20. week of pregnancy – course, child development, tests

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Congratulations! You are in the 20th week of pregnancy and thus you have reached its halfway point. Your baby is beautifully developed at this stage. Check what is going on with him at the 20th week of pregnancy.

20th week of pregnancy – course

At the moment, the CRL value, that is parietal-seat distance, in a toddler it is 16-17 cm. The entire fetus, including the legs, is over 20 cm long and weighs over 300 g! It sounds like a lot to you, but consider that until solved, a child may increase his or her weight tenfold.

By 20 weeks of pregnancy, almost all women can sense their baby’s movements, but if you are one of the few who experience it a little later, be patient. You should experience it no later than 22 weeks pregnant. The uterus is constantly rising and should now start at about the level of the navel. This can make your tummy more protruding.

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20rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

It is hard to believe, but in the past, when there were no advanced methods to perform pregnancy tests, one of the first times a mother could “experience” her baby was when she tested her baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope. In the 20th week of pregnancy, it is so strong that if the baby is not positioned correctly, it can be heard.

The skin is still translucent and large blood vessels can be seen through it. However, he already has sweat glands and intensively working sebaceous glands, and the skin of his fingers has fingerprints. At this stage, this largest human organ also forms additional layers.

The baby’s senses become acute in the 20th week of pregnancy, and now it begins to taste the amniotic fluid. Scientists believe that depending on the current composition of the amniotic fluid, and thus its taste, the baby swallows more or less. Although now your toddler gets most of the nutrients from the umbilical cord, over time it will also absorb simple sugars from the amniotic fluid from the gastrointestinal tract.

In the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby also experiences temperature changes. It is true that your body gives it a fairly good isolation from external factors, but if you want to relieve the swelling a bit and take a cool shower, you will find out for yourself that your toddler does not like sudden changes in temperature. He can inform you about this with sudden movements.

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20th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body

At this stage, you have probably gained over 5 kg. You absolutely shouldn’t worry about those extra pounds right now. These include the baby, placenta, enlarged uterus with amniotic fluid, and extra blood circulating in the bloodstream. However, if you are eating empty calories and your weight has increased much more, consult your doctor. Excessive kilograms negatively affect your baby’s development and can also increase the likelihood of gestational diabetes.

The uterus has risen and now its bottom is roughly level with the navel. This can make your navel look different than usual. For many women around week 20 of pregnancy, it starts to bulge. Fortunately, it will return to its original form after giving birth.

In the 20th week of pregnancy, something unexpected happens in your uterus. When you feel pressure on the top of the uterus and move down the uterus, don’t panic. This is the first Braxton-Hicks contraction. Sometimes it can be so strong that you cannot straighten up. The task of contractions is to adjust the uterus to labor. Such contractions are not painful. As your pregnancy progresses, your contractions will become more frequent.

At this stage, you will have more and more skin problems. Darkening of the birthmarks is the smallest of them. The characteristic symmetrical spots may also appear on the face in the 20th week of pregnancy. This is a chloasma that will go away after childbirth. The skin on your stomach can also start to itch, which can be extremely tiring, especially at night.

Remember to wear underwear and pajamas made of natural fabrics. Thanks to this, you will not overheat and the skin will not become damp with sweat at night. This will help you avoid rashes and additional irritation.

In addition to skin problems, nails can also be troublesome. Many pregnant women look blooming, but it happens that the enormous effort that the body has to make disrupts its economy, which may result in brittle nails.

Around 20 weeks of pregnancy, you may experience an additional symptom during sleep that you have never experienced before – snoring. Although snoring is not a problem for the pregnant woman, it can be extremely troublesome for the partner. It can be eliminated by humidifying the air in the bedroom or by gently changing your position. However, you must remember that it is primarily you and your child that must be comfortable. If subtle changes don’t help, your partner will simply have to endure it.

Do you notice large, dark veins on your body more and more? This is normal in the 20th week of pregnancy and you can’t help it. However, you can try to prevent haemorrhoidal varicose veins. Many women experience them during pregnancy. They are the result of an increased amount of blood in the bloodstream, pressure of the uterus on large vessels, and constipation. To minimize the risk of their occurrence, try to fight constipation through eat large amounts of fiber and drink water regularly.

Also, remember to always go to the toilet whenever you feel the need to do so and try not to sit on it for too long, as the pressure increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids. However, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of hemorrhoids – rectal bleeding, pain and itching in the area – inform your doctor about it.

Other changes affecting your body include arterial hypertension, otherwise known as gestosis or pregnancy poisoning, which may appear after the 20th week of pregnancy. The symptom of gestosis is increased blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg or higher), which may also be accompanied by headaches and swelling. Monthly visits to a specialist doctor, blood pressure and body weight control are important in this case.

You should also not forget about adequate outdoor recreation, physical activity and a low salt diet. Already in the first trimester, during the ultrasound examination between weeks 11 and 14, the initial risk of hypertension in pregnancy is estimated. Patients who belong to the so-called increased risk of this hypertension during pregnancy, the doctor may recommend prophylactic use acetylsalicylic acid.

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Especially important in the 20st week of pregnancy

Pregnant women should not be exposed to high temperatures. The child likes warmth, but the heat can seriously harm him, especially since your circulatory system is now extremely delicate. A warm bath is allowed, but categorically avoid hot water. You should also not use the sauna after exercising in the pool.

Tests in the 20st week of pregnancy

Between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, you should have vaginal pH, urinalysis and blood counts tested. During the visit, the doctor will also measure your blood pressure, weigh you and measure the height of the uterine fundus. In special cases, amniocentesis and a test for the presence of anti-toxoplasmosis antibodies will be performed. Between the 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy, a half ultrasound should be done.

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20th week of pregnancy – taking care of yourself

During the 20th week of pregnancy, you should take care of yourself by maintaining an appropriate diet during this time. All this time you may have an increased appetite, so you should constantly take care of your daily menu. It should be diverse and include all groups of food products. Also, do not forget that too much cravings can lead to extra pounds.

It is also worth having you she relaxed properly before going to bed. During the 20th week of pregnancy, you may have difficulty falling asleep. This has to do with an ever-growing belly, which sometimes makes it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. It is good to relax before going to bed. A special crescent-shaped pillow that is placed under the back or legs during sleep can also help.

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Interesting facts about the 20th week of pregnancy

The 5th month of pregnancy is the time when the baby’s musical tastes begin to shape. Children, both before and immediately after birth, prefer pieces by Vivaldi and Mozart. According to the researchers, classical music can calm them down as well as relax them.

Another interesting fact is that between 19 and 24 weeks of pregnancy, your baby will practice breathing and crying. The contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and abdomen muscles accompany the baby’s chest movements. This way, your little one prepares to take its first breath.

See also:

  1. 19rd week of pregnancy
  2. 21rd week of pregnancy

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