20 warning signs telling you you should start exercising. And it is immediately

We all know that healthy habits are a long life, but it has never been so difficult to keep an eye on your diet and exercise as it is now. The pandemic meant that we were at home more often than usual, and therefore we moved less. And now that I have more freedom again, it is not easy to mobilize. However, listen to your body. Here’s a list of 20 signs that you should start moving, and urgently!

The material was created as part of the #KOCHAJSIEBIE social campaign, encouraging Poles to change their habits – caring for mental and physical health that was severely strained during the pandemic. The action is carried out jointly by Medonet, Onet and United Nations Global Compact Network Poland.

You’re sleeping badly

The only thing you dream about is a cup of coffee, you drink it but nothing helps? You have trouble sleeping, and it may be a lack of exercise during the day. If you exercise regularly, you feel tired, which makes it easier to fall asleep and rest all night long. A study published in Advances in Preventive Medicine shows the link between sleep and exercise. “Physical activity helps to improve the quality and efficiency of sleep,” argue the researchers.

You have high blood pressure

High blood pressure should be taken seriously. According to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA: “The higher the blood pressure and the longer it remains uncontrolled, the greater the damage.” Doctors added that “being more active can lower your systolic blood pressure, which is the highest blood pressure reading.” Even 30 minutes of exercise can help!

Check that you have the correct pressure! You can buy the Tensio portable wrist blood pressure monitor for PLN 149.

Your lower back hurts

If you spend most of your day in bed, on the couch, or at your desk, you will definitely have lower back pain. If your spine is healthy, you can get rid of pain very easily – by moving!

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In a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the causes of low back pain were analyzed. In most cases, the culprit was the lack of exercise. “The current evidence suggests that exercise alone or in combination with education is effective in preventing lower back pain,” it says.

You are constantly hungry

The less exercise, the lower the caloric requirement. It happens, however, that the body deceives us. If you are not exercising and you feel hungry – your body is probably secreting too much ghrelin, the hormone responsible for sending the message “I’m hungry” to the brain.

Two groups of men participated in the study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicines. Some exercised, others were supposed to sit. Their ghrelin levels and appetite were analyzed, and the study found that exercise has “a positive effect on appetite reduction, which is associated with a decreased response to acylated (ed. Chemical) ghrelin over time”.

You have mood swings

There may be many reasons for emotional disturbance. But mood swings can also be caused by a lack of exercise. According to Dr. Michael W. Otto, professor at Boston University, “you usually get a mood-enhancing effect within five minutes after moderate exercise.” This is because of increased blood circulation and an “impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis” or the part of the brain that triggers a physiological stress response.

You defecate irregularly

If you have digestive problems, exercise may be the solution. If you don’t move regularly, your digestive system isn’t motivated to move either. According to Harvard Medical School, your colon responds to stimulation, and if you are not exercising, it is not stimulated. If you suffer from chronic constipation, add exercise to your daily routine, it can help relieve symptoms.

You are out of breath after walking up the stairs

If your climb up a few steps makes you pant and gasp, something’s wrong. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular function and keeps your heart strong. A study published in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine found that “sustained physical activity is associated with reduced inflammatory markers, improved metabolic health, reduced risk of heart failure and improved overall survival”.

You have pre-diabetes

If you’ve been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, don’t hesitate to start exercising. Participants in the Duke University Medical Center study who performed moderate exercise (7,5 miles of vigorous walking each week) had an average of 7 percent improvement in glucose tolerance.

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You feel stressed and tense

As we wrote above, exercise affects our well-being. According to Harvard Medical School, when the body experiences physiological stress, it experiences physical symptoms including muscle tension, headaches, and neck pain. Movement “resets” the body’s response to stress. While the cause of your stress may not go away, exercise can relieve your symptoms.

You’re still sick

Do you catch a cold more than usual? A sedentary lifestyle may be responsible for this. A study published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science investigated the link between exercise and the immune system. It was found that “harsh exercise strengthens the immune system, which improves defensive activity and metabolic health”. The researchers also found that ‘Habitual exercise improves immune regulation, delaying the onset of age-related dysfunction’.

You feel stiff joints

You think a stiff neck and stiff knees are just a sign that you are getting old? If you do not exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes each day, you have a right to complain of joint stiffness. Daily exercise strengthens the muscles around joints and bones, relieving stiffness.

You have trouble concentrating

Dr. John J. Ratey of Harvard Medical School has researched how exercise can improve your ability to concentrate. He discovered that “aerobic exercise physically rebuilds the brain for maximum performance on all fronts”.

You are at risk of heart disease

If you have heart disease in your family, you may be at a higher risk of developing a cardiac event at some point in your life. Exercise can help prevent heart disease because it strengthens the heart and keeps the blood flowing. Scientists believe that regular physical activity helps reduce several cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

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You cannot break with unhealthy habits

You’re not doing quitting smoking, you constantly snack, try to move more. Exercise helps break bad habits. It has been studied that physical exercise even affects the brains of drug addicts. Thus, mobilizing yourself to exercise daily can help you quit.

You’re overweight

It’s no discovery, but one of the best ways to lose weight is to start exercising regularly. Only 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day is recommended.

You are restless

Sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat … It’s anxiety. If you have experienced more anxiety attacks recently, in addition to visiting a psychologist or psychiatrist, exercise may also help. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, exercise produces endorphins and improves mood: “One vigorous session of exercise can help relieve symptoms for hours, and a regular schedule can reduce them significantly.”

You have dull skin

If you don’t sweat regularly, a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to dull skin. Dr. Whitney Bowe, a dermatologist in New York City, says exercise increases blood flow to the skin, which slows down the aging process of the skin. This increased blood flow also supplies nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells, making it glow.

You’re still hunched over

Correct posture is good for the entire locomotor system. Without a solid exercise plan, your abs may weaken. Weak abdominal muscles lead to poor posture, which can cause problems with the spine and bones, according to a study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science.

You have abnormal blood sugar levels

According to the American Diabetes Association, “Exercise can lower blood sugar levels for up to 24 hours or more after exercise, increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin.” Thanks to your higher insulin sensitivity, the small amount of carbohydrate you safely add to your diet will not affect your blood sugar levels so dramatically.

You are not keeping up with others

Each organism is different and there is no need to compare yourself with the others, but if you can’t keep up with the group on a short walk, there is something to it. It is worth asking others for support and organizing joint training.

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