2015/2016 seasonal flu vaccines are available

It is now possible to get vaccinated against the 2015/2016 seasonal flu. The first vaccines in the new composition were delivered to wholesalers, pharmacies and health care centers – said Prof. Adam Antczak, expert of the National Program for Combating Influenza.

1,5 million doses of vaccines will be available on the market. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Health Education of the Halina Osińska Foundation, prof. Adam Antczak recommends getting vaccinated against the flu, especially in the period from September to December.

Seasonal flu vaccines are offered in a new formulation each year as the flu virus continues to mutate. For this reason, they must be prepared anew each year, in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).

As there have been significant mutations recently, this year’s vaccine uses the antigens of two new strains of influenza virus that have emerged recently and that may be causing illness in the coming flu season.

2015 is dedicated to the fight against influenza complications, which are the greatest threat of influenza infections. “It is worth preventing them in order to reduce mortality due to exacerbations of chronic diseases. In the first place, vaccinations should be administered to people treated for respiratory and circulatory diseases and to diabetics. However, it should be remembered that pregnant women, children and the elderly are also at risk of influenza complications. There is nothing to wait for. Flu vaccines are now available in pharmacies. It is better to prevent than to cure “- told PAP Prof. Antczak.

According to the data of the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw, from September 2014 to June 2015, almost 3,6 million cases of influenza and flu-like diseases were registered. This is as much as 1 million cases more than in the 2013/2014 flu season. 11,5 thousand patients required hospitalization, by more than 50 percent. more than in the 2013/2014 season. 11 people died from the flu last season.

The peak of flu cases in Poland usually falls in January-March, but specialists recommend that you get vaccinated as soon as possible.

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