As you know, any path begins with the first step, and even if the road seems endless, it cannot be overcome without this main gesture. Why not take a trip right now? Here’s what you can do today.
1. Give yourself 5 more minutes. Are you doing something useful and important? Add another 5 minutes to the task completion time – today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
2. Do something right now. Have you just come up with a useful task that you can quickly complete? Do it right away, without adding it to the list, and even more so without putting it off indefinitely.
3. Make a plan for the day. Make sure that the next day will not be wasted, live it actively.
4. Cross off items from the list. Having put the final point in any business, feel free to cross this item off your list and celebrate a small victory.
5. Start early. Almost any work, especially difficult ones, is best done in the morning. Having solved an important, and maybe even unpleasant task before lunch, you will feel satisfied for the rest of the day.
6. Remind yourself that the key to growth is repetition. Do what you want to turn into a habit, day after day, and the result will not be long in coming.
7. Control your time. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing it. You have only 24 hours every day and only one life. Don’t waste a second.
8. Get out of the house. Ideally, be in nature, especially near the water. Better yet, include such a walk in your daily routine.
9. Meditate. It will help you learn more about yourself, improve yourself, and also calm your overwhelmed mind.
10. Love yourself. Make it part of your daily routine. Remind yourself what a wonderful person you are: after all, you will continue to spend a lot of time with yourself, and it would be strange to dislike yourself.
11. Have fun. Do something that brings you joy every day: do your favorite hobby, read, meet friends
12. Drink more pure water. At least a couple of liters a day, and ideally three or four.
13. Read. At least 10 pages a day or one chapter of a book.
14. Eat more vegetables. They and fruits are healthier than other snacks.
15. Strive for more. Most of the limitations are in our head. Dare, dream big, allow yourself to become more ambitious.
16. Meditate. About what has been done, what has worked and what has not, and what can be done differently tomorrow.
17. Become a hero. Set an ideal and try to get closer to it every day.
18. Hug the other. Hugging releases the hormone oxytocin; if physical contact is not possible, try to help someone.
19. Be in the moment. Because what really matters is what is happening here and now. Work without losing your purpose. Laugh sincerely. Enjoy the moment as much as possible.
20. Go beyond. First of all, for my own. Challenge yourself and try to be even better and see what happens.