And also the rarest ones, invented by especially creative parents.
At the end of the year, it is customary to sum up the results. The metropolitan registry office supported the tradition and compiled a list of children’s names that have become the most popular this year. It turns out that in 2017 they preferred to call girls Sophia. This name, by the way, has become the most popular not only in our country, but also in the world. Sofia was ousted from the first line of the rating by Anastasii, who had been in the lead since the 90s of the last century. Now the top 10 most fashionable girlish names look like this: Sofia (Sophia), Maria, Anastasia, Anna, Victoria, Daria, Elizabeth, Polina, Varvara and Alice. Among the rare names are Lyubov, Valentina, Nina, Lyudmila, Oksana, Lydia, Galina, Antonina, Alla, Zoya, Inna.
Boys in the 90s preferred to be called Sasha. And now this name has only slightly surrendered its positions: at the end of the last century, every 12th baby was called Alexandra, now every 20th. Top 10 most popular boyish names: Alexander, Artem, Maxim, Ivan, Mikhail, Daniil (Danila, Danil), Dmitry, Kirill, Andrey, Egor. Leonid, Stanislav, Vitaly, Boris, Valery, Anatoly, Valentin, Arkady and Gennady have become rare.
Irina Muravyova, head of the Moscow Civil Registry Office, noted that in the choice of male names, parents show more conservatism than in the choice of female names. Therefore, the list of the most fashionable girlish names has been updated by 50 percent compared to last year, and boyish – by only a third.
Well, of course, it was not without frills. In Moscow, for example. Laurus and Achilles are born. They were accompanied by Potam and two Thomas. The parents decided to call one girl Uma, and Opheliy, Seren and Juno appeared in two. Other rarities are Elizabeth, Francesca, Paola, Julia and Iris. From a well-forgotten old one – Zinaida. As it turned out, exotic names are given to children more often by foreign or mixed families. And Muscovites prefer traditional and Greek versions. And some parents follow the fashion demands. For example, in Crimea, a newborn boy was named Bitcoin. Apparently, it will be affectionately called Cue Ball.