20 years after the WTC attack, the rescuers are still ill

The attacks on the World Trade Center took place on September 11, 2001. 20 years have passed, and US emergency service workers are still stalking disease. This mainly applies to diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, cancer and mental disorders. A total of 80 thousand. paramedics joined a program to help them with various health problems.

  1. During the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, more than 400 emergency workers were killed. They were mainly firefighters
  2. During the rescue operation, over 90 people worked. people, rescuers, firefighters and volunteers
  3. They were exposed to a toxic mix of dust and chemicals at Ground Zero. They still feel the effects today, some of them are no longer alive
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Attack on the World Trade Center: 91 rescuers exposed to toxins

After the attack on the New York Twin Towers in 2001, during the rescue operation over 91 thousand people people were exposed to a number of harmful factors, remind scientists from the Australian school Edith Cowan University, who analyzed many years of medical data on representatives of these services.

Over 80 has already joined the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) – an initiative to help them with various health problems. Only in the last year, over 16 thousand people joined the program. people. “The number of rescuers who sign up for it is constantly growing” – informs prof. Erin Smith, author of a paper published in the journal Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

20 years after the WTC attack: lung diseases, cancer and mental disorders

After analyzing the data, researchers from an Australian university found that almost 3,5 thousand. people involved in the rescue operation are no longer alive. On the very day of the attack, 412 rescuers lost their lives. The main causes of later deaths are diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems (34%), followed by cancer (30%) and mental disorders (15%). The incidence of deaths from these causes and from musculoskeletal disorders has increased sixfold in the group of these people since 2016.

It also turned out that 36 thousand. people (45% of participants in the WTCHP program) suffer from respiratory diseases, 16% has cancer. In 16 percent diagnosed with mental illness. In the last five years, cancer incidence in this group has increased by 185%. “Leukemia has moved to the lead against colon and bladder cancer,” says the expert.

The incidence of leukemia increased by 175 percent. “This should come as no surprise as there is a known link between benzene exposure and acute myeloid leukemia. On the other hand, benzene is present in aviation fuel, which was exposed to people at the scene of the attack ”- he explains.

  1. Mysterious disappearance of a young doctor. After two decades, it is still unknown whether she died on September 11

Prostate cancer is also quite common, the incidence of which has increased by 2016% since 181. Although the age of many people in the analyzed group corresponds to an increased risk of this disease, some develop its aggressive, rapidly spreading form. “Inhaling toxic dust at the site of the WTC attack could cause a cascade of reactions in the cells that increase the number of pro-inflammatory T cells. Increased inflammation can eventually lead to prostate cancer,” explains the expert.

Scientists also expect an increase in cancer rates caused by exposure to asbestos. These types of cancer take 20 to 50 years to develop.

20 years after the WTC attack: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

At the same time, from 15 to 20 percent. participants of the rescue operation – as it was found – suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is about 4 times more than the percentage of people with this condition in the general population. In the group of rescuers, this problem is increasing, while generally in society – it is decreasing.

“Even 20 years later, the incidence of mental disorders and the need for treatment are higher in this group. Almost half report the need for mental health assistance ”- reported prof. Smith.

  1. He fell ill as a child. He has been living in an iron lung for almost 70 years

Brain studies of volunteers indicate an increased risk of early dementia. This result is consistent with previous tests, according to which the decline in cognitive abilities in this group is twice as frequent as in the general population, in people 10-20 years old.

At the same time, the pandemic has added more to these problems. Poor health favors diseases and complications. Over 100 people have died from COVID-19, and the disease has exacerbated PTSD symptoms in many.

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“The post 9/11 action still has both physical and psychological effects, and rescuers are likely to suffer from the illnesses caused by this event,” emphasizes Prof. Smith.

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