21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Varieties of honey and their medicinal properties

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)What is the  healthiest honey ? There are the following varieties of this delicious product:
• higher – they are obtained by spontaneous flow from the honeycombs under the influence of their own gravity or centrifugation in special apparatus, contain the least amount of moisture;
• lower – produced by heating on fire, in such varieties there is increased humidity.

What honey is useful and popular the most? All varieties have their own characteristics and a variety of tastes. However, natural flower honey received the greatest recognition from consumers. For example, mustard, acacia, sweet clover, sunflower, buckwheat, cotton. They are distinguished depending on the name of the plants from which the nectar was collected by the bees.

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)Light varieties are most valued. These include fireweed, barberry, bodyag, linden, valerian, pea, clover, cornflower blue, alfalfa, snakehead, kenaf, blackberry, maple, lavender, coriander, raspberry, parsnip, swallowtail, lemon balm, motherwort, thistle, rapeseed, bruise, mint , thistle, phacelia, mignonette, chandra, apple, sainfoin, sage.
Each of them has its own healing properties. For example, how is buckwheat honey useful? It contains much more valuable minerals for the body than other varieties. It is rich in phosphorus, potassium, aluminum, manganese, calcium, zinc, magnesium, sodium and other useful elements.

What is useful in honey

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)The benefits and harms of honey are determined by its composition. It has a wide range of health benefits. What is honey made of? It contains about 60 different substances. The main component of all varieties are fast carbohydrates (75-80%):
• 31% glucose (grape sugar);
• 38% fructose (fruit sugar);
• 1% sucrose;
• about 9% of other organic sugars (maltose, melicitose, etc.).
What vitamins are in honey? It contains folic acid (B9), B1, B2, B6, carotene (vitamin A provitamin), ascorbic acid (C), E, ​​PP, K, H (biotin). The composition of honey also contains:
• enzymes that significantly accelerate metabolic reactions (diastase, catalase, phosphatase, amylase);
• minerals, macro- and microelements (salts of calcium, iron, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, iodine, chlorine, phosphorus, as well as boron, lead, tin, aluminum, chromium, manganese, silicon, lithium, nickel, copper, zinc, osmium and others)
• amino acids (pantothenic, glutamic, aspartic acids, arginine, leucine, lysine, alanine, tyrosine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, proline);
• organic and inorganic acids (grape, citric, tartaric, linoleic, malic, lactic, oxalic).

This product, being a source of easily digestible carbohydrates, a unique set of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, trace elements, organic acids, antibacterial substances and biogenic stimulants, — refers to natural medicines that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

What helps honey with

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)Have you ever wondered what would happen if you eat honey every day? In the prevention and treatment of what diseases it will help? If you know how to eat honey correctly, then it will be useful for diseases:

• gastrointestinal tract;
• organs of vision;
• cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
• spleen and gallbladder

It perfectly restores the body’s strength after illnesses. It has honey benefits for the liver and pancreas, is an excellent antidepressant. The product reduces anxiety and normalizes sleep. Tea with honey is beneficial in the treatment of colds and viral respiratory diseases. It has a positive effect on the healing of wounds and ulcers, activates the emptying function of the intestines, It is used as a remedy for exhaustion and weakening of the body. Honey on an empty stomach normalizes metabolism. It is used as a quick energy drink to improve overall well-being, warm, increase the natural reactive forces of the body.
What is useful water with honey? It is prescribed as an anti-cold, antioxidant and tonic. However, such a product is recommended for use only after 1 year of life.

Bee honey: benefits for women

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

The beneficial properties of honey, with regular use by women, are manifested in the general strengthening of the body, preserving youth. It is used as a component of means for the prevention and treatment of many “female” diseases.
This is an easily digestible dietary product that does not harm the figure. It fills with energy, removes toxins, gives a charge of vivacity, improves metabolism. The benefits of honey in the morning is to remove toxins, activate the digestive system. It is also included in many cosmetic products for skin and hair (masks, scrubs, etc.). This medicinal product has antimicrobial, rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effects, helps to lose weight.

