So, the milestone has been passed – the first half of pregnancy is already over, at 21 weeks the sixth obstetric month began. For most women, it will become the calmest period, when the belly is not yet so large as to limit freedom of action, there is confidence that the pregnancy is developing normally, there is an opportunity to establish a kind of communication with the baby.
What happens to the expectant mother?
Week 21 is no exception, during this period significant changes occur in a woman’s body. By this time of pregnancy, the mammary glands increase, the sensitivity of the nipples changes. A woman notices that bras are now required in a much larger size than before pregnancy. On the enlarged chest, the same stretch marks appear as on the stomach.
Colostrum may begin to come out of the nipples as the mammary glands prepare to produce milk. It cannot be expressed, squeezed out of the chest. This tactic leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can provoke contractions. It is better to carry out hygienic treatment of the breast with neutral means, to put pads in the bra.
At the 21st week of pregnancy, swelling of the legs may appear. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the afternoon, it occurs due to excessive stress on the cardiovascular system, accompanied by increased fatigue. To prevent edema, you should rest more often in a prone position, reduce the amount of liquid in dishes, and adjust the drinking regimen.
Hormonal restructuring of the body leads to changes in the structure of the skin, hair and nails. The epidermis has become thinner and more delicate, acne and rashes have disappeared. Hair and nails began to grow more intensively. Hair growth has also increased in unwanted places.
Fetal development
The fat layer under the skin of the fetus has just begun to form, so at the 21st week of pregnancy, the baby is quite thin, and his skin is covered with wrinkles.
At this time, the unborn child often swallows amniotic fluid, receiving glucose and other nutrients from them. Such activity serves as training for the swallowing reflex and contributes to the development of the intestinal mucosa, its villous apparatus. Do not be afraid that unwanted substances will enter the child’s body with the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is sterile, their composition is updated 3 times a day, so the intestines of the fetus do not yet contain a single bacterium.
The first bacteria enter the baby’s body with the first sip of mother’s milk or colostrum. Now the taste buds on the tongue of the fetus respond to the taste of food eaten by the mother. The only danger that threatens his digestive system is nicotine and alcohol, which enters the bloodstream if the expectant mother consumes these toxic substances.
Fetal parameters:
Body length from heels to crown – 26-27 cm;
Weight – 350-360 g;
The amount of amniotic fluid drunk is 0,5 liters per day.
The urinary system of a child performs serious work, processing about 450 ml of liquid per day. The respiratory system of the fetus develops, an epithelium appears, lining the alveoli from the inside. The child occasionally performs movements that imitate breathing. So the body prepares for the first breath.
The endocrine system of the child performs the functions intended for it by nature. The pituitary gland, thyroid and pancreas, spleen – all these important organs function, helping the immune system to create its own defenses, produce their own hormones. Passive immunity is created with the help of antibodies coming from the mother to the fetus. They create a powerful immune defense of the baby. In the blood of a child, there are such important elements as leukocytes and platelets.
This period is a very important stage in the formation of the rudiments of molars, so the expectant mother should consume a sufficient amount of calcium. The musculoskeletal system and the vestibular apparatus of the child are getting stronger every day, and his movements become more confident. As long as the uterine cavity is large enough for him to be able to roll over and move freely in it. If the ultrasound showed that the baby is still head up, do not worry – before the birth, he will change his position several more times.
Attitude towards sex
If there are no special problems with the course of pregnancy, intimate relationships are not prohibited. Possible problems are increased uterine tone, low fetal presentation, twin pregnancy. Naturally, you need to be extra careful and gentle postures. But in general, sex at this stage of pregnancy can bring a woman new sensations due to the increased blood supply to the reproductive organs.
pregnant weight at 21 weeks
At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus begins to form subcutaneous fat, so a sufficient amount of resources is required for the full development of the child. It is necessary to strike a balance between the desire to give the child sufficient nutrition and the possibility of gaining excess weight. At this stage, the optimal weight gain is no more than 300 g per week.
The maximum allowable increase from the beginning of pregnancy is no more than 6,5 kg. Since this indicator depends on the constitution of a woman, the characteristics of her physique, these parameters are purely individual. It should be remembered that excess weight greatly complicates the upcoming birth and recovery period.
Organization of proper nutrition
The main principle of proper nutrition at this stage of pregnancy is to ensure the quality of nutrition without increasing its quantity. It is important to include more plant-based protein in your diet. Animal protein is best obtained from lean meat and fish, and dairy products. From marine fish, a woman’s body will receive valuable omega-3 fatty acids. It is very useful to use nuts, olive oil.
Carbohydrates in the diet of a pregnant woman are best provided by eating cereals, whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables. To prevent heartburn, it is better to eat fractionally, in small portions. Salt and sugar should be consumed in moderation, less fatty and fried foods.
For a successful pregnancy, you should wear comfortable clothes, eat right and fully, monitor your weight, and avoid stress and physical exertion.
Video about the procedure for going on maternity leave, about the condition of the fetus, about obtaining an exchange card: