22 signs of depression that are easy to miss

Depression is insidious and at first almost imperceptible. Many people themselves are not fully aware of their condition, not to mention those around them. Nevertheless, psychotherapists argue that the disorder gives out characteristic signs, and advise paying attention to them.

Depression creeps up on the sly and often becomes apparent when it’s too late. This is more than sadness and rivers of tears. This is a constant numbness that never goes away, and even trying to do what you love does not bring relief.

How to recognize it? As a rule, many do not realize what is happening to them. It is useless to ask, no one will give a definite answer. At the same time, a number of features indicate a depressive state. Perhaps by learning more about them, you will get some idea about the people affected by it.

1. Talent and excessive impulsiveness

Do not misunderstand – causeless sadness and detachment do not yet speak of rare giftedness. However, there is a correlation between impulsivity and a high risk of developing depression.

Some experts believe that the feelings and sensations of talented people are sharpened to such an extent that they are practically unable to resist negative emotions and, in particular, find fault with themselves too much.

2.Ultra sensitive defense mechanisms

Depressed people build impenetrable walls around themselves. Their reluctance to talk about troubles makes them keep others at a decent distance.

Gradually, they learn to skillfully hide emotions and develop powerful defense mechanisms so that no one asks uncomfortable questions. From the outside, they look quite cheerful and energetic. People around do not even notice that a loved one is in trouble, and when its signs become obvious, it is too late to help.

3. Feeling abandoned

For those who have experienced depression, it is difficult to let someone into their lives. They don’t want to be seen in such a terrible state. There is another reason: in the rare cases when they decide to open up, acquaintances are removed from them.

Such people sooner or later come to the conclusion that over time they will be abandoned by everyone. In addition, they create a false belief that depression only repels people, which means that it is necessary to keep it a secret so that others continue to communicate with them.

4. Strange eating habits

Depressed people often lose their sense of the middle: they either eat too much or don’t eat at all. Sudden fluctuations in weight are a very alarming signal, and you need to intervene before it gets worse.

Changes in eating behavior should alert, as it is manageable. Depressed people may deliberately ignore hunger cramps or consume food in incredible amounts. In addition, it has been proven that unhealthy foods, such as sweet or fried foods, cause the release of serotonin. This neurotransmitter elevates mood and reduces anxiety, which is why it becomes a kind of drug for those suffering from depression.

5. Sleep disorders

Sleeping too much or not enough sleep are extremes that are characteristic of depression. The body is out of sync, the brain does not know how to react to failure, and releases melatonin either too much or not enough.

Good sleep is essential for mental and physical health. But the fact is that the mode of work and rest can also be controlled. Having regained control over at least one aspect of their life, a person feels a surge of strength, even if he thinks that he is not in control of the situation at all.

6. Obsessive thoughts

Depression forces you to go deeper and deeper into yourself. The whirlpool of reflection and emotions is addictive, every little thing is diligently analyzed in vain attempts to understand “how it would be if …”

The head is so full of reflections on the past that there is no room for current events. The endless scrolling of causal relationships often leads to the fact that really important things fall out of the schedule or are completely forgotten. It is important for loved ones to be patient and not demand an immediate return to reality, otherwise the person will close completely.

7. Showy independence

People who are prone to depression believe that no one cares about them. They categorically do not accept outside help, because they want to maintain the illusion of complete control over the situation.

Many consider self-confidence to be a good quality, but in fact it is detrimental to the psyche. The desire to always and in everything rely only on oneself exhausts one’s strength. Even satisfaction with independently performed work does not save: such people do not leave fatigue and a feeling of loneliness.

8. Constant readiness for the worst

Depressed people always expect the worst. Instead of remaining optimistic and trying to see a glimmer of light among the clouds, they pre-set up for a dysfunctional ending.

You may be told that this is a realistic attitude to life, but if the expectations are mostly negative, something is clearly wrong. It may be time to have a heart to heart talk, but if the depressed person refuses, it’s best not to push.

9. Saving rituals

With depression, there is often a need to adhere to a strict routine: in this way, the same feeling of control is maintained. Even if a person is taking medication and undergoing psychotherapy, he still follows certain rituals so as not to lose the right direction.

Actions can be quite simple: for example, every day at the same time, go for a walk, listen to music or do exercises. Simple at first glance, classes do not allow you to slip into an anxious state again and save you from obsessive thoughts.

10. Fictional stories

In most cases, depressed people do not want others to know what is happening to them, and therefore resort to deception. They invent reasons for their actions, unsightly appearance and scars on their hands.

The desire to hide the truth is dangerous because it is difficult for others to guess how much such people need help. Moreover, the person who pretends everything is fine refuses to admit that he is in trouble and rejects all support.