Benefits of honey for men

Natural honey strengthens the male body, as well as:
• normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system and prostate gland;
• used in the treatment of prostatitis;
• improves potency.
It serves as a prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, helps to cope with colds.

Honey contraindications

Should be excluded from the diet or temporarily limit the use of honey in the development of the following conditions:
• acute gastritis or pancreatitis;
• cholelithiasis or urolithiasis;
• asthma and allergies;
• severe fever;
• diabetes.
It should also be understood that individual intolerance to the product can also be observed.

The rate of consumption of honey

How much honey can you get per day? For the benefit to the body, it is enough to eat it daily at 100-150 g in several doses. The daily norm of honey for children is 1-2 teaspoons. For better absorption, it is recommended to take it 1.5-2 hours before or 3 hours after a meal. Each person is individual, therefore the given norms, how much honey can be per day, are very indicative.

If you are not taking full advantage of honey’s nutritional and medicinal properties, now is the time to give it a go because honey has remarkable healing properties for all kinds of ailments.

Honey is used for its antibacterial and antifungal properties since antiquity.

In fact, the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians described the healing properties of honey as far back as Aristotle’s time in 384 BC.

Moreover, the Bible reports that King Solomon would have said, “My son, eat honey, for it is good.” ”

Honey is a product that has long won its place among natural healing methods.

It is not only a great sugar substitute but it also enriches your nutrition and enhances your well-being.

In its purest form, a tablespoon of honey contains around 64 calories and is fat and cholesterol free.

It contains vitamins, traces of enzymes, amino acids and minerals like calcium, iron, sodium chlorine, magnesium, phosphate and potassium.

Due to its acidic PH (3,2 to 4,5), it helps reduce the growth of bacteria and its antioxidant properties eliminate certain free radicals.

It is arguably one of the best sweeteners on the planet and we all know we should be consuming less processed sugars!

Honey making

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

You would be surprised how complex honey making is.

Bee experts say that in order to produce a pound of honey, about 60 bees must go and forage some 000 million flowers (nearly 2 km) to extract a sufficient amount of nectar.

It’s a lot of teamwork that takes a lot of time!

Did you know that bees have a second stomach in which they store nectar?

Yes, these lucky bees have the particularity of having two stomachs in order to ingest their favorite food – pollen.

In the second stomach, the nectar extracted from the pollen they collect mixes with enzymes, which the bee regurgitates (vomits) directly into the mouth of another bee.

It sounds pretty repulsive, but it’s actually very natural and a lot less disgusting than it sounds.

This process is repeated until the nectar is partially digested.

It is then stored in a honeycomb and the bees use their wings to ventilate the liquid nectar to make it thicker.

Subsequently, a liquid that seals the nectar is secreted from the bee’s abdomen and the nectar hardens until it forms beeswax.

If you have never observed a group of bees hovering in and around a honeycomb, you should do this because it is very interesting!

Let’s see what are the benefits of honey in order to allow the greater world to benefit from this natural remedy.

First of all, you should know that infants should not be given honey because their immune and digestive systems are still developing.

If ever honey contains the botulism bacteria, their little bodies are not yet ready to fight like the body of a child or an adult.

Treatment of allergies

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, honey helps reduce allergic symptoms.

This is equivalent to a kind of natural vaccine because it contains small amounts of pollen.

Do you have a runny nose and itchy eyes when allergy season begins?

Do you spend your days swallowing Benadryl pills or hanging from your Nasonex spray?

If so, honey will do you the most good.

No sooner does your body ingest a small amount of the pollen contained in honey than it begins to produce antibodies which will take care of this pollen. This means that, over time, your body will build up a defense system against this allergy.

In other words, as soon as your immune system recognizes the slightest amount of pollen to which you are allergic, it goes into attack mode.

Since pollen is present in very small quantities, your immune system quickly takes over and kills it, while boosting its immunity against it.

It is important to consume locally produced honey, as it will contain the pollen spores specific to the flowers in your area.

By ingesting a little honey every day (the recommended dose is one teaspoon), your body builds a natural immunity against allergens which would otherwise cause unbearable allergy symptoms.

Be aware that it is best to start taking honey two or three months before the allergy season to give your body time to build this immunity.

To obtain honey from your region, do not hesitate to go to farmers’ markets, cooperatives or organic food stores near you.

Energy booster

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Do you ever find yourself wanting to put your head on your desk at work after a meal because you feel completely drained?

Do you have trouble getting up in the morning?

Obviously, our energy fluctuates, so if we can use a natural energy booster, we would be wrong to deprive ourselves of it.

Thanks to its high carbohydrate content, honey is a great source of energy from unprocessed sugar.

Glucose and fructose pass quickly into the bloodstream, giving you a nice little boost to start your day.

It’s a great way to start a long sports program.

Alternatively, you can incorporate it into your breakfast every morning to help you get started on the right foot.

It is best to add a tablespoon of honey to a hot cup of tea, but also to reduce your coffee consumption; too much coffee doesn’t really give you energy.

You can also make iced tea for the afternoon and sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.

And why not keep a small jar with you so you always have it on hand?

One to two tablespoons of raw honey a day will be enough to keep you in shape.

To read: The benefits of the combination of ginger and lemon

Improved memory

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

As we age, we want to keep a good memory and, for this, it is recommended to consume foods that will give you a little boost.

Antioxidants are great for providing your neurons with essential nutrients for good health.

Be aware that honey contains high amounts of antioxidants, which will help keep your brain in good shape.

In fact, honey has been shown to help postmenopausal women maintain good memories at just one scoop per day.

By adding a teaspoon to a cup of tea every day, you can easily get your fix while refreshing yourself.

Honey also helps the brain absorb calcium, which also promotes memory.

Taking good care of your brain by eating the right diet can reduce your chances of ever having dementia.

To read: 10 reasons to drink green tea

Cough treatment

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

The common cold being such a widespread infection, especially during the winter months, that you would be well advised to always have a jar of honey on hand as it has a positive effect against coughs.

Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from taking cough syrups, but do you really want to ingest ingredients that are harsh for your immune system?

Not all of the ingredients in these syrups are good for your body; on the other hand, honey is a grandmother’s remedy with tremendous effects on your health.

Honey coats the mucous membranes of the throat and soothes them by relieving the nerve endings that protect the throat.

According to some doctors, two tablespoons of honey is just as effective as a cough suppressant.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes honey as an emollient (a substance that relieves irritation or inflammation) because it helps soothe coughs by acting as a protective film on the throat.

Here is a great recipe for honey lemon syrup to help you fight cough effectively:

Lemon Honey Cough Syrup

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

You will need a lemon and raw, unprocessed honey.

You can get them at farmers’ markets, cooperatives or organic food stores in your town.

Lemons are great bacteria killers, and when mixed with honey, they will soothe your throat.

To prepare this cough syrup, simply equip yourself with a small saucepan and heat half a liter of raw honey over very low heat.

Do not overheat the honey, as this affects its medicinal properties.

Then boil the whole lemon in a second saucepan for a few minutes.

This will have the effect of killing bacteria that may be on the skin of the lemon but also of softening the lemon.

Once the lemon has cooled, cut it into slices and add them to the warm honey, still on the stove.

Simmer this mixture for an hour, then strain the lemon pieces mixed with honey.

Let the honey cool, put it in a bottle and store it in the refrigerator.

It can be stored for about two months.

If you have a cough, take 1 tablespoon up to 4 times a day.

For children weighing between 10 and 25 kg, limit the dose to half a teaspoon.

Do not give honey to children under one year old because it irritates their digestive system.

Improved sleep

Many people find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep long enough, which can cause extreme fatigue and bad mood.

Instead of resorting to sleeping pills immediately, consider natural remedies.

When you are having one of those hectic nights, honey can be of great help to you.

Here’s a quick summary of the science as to why honey can help you fall asleep faster.

The sugar in honey increases your insulin levels, which in turn releases a neurotransmitter called serotonin.

The body then converts serotonin into melatonin – a hormone that promotes sleep.

In addition to serotonin, honey contains amino acids, which are involved in the production of another amino acid, tryptophan.

When tryptophan gets to the brain, it is converted to serotonin and ultimately melatonin, further increasing the amount to help you sleep better.

Now you know why it’s in your best interest to have a teaspoon of honey every night when you decompress.

There are two wonderful possibilities: add honey to a chamomile infusion or concoct yourself a glass of Golden Milk – an Ayurvedic drink made with turmeric, honey, almond milk and pepper for relieve inflammation and soothe the body to get a good night’s rest.

So do some research on this ancient medicinal drink; you will discover a multitude of useful information on the benefits it provides.

To read: The benefits of curcumin

Treatment of dandruff

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Is your scalp itchy?

Do you have dandruff problems?

Spending your time scratching your head can be quite embarrassing.

Good news, researchers have found that by applying a diluted solution of honey and water to the scalp, which you will leave on for a few hours, your scalp will be restored to its full health in no time.

In fact, some people claim that the skin lesions heal completely after a few weeks of using this remedy; others testify to have also observed a decrease in hair loss.

The effectiveness of honey in treating scalp problems is due to its antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

So do not hesitate to spread a good dose of honey from your region on your hair and then leave this intense treatment to act which will get rid of any problem of dry and flaky scalp.

You can use honey even if you do not have any scalp problem; it will hydrate and give your hair a wonderful conditioner.

Treatment of scratches and burns

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Thanks to its natural antibiotic properties, honey can help relieve and treat wounds and burns.

Do you have a scratch or a sore?

All you need to do is apply honey, which will disinfect the wound from some serious bacteria like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

In fact, honey was used as a remedy for infections for a long time until the discovery of penicillin in the early XNUMXth century.

From there, penicillin began to replace honey to treat infections.

Nowadays, as so many people turn to natural remedies again, honey is enjoying a resurgence in popularity.

For the treatment of wounds and burns, it is recommended to use manuka honey, which gets its name from the pollen of the flowers of a shrub called manuka.

Of the various manuka honeys that can be found, my favorite is Wedderspoon’s Premium 100% Raw Manuka Honey, which is available on Amazon.

Clinical studies performed on this type of honey have found that over 250 clinical strains of bacteria are cured by manuka honey.

It contains a special ingredient which makes it much more effective than any other type of honey.

As no one knows exactly this ingredient, it is simply called the “Unique Manuka Factor” (UMF).

Even if you can’t get manuka honey, any raw, unprocessed honey can help wounds and burns heal quickly.

Children love this type of remedy for their abrasions or burns because it does not sting like hydrogen peroxide.

Give them some honey to eat before applying it, this will show them how good honey is for them and hopefully they will continue to consume it throughout their lives.

Herpes treatment

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Suffering from herpes outbreaks can be really frustrating, and sometimes non-prescription drugs just don’t have the effect you want.

Not to mention that many people hate to buy herpes medicine because they are ashamed of their disease.

People with herpes will be relieved to learn that honey can help relieve the symptoms of herpes because, when applied to sores, it sucks up the liquid.

In addition, due to its high sugar content, honey limits the growth of microorganisms to a minimum.

Bee nectar contains glucose oxidase, an enzyme that plays a beneficial role when honey is applied to the wound because a small amount of hydrogen peroxide is released and cleanses the wound.

If you suffer from herpes outbreaks, try honey to see if you get relief and the sores heal faster.

Honey can be an affordable healing agent that is safe to use, which will certainly save you a lot of money in consultations and medications which often contain toxic ingredients and come with effects. secondary.

Use as a moisturizer

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

For those who love home remedies, honey is a fantastic ingredient that will have a moisturizing effect on your hands, feet, and your entire body.

Because honey retains moisture quite well, you can add it to your shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer for wonderful results.

Here are some homemade honey recipes you can use today:

Moisturizing honey treatment for the body:

  • Mix 5 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of rose oil and 2 cups of almond oil in a flask and shake
  • Use this moisturizer as often as you like

Honey conditioner:

  • Mix 1/2 cup of honey with 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • Apply to your hair and massage to penetrate this mixture
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap for 30 minutes, then wash your hair as usual

Honey and almond scrub:

  • Mix 3 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and 6 tablespoons of crushed almonds
  • Apply delicately on your face by massaging and rinse with lukewarm water

Relief of gastric reflux

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

To read: how to treat heartburn

Honey is known for its ability to prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as well as to relieve heartburn and gastric reflux.

The most suitable type of honey for this purpose is manuka honey from New Zealand, but if you can’t afford it, raw, unprocessed honey will do.

Much research has shown that honey can help reduce symptoms associated with gastric reflux as well as promote healing of the esophagus.

Although there is less evidence, some people claim that honey can also cure H. pylori infections in the stomach, which are often responsible for gastric ulcers.

In fact, when you ingest honey, it will line the esophagus, which relieves inflammation or lesions; in the end, it helps reduce the symptoms of GERD.

It seems that honey also helps digestion because it contains certain enzymes that stimulate the digestive system.

If you are suffering from gastric reflux, consume a teaspoon of honey before each meal and add it to a hot cup of tea before bed as well.

Do not give honey to infants because their digestive system is not yet fully developed and it can make the child very sick if the honey contains botulism bacteria.

Stimulation of the immune system

The immune system plays a crucial role in your health because it repels disease.

In a fast-paced world where many people complain about chronic stress, the ability to use a natural substance to boost your immune system is a real boon.

If your immune system is weakened, you will feel drained and may be more vulnerable to illness.

The good news is that consuming honey regularly can be a great ally for your immune system because it has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

It also helps cleanse and strengthen your digestive system, which is essential for optimal health.

Here is a fabulous drink to drink every day to give your body a boost:

  1. Pour the juice of ½ lemon and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water.
  2. Mix well and drink.
  3. Repeat this routine every morning or evening for a short time; you should find that you feel fitter and maybe even less stressed.

Preventive action and fight against cancer

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Honey is, in fact, one of those foods that can help prevent or fight against cancer because it has anti-carcinogenic properties and can thus help fight the proliferation of existing tumors.

You may know that cancer feeds on sugar; however, honey does not have the same properties as sugar.

Honey contains wonderful flavonoids and phenolic compounds that make it a superfood and give it anti-metastatic properties that can fight tumors and cancer.

More specifically, honey contains the following phenolic compounds: gallic acid, chrysin, ellagic acid, paracoumaric acid, syringic acid, ferulic acid and caffeic acid; all are believed to aid in the healing of the body’s cells.

More and more studies are reporting the preventive and curative action of honey on cancer cells and, even if additional research remains to be carried out, the first results are encouraging.

Regular consumption of raw, unprocessed honey can undoubtedly be an easy and inexpensive way to empower your body to ward off disease.

Honey can cure hangovers

Ah, waking up with a hangover isn’t the most pleasant, is it?

Even when we take good resolutions to limit ourselves to “a few drinks”, we sometimes drink more than our liver can take and the next day, waking up is difficult.

We put our heads under the pillow, swearing to never drink so much again and trying to fall asleep again.

Maybe we will even have to be worn pale at work.

Yes, a hangover is anything but fun, but there are ways to help you get over it quickly, and consuming plenty of honey is one of them.

How is it possible ?

Honey helps your liver to speed up the oxidation process of alcohol, which helps flush toxins out of your body faster.

That headache that knocks you out is caused by the liver’s inability to process all the toxins in the drinks you have consumed in a short period of time.

You have to be patient, but honey can speed up this process.

Drinking plenty of water is also a great way to get rid of a hangover faster. Here is a great recipe for the aftermath of the party:

After-party smoothie

When you have a hangover, don’t hesitate to use honey to help you get back to your normal state.

There is nothing worse than trying to start the day with a bad headache and nausea.

Just add 1 tablespoon of honey in 50 cl of orange juice and 25 cl of Greek yogurt or kefir.

Mix these ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and drink.

Acne treatment

No one likes having acne.

