20-year-old Chinese woman refused to give birth, despite contractions, and assured that she was a virgin

It remains to be seen who is more shocked by this story: doctors or a woman in labor. A 20-year-old girl was taken to the hospital with acute abdominal pain. Examination showed that this pain is nothing more than contractions. The girl was in labor, and the doctors were sure that she knew about the pregnancy. But she didn’t know. And even now, when the child was already ready to be born, she denied that she was on demolition.

The girl was both shocked and outraged. She demanded to be examined by a gynecologist and confirmed that she was a virgin. According to the patient, she never had sex, they did not meet with anyone, and there is simply nowhere to get pregnant.

“I don’t like men at all!” She insisted.

Doctors no longer knew how to prove to the woman giving birth that she was right. One of the doctors went all-in and asked if it could have happened that she went overboard at the party and simply did not remember casual sex.

“I am allergic to alcohol. This is out of the question! ” – she snapped.

By the way, the girl could not even notice the pregnancy because of the fullness. As told The Mirror doctors, she has plenty of excess weight. Her cycle was already irregular – also due to overloading with kilograms. And neither friends nor parents noticed any changes in the girl. But to deny the obvious, already in childbirth …

As a result, the patient was referred for an emergency caesarean. A healthy full-term boy was born. The young mother refused to take him in her arms, apply it to her breast, and generally look at the child. The baby had to be given to her parents.

“This is not the first time that a mother understands that she is pregnant just before giving birth. Usually they are minors, and they lack basic knowledge about physiology, sexual literacy. But this girl is 20, she got an education, so we are especially surprised, ”said the head of the maternity ward at the hospital.

What will happen to the child now is unclear. And the identity of his father, it seems, will forever remain a mystery.

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