. It is a cunning virus that waits for days. You can have the flu for up to two days without even knowing you have it.
– Influenza is one of the most dangerous diseases that can even lead to death, – says therapist Anna Nikolaeva… – The consequences of the disease can result in rather strong complications, which will cause many problems in the future: cardiovascular, pulmonary and other chronic pathologies. At risk are people over 65 years old, children from six months to 14 years old, health workers and those who very often come into contact with others (service workers). In order not to pick up anything, it is necessary to refrain from walking, where it is crowded (shopping centers, cinemas, etc.). The best thing is to go out into the fresh air. You also need to dress for the weather! If you are sweating after drinking tea in a cafe, then sit for a while so that your body temperature returns to normal and you do not go out wet. Otherwise, you can get hypothermic. Do not forget to ventilate your apartment and study. After all, from the street you bring a lot of microbes. At the end of the day, be sure to rinse your nose with warm saline solution (1 tsp salt per liter of water).
25 habits that increase your risk of influenza
1. Antibacterial hand gel
A new-fashioned magic jar of gel often replaces our full-fledged hand washing with water and soap. However, the gel cannot completely cleanse the skin of the hands. It’s best not to ignore the old proven method – wash your hands with soap and water.
2. Formal hand washing
Washing your hands very quickly will not be helpful. It is necessary to perform this ritual of purity for at least 20 seconds. Lather your hands thoroughly and rinse them well.
3. Physical exercise
Of course, a visit to the gym is an excellent prevention of various diseases. Physical activity is always beneficial. But if you begin to overload the body with exercises, then the immune system will definitely fail.
4. Lack of sleep
If a lot of stress occurs in life, it is best to “cure” them with sleep. In 7-8 hours, the body will have time to recover. A short night’s rest leads to a weakening of the immune system.
5. Smoking
Smoking is the worst habit you can have. It makes you more susceptible to disease by breaking down the protective barriers in the nasopharynx. Thus, harmful smoke (heavy tar) and germs can easily enter the lungs.
6. Communication with the patient
Even if your friend claims to have completely overcome the flu, don’t believe it! Yes, the disease may have really gone away, but all the microbes still do not quickly leave the body. After the flu, you need to recover for another month.
7. Lack of zinc
If you are in the habit of avoiding foods high in zinc, such as eggs, nuts, and legumes, you may unknowingly put yourself in danger. It turns out that zinc is very beneficial for the immune system. This substance is an active defense against viruses.
8. Probiotics
If you skip your daily dose of probiotics, you are already at risk. The active substances help in the development of the intestinal mucosa defense system.
9. Stress
If stress takes over the body completely and becomes a part of everyday life, then in the long term it will prove to be extremely harmful to the immune system. High stress levels can cause depression and anxiety, then overwork and weaken the immune system.
10. Closed room
Vitamin D should be an essential part of your regimen! It reduces susceptibility to disease.
11. A mess
It is necessary to disinfect the home space. Wipe floors, tables and doors with special products three times a week.
12. Light clothing
During the cold period, it is necessary to maintain body temperature. Incorrectly fitted clothing can lead to vegetation or sweating.
13. Echinacea
Echinacea consumption increases the number of leukocytes in the blood. It boosts immunity and overall health. So, especially during flu season, stock up on herbal teas that contain echinacea.
14. Touching the face
Remember to keep your hands contaminated with germs away from your face and mouth.
15. Treats
It is necessary to refrain from treating those who are firmly convinced that they have finally recovered from the flu. Even if these people no longer show symptoms, they can still carry the virus.
16. Contacts
If you spend most of your time in crowded places (transport, school, university, hospital, cafes, shopping malls, etc.), then take hand washing and hygiene seriously.
17. Poor nutrition
Any diet implies the exclusion of certain foods. However, in the season of viruses, on the contrary, you need to get a maximum of nutrients, maintain a balanced diet and not infringe on protein and greens.
18. Laziness
In order for the body to feel in good shape, it is necessary to do light physical exercises at least three times a week. Then strength will appear, apathy will go away and there will be no negative thoughts.
19. Depression
Anxiety and depression, if left untreated, increase levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and weaken the immune system.
20. Vaccinations
You must be aware of your vaccinations. Be sure to find a passport with a list of vaccines that you were given. Find out when the vaccination is taking place at the local clinic.
21. Open mouth
Failure to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze is a surefire way for germs to spread. Also, avoid covering your mouth with your hands, as you can easily transfer germs from your hands to other objects that people will inevitably touch. Better to use a paper towel and throw it away right away.
22. Lack of carbohydrates
Any girl losing weight is afraid of carbohydrates like fire. But no one is forcing you to eat tons of buns! It is enough to supplement the supply of carbohydrates with cereals and fruits.
23. Neglecting sick leave
Having a habit of giving up sick days, even if you really need them, can further worsen the immune system. Therefore, do not perform feats – take sick days and get treatment! Otherwise, the transferred virus on the legs can give severe complications.