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, if acne is giving you a hard time, you can add honey to your diet and even apply it to the affected areas.

Honey contains humectants that hydrate your skin and have the ability to kill the bacteria responsible for your acne.

There are several ways to use honey to reduce acne.

For example, apply raw, unprocessed honey to acne-prone areas of your body; these areas are usually on the face, chest or back.

Leave the honey on for about 30 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Another great recipe is to add cinnamon to honey and apply it all over the affected area or take it daily.

It is enough to dissolve a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in 250 ml of hot or boiling water.

Simmer for about 30 minutes, then add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Drink this in the morning about 30 minutes before breakfast.

You should see results and feel general improvement within a few weeks.

Increase in libido

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Decreased libido? This is nothing funny.

Good news, honey is a natural aphrodisiac whose regular consumption can give your libido the boost it deserves! Besides, do you know the 13 reasons to have sex every day?

According to some researchers, honey promotes the production of testosterone in men; as for women, it increases their estrogen levels.

Honey has long been known to promote alcove play, yet many people ignore the benefits of such a simple low libido remedy.

For the Vikings, there was no doubt that honey increased fertility.

Long ago, the Chinese tied a goblet of wine and honey with a red thread; the newlyweds drank a sip of this drink to toast their deep love and union.

Hippocrates, the Greek physician, recommended that his patients take honey to boost their libido.

Have you ever seen sensual images depicting scenes of lovers eating honey and having a delicious time?

Yes, you will even find young Indian brides offering honey to their loved one as a gesture of love.

Nowadays, we often see people offering honeypots as wedding and friendship gifts, as it has become a kind of beautiful tradition

Treatment of sinus problems

When your sinuses are inflamed, it can cause a host of very distressing symptoms.

It is estimated that around 31 million people suffer from sinus inflammation and spend a lot of money on drugs to treat this problem.

If you know those times when your sinuses are hurting you so much that you don’t want to do anything except sleep, you’ll be happy to hear that honey can be of great help to you.

In fact, by ingesting only ½ to 1 teaspoon of honey every day at night before bed for several months, you may notice a reduction in symptoms associated with inflammation of the sinuses.

Some researchers claim that honey contains a substance that eliminates bacteria that cause sinus infections.

If so, you might be without the antibiotics, which will not only save you money but also be better for your body.

Treatment of vaginal yeast infection

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Vaginal yeast infections are quite common and can be extremely distressing for women.

There are various reasons for these infections, be it menstruation, taking antibiotics, sensitivity to soap, poor hygiene and many more.

Symptoms can range from itchy vagina to a smelly white discharge.

When the acidity of the vagina is imbalanced, the fungus candida albicans develops, causing vaginal yeast infection.

Certainly, many women already know that taking Lactobacillus acidophilus is a good thing, but many ignore that honey can also be very useful …

This is because the flavonoids in honey prevent the proliferation of Candida albicans in most women who take honey as a natural remedy.

You can mix honey with plain yogurt and apply it topically around the vagina area once or twice a day to see if it cures your vaginal infection.

The ideal is to mix 2 tablespoons of raw, unprocessed honey with 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt.

If you don’t want to mix it with yogurt, you can just use raw honey.

Clean your vagina well, then apply the mixture to the area around the vagina and work it into the vagina with your fingers.

Leave it on for 10 minutes then wash off.

It is best to do this twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.

Manuka honey is the most recommended because its antibacterial effects are more effective in treating this infection.

Treatment of gingivitis

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

Since honey is an effective antimicrobial substance, it can help fight gingivitis, despite its sugar content.

According to some researchers, honey contains an enzyme responsible for the production of hydrogen peroxide.

This peroxide is what gives honey its antimicrobial properties, thus reducing the proliferation of dental plaque and the amount of acid.

I bet you never expected honey to be compared to your mouthwash.

Indeed, manuka honey has extraordinary anti-bacterial properties and, thanks to its Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), they are incredibly effective.

Just dilute honey and use it as a mouthwash or toothpaste to brush your teeth.

You can also brush your teeth with your toothpaste and then rub them with honey.

