22th week of pregnancy (24 weeks)

22th week of pregnancy (24 weeks)

22 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

It’s here 22th week of pregnancy and the baby is 26 cm. The baby’s weight at 24 her is about 500 g. With a head circumference of about 6 cm, his head is still large in proportion to the rest of the body, but the whole is starting to harmonize.

Her hair, eyelashes and eyebrows grow, giving her face a very human appearance. In the gums, the buds of permanent teeth begin to grow. His eyelids are still closed, but he is sensitive to light.

The fat reserves of the fetus at 22 weeks are still thin, her skin remains wrinkled, but it begins to thicken and be less transparent. It is covered with vernix caseosa, a whitish, waxy coating produced by the baby’s sebaceous glands. This varnish protects his skin from amniotic fluid, which contains more and more urine.

His brain continues to develop rapidly.

His muscles are strengthening and his movements are more and more vigorous. At 24 her stomach and the mother-to-be’s uterus still have room for the baby. He takes the opportunity to do somersaults, because space in the uterus will soon start to run out. It is from from 24 weeks as the baby’s size will increase significantly. 

His pancreas secretes insulin, so he is able to regulate his blood sugar level on his own. He also produces his own white blood cells, but it will take years after birth – and many minor illnesses – for his immune system to fully mature.

If it’s a little boy, his testicles start to descend to the scrotum.


Where is the mother’s body at 22 weeks pregnant?

It’s here 24th week of amenorrhea and the uterus is now a little higher than the navel, and the uterine height of about 20 cm.

The scale shows a few extra pounds – ideally 5, or 1 kg per month since the start of pregnancy. From the 6th month, the weight gain will be more important: about 2 kg per month. During the first half of pregnancy, the mother-to-be stored nutrients in order to make reserves; in the second part of pregnancy, they are mobilized for the fetus, which will multiply its weight by 6 by birth.

The increase in blood volume 22 SG, necessary to meet the needs of the fetus and the placenta, can cause various inconveniences: shortness of breath, dizziness, tingling in the limbs, heavy legs, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, varicose veins. These are found in 40 to 50% of pregnancies and can reach the legs at the level of the saphenous veins, but also the anal region (hemorrhoids) and vagina (vulvar varicose veins).

This increase in blood volume also gives more work to the kidneys, already heavily used to eliminate the waste of the mother-to-be as well as those of the 22 week fetus, which increase as it grows. The risk of urinary tract infection is therefore particularly high. To prevent it, it is essential to hydrate regularly. This gesture also helps prevent constipation, an illness that tends to be rampant throughout the duration of pregnancy.

It is already the 5th month of pregnancy and the prospect of childbirth and the future role of mother can raise some anxiety. This is part of the normal psychic gestation process, but if these concerns prevent the mother-to-be from fully enjoying her pregnancy and are a source of suffering, one should not hesitate to listen carefully: gynecologist, midwife, psychologist.


Which foods to favor at 22 weeks of pregnancy (24 weeks)?

Four months pregnant, certain foods are preferred to optimize the proper development of the 22 week fetus. As the blood volume increases, the mother-to-be needs more iron than ever before. Moreover, from this 24th week of amenorrhea, the risks of being deficient are higher. A pregnant woman may be anemic, meaning that there are no red blood cells in the blood. As a result, various symptoms are likely to appear, such as a feeling of exhaustion, shortness of breath on exertion, and a paler complexion. The doctor can confirm anemia with a blood test. Food supplements composed of iron are prescribed for pregnant women in order to rebalance the deficit. They are of course safe for the baby at 22 weeks pregnant. To prevent iron deficiency, the mother-to-be must eat certain foods. Green vegetables (spinach, beans, lettuce, etc.) are rich in iron. Legumes contain a lot of it too, such as chickpeas, lentils or ingots. Iron is also found in animal protein, such as red meat, shellfish or fish. The method of cooking has an impact on the nutrients contained in the food. For vegetables, it is preferable to steam them or in water, respecting the cooking time. If it is overcooked, the food loses its nutritional value. On the other hand, during pregnancy, red or pork meat must be well cooked to avoid the risk of contamination from bacteria or parasites. 

To promote iron absorption, the mother-to-be can eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi, papaya or peppers.


Things to remember at 24:XNUMX PM

  • take stock of childcare arrangements;
  • continue shopping for the baby;
  • start decorating the room for the baby.


In this end 5th month of pregnancy, the mother-to-be is generally still full of energy and not yet too embarrassed by her belly 24 her. Now is the perfect time to shop for the baby. Be careful, however, to be careful and to remain attentive to the signals of his body. A few contractions at 24 w, painless, are normal, but if they multiply and become painful, they should be taken as a call signal: you must rest.

Walking and swimming are the physical activities of choice during pregnancy, unless there is a medical contraindication (threat of premature birth for example). They help fight against constipation, promote venous return, maintain muscle mass.

By lying on your back (or “supine”) or on the right side, the uterus can compress the inferior vena cava, causing a drop in blood pressure at this stage. 2ème trimestre. To avoid this phenomenon, it is recommended to lie on your left side. A nursing pillow slipped under the leg often provides better comfort.

In case of anxiety or sleep disorders, relaxation techniques such as sophrology are interesting resources. This method, developed in the 60s, brings deep relaxation to the mother-to-be through breathing and visualization exercises. It is also a full-fledged preparation technique for childbirth, particularly recommended for mothers-to-be who are very apprehensive about childbirth or are considering childbirth without an epidural.

Pregnancy week by week: 

20th week of pregnancy

21th week of pregnancy

23th week of pregnancy

24th week of pregnancy


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