20 toddlers who decided to dress on their own

Psychologists say that if a child does not want to go to kindergarten, he needs to turn his attention to something else. For example, offer a choice: “In which sweater will you go to kindergarten – yellow or blue?” The question of the kindergarten has already been removed. But another problem, no less terrible, may arise: the baby will begin to choose an outfit for himself to go out. Anything can turn out: from a freak cleaner than Lady Gaga to a mixture of a fairy and a superhero.

Girls, of course, strive to put on all the best at once: a hat, a crown, their favorite funny hat, a princess skirt, a T-shirt with Spider-Man, colored tights. Boys keep up with them. Does everyone compliment your sister’s fancy dress? So why not try it on! And if the outfit is supplemented with mom’s boots, you get a shocking pirate costume. And really, than a three-year-old boy is worse than Jack Sparrow? Say thank you for not painting the mustache with shoe polish …

What is remarkable, it is only parents who are ashamed and embarrassed in such cases. Children are fine! They are confident that they look amazing and don’t feel stupid at all walking around the supermarket in different socks or a fur vest over their naked bodies. Yes, and peers perceive their outfits in the style of “Wow, how cool!”. So maybe it’s time for parents to relax and stop worrying about the child’s inappropriate outfit? Better take pictures. After all, nothing is eternal. Soon your tomboy will start spinning in front of the mirror, picking out his clothes meticulously. In the meantime, you can giggle into a fist, flipping through old pictures.

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