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It’s a natural sweetener, but beware of poor quality honey

This is because honey is a great natural sweetener, but beware of people or producers who process honey, robbing it of much of its antibacterial properties.

If you buy Grade 1 honey from your supermarket, chances are it is a product that has undergone multiple processing.

In fact, it seems that ¾ of the honey sold in grocery stores has been processed so much that they have lost almost all of their nutritional benefits.

Much of this so-called honey is native to China, and not even the slightest trace of pollen can be found in the jars, which means they have been ultra-processed.

So if you shop in supermarkets, beware.

The best places to buy raw and unfiltered honey are still farmers’ markets or on Amazon.

Treatment of eczema

21 health benefits of honey (proven by science)

For those of you who suffer from eczema, honey is a natural treatment that can give you the relief you are looking for.

Eczema is a skin condition that causes inflammation of the outer layer of the skin.

If you are prone to eczema, your skin may be a bit dry and scaly.

In fact, some plaques can look like small scales.

Eczema is thought to be due to an overactive immune system and it can be mild, moderate or severe.

For some people, this disease can be embarrassing or even painful.

If the skin becomes raw from scratching it, a bacterial infection may develop.

In this case, a wonderful home remedy is to prepare a mixture of honey, cinnamon, and lime juice.

Just add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of lukewarm water and then the juice of half a lemon.

Mix and drink every day.

You can also add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to this mixture, if you don’t mind the bitter taste of the vinegar.

In addition to being good for fighting eczema, apple cider vinegar works wonders in treating a multitude of ailments.

You can apply honey to the affected areas of the skin several times a day to see if it has a beneficial effect on the affected areas.

Wait a few weeks before drawing any conclusions.

Cholesterol treatment

Cholesterol levels are a vital indicator, and we all dream of simple solutions to lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol is essential for the proper functioning of the body because it helps digest fats; however, too much cholesterol is bad for your health.

Health experts recommend an intake of around 1 mg of cholesterol per day.

Since the body already produces cholesterol, it is essential to monitor the amount of meat, eggs, dairy products and other foods high in cholesterol that one consumes.

By eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and drinking plenty of water, you should get healthy cholesterol levels.

On the other hand, if it is too high, you should add a tablespoon of honey to your diet every day.

Honey contains no cholesterol, but it is rich in great nutrients like calcium, potassium and vitamin B.

In addition, honey contains antioxidants which help bind free radicals present in the body.

Here’s a great recipe to include in your daily routine to help lower your cholesterol:

  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon powder
  • Just mix everything in a glass of hot water and consume it once a day

Eat honey in moderation

While honey is great for your health, consume it in moderation due to its fructose content.

One teaspoon of honey can contain almost 4 grams of fructose. Consumed in large quantities, it can be a source of complications for people with diabetes or a pre-existing disease resistant to insulin.

It is recommended not to exceed 25 grams of fructose per day.

Although honey is a natural remedy for many conditions, you should be careful to consume only a small amount of honey each day or, if necessary, to use it topically.

Note if you feel any improvement after following this routine for several months.

Many people who start consuming honey on a regular basis notice a real boost in energy.

Many people praise honey for its medicinal effects.

If you don’t know how to incorporate honey into your daily life, there are some ideas that we have compiled for you to take inspiration from.

If not, you can buy a book listing natural honey remedies for all kinds of ailments and diseases.

Some may work for you and some may not, but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have tried something organic and natural instead of buying drugs at the drugstore.

When Mother Earth provides these amazing natural remedies, it would be a shame not to take advantage of them.

There are literally hundreds of natural remedies for all kinds of ailments.

Take the time to try various remedies for yourself and your family.

Honey is available year round and quite affordable in most countries.

Again, be sure to buy locally produced honey, whether at a farmers market, a local cooperative or an organic store in your area.

You will end up liking honey more and more as you regularly incorporate it into your life.


For this article, we used the data on data.gouv.fr

The table: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/table-de-composition-nutritionnelle-des-aliments-ciqual/

The table: https: //www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/produits-alimentaires-ingredients-nutrition-labels/

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