11. Heightened perception of life and death

Depression does not always lead to suicide, but it distorts the attitude towards life and death.

As a rule, awareness of the meaninglessness of being arises in moments of crises and despair. In addition, with frequent mood swings, suicidal thoughts sometimes subside, then resume and can become sustainable.

12. Close attention to metabolism

Anyone who is aware of his depressive state listens intensely to his bodily sensations. Sometimes such people show a surprisingly high level of knowledge about physiological processes.

They clearly know that coffee and sweets improve mood, and which drugs act depressingly. They are aware of which drugs should not be mixed with food so as not to cause an adverse reaction. In fact, this is a personal responsibility that cannot be shared with someone, because you have to take care of your own psyche.

13. Endless search for meaning

Many depressed individuals are constantly looking for purpose and meaning in life. They need to do something very important and necessary, so as not to stray from the course.

This is due to the fact that low self-esteem and inadequate anxiety are transformed into an irresistible desire to continuously prove their worth. For them, this is a way to achieve happiness and not depend on anyone.

14. An acute need for love and recognition

They are so in need of love and recognition that they try to please everyone and everyone, just to win sympathy. In fact, inner demons are hidden behind helpfulness and courtesy.

They want to look cute so that they are considered friends. Not everyone is ready to see the ugly face of depression, so they hide it under a friendly mask so as not to scare others. There is no malice here, just a desire to appear the best version of yourself.

15. Weak cries for help

In our view, depression is a state in which you want to close yourself off from everyone and silently look at the wall. To some extent this is true. People suffering from this disease try to isolate themselves from the outside world, but sometimes it becomes so unbearable for them that feelings spill out.

In rare cases, they decide to open up and talk about their condition. This means that the critical moment has come, the forces are running out, they are literally begging for salvation. Try to listen to them without irritation, otherwise they will “close” again and not say another word.

16. Lifestyle change

If one of your friends played sports only from time to time, and then suddenly began to work hard on himself, it is likely that he is trying to cope with depression. Physical activity provides an opportunity to escape from a depressed mood.

During exercise, endorphins are produced and overall well-being improves. Feeling a surge of energy, a person begins to seek salvation in regular training.

17. Avoidance

Depression often produces an avoidance response. I don’t want to do anything – communicate with friends, go somewhere, even important meetings are postponed. The consequences can be very serious, because, among other things, payments are ignored, lectures are missed, work is not done. Depression is a terrible and insidious monster that easily destroys human life.

Avoiding responsibilities and people is much more convenient – no need to pretend that everything is fine. Especially on nightmarish days, when such melancholy rolls in that it is better to oversleep from morning to evening.

18. Compulsive behavior

Sometimes depressed people show signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This again is connected with the desire to maintain at least some control over your life, and get rid of the feeling that the ground is slipping from under your feet. Some take showers several times a day because that is the only way to relax and recover, others go to self-harm, such as trichotillomania (the habit of pulling out their hair).

Such behavior can go unnoticed for a long time, especially for those who do not live with such a person. However, for those who know him well, it is easier to understand that something strange is happening.

19. Avoiding personal questions

Depressed people are the least likely to talk about themselves. They refuse to admit that their life is far from perfect, and they are afraid that they will be judged for their weakness and unwillingness to do something about it.

That is why they try to turn the conversation to others. It is preferable for them to carefully listen to other people’s sorrows than to discuss their own and think how bad everything is. Most of all, they are afraid that they will have to convey feelings in words, and they are silent, hoping that they will manage somehow.

20. Hide your eyes

For those who experience depression, self-esteem drops to zero. They think that they are the worst and generally unworthy of attention. Because of this, almost no one manages to catch their eye when talking. They look at the floor, at the corner, at any distracting object. This makes it easier to distance yourself from your interlocutor.

21. Unexpected outbursts of aggression

Depression is exhausting. It is very difficult to look for explanations for your actions when you do not want your friends to know the truth, and you are trying to deal with your problems alone.

Desperate efforts overwhelm the cup of patience, and sometimes some little thing becomes the last straw, which from the outside looks like an inadequate reaction. Such disruptions indicate that far from everything is safe and something is tormenting a person. It’s more than “just a bad mood.”

22. Long disappearances

Faced with severe depression, some try to overcome it on their own and disappear from view for a long time. Deciding to disappear for a while, they sit at home without getting out or suddenly leave in an unknown direction without warning anyone.

Fighting depression one on one is incredibly difficult: a person is forced to literally disconnect from the whole world in order to just stay on the edge of the abyss. If you notice similar signs in someone you know, it’s time to intervene. At least to make sure everything is in order